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Hey sith marauders!


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How do you enjoy the class? Pvp wise anyways?

Do you wish you rolled another character? Like an Assassin?

Or what?


I wish I rolled a mara from the start instead of wasting time on my powertech. I would be atleast rank70+ by now...but anyway, having lots of fun.

Especially because I play all the specs and switch them often to keep things different.

Edited by atreyuz
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Loving my mara.. its all about that rage management and CD management.

once you learn that...

press alt+z



i beat the **** of this guy who has been smack talking me for the past weeks like that.

felt good man, felt good man

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PvP is ok when your team is actually working together. However, this is almost 90% not the case on my server. I generally spend most of the match time rooted, stunned, or dead from getting chain-cced and pounded on by 3-4 people. Our defensive cool-downs only last but so long and most people know when a Marauder pops cloak of pain you just cc them or stop attacking them for 6 secs until it drops. I find it difficult to pvp sometimes, since most of the pvpers on my server either run around as ranged classes or pwn-face assassins that work in pairs. Not having any kind of cc that doesn't root you in place (force choke) just sucks.



Otherwise I like it. I keep most healers on their toes :D

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