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Trooper vs Smuggler story[potential spoilers]


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Without giving away too many spoilers, which one do you think has better story?
















I for instance played my IA to 50, i didnt care for the story, seemed sloppily put toghether, companions didnt have any depth/life to them, no immersion or feeling of comradery.(You get 2 crazy chicks, the lukemia patient kaliyo, and a psycho robot)


My BH on the other hand, has incredible story/companions. The whole gang feels like a tight knit group, of rag tag bandits/pirates. Everytime a situation occurs, you gather the crew on the intercom to discuss the sitaution, each of the companions have great depth and really bring it to life. Gault is hilarious, mako is sweet, blizz is adorable, skadge is like a dumber starwars patrick the starfish from spongebob, and torian is an honorable mandalorian with a serious past, a traitorous father, and you are his friend/father figure.



Can you guys give me your opinion without giving too much away, which class has the better story/companions? And Why do you you think so?


Trooper Vs smuggler.



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I think this thread deserves a *bump*


As for trooper vs smuggler, I haven't played either of those classes very far, so I can't really say. My trooper is level 27, and I'm actually enjoying it a lot. Having played the BH to 31 now, I would say it is comparable in terms of companions tying in with the storyline and everyone having input.


My smuggler is only level 14, so I really haven't gotten that far. But I like the concept of the storyline.


Hope someone else can add in some information :)

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Without giving away too many spoilers, which one do you think has better story?
















I for instance played my IA to 50, i didnt care for the story, seemed sloppily put toghether, companions didnt have any depth/life to them, no immersion or feeling of comradery.(You get 2 crazy chicks, the lukemia patient kaliyo, and a psycho robot)


My BH on the other hand, has incredible story/companions. The whole gang feels like a tight knit group, of rag tag bandits/pirates. Everytime a situation occurs, you gather the crew on the intercom to discuss the sitaution, each of the companions have great depth and really bring it to life. Gault is hilarious, mako is sweet, blizz is adorable, skadge is like a dumber starwars patrick the starfish from spongebob, and torian is an honorable mandalorian with a serious past, a traitorous father, and you are his friend/father figure.



Can you guys give me your opinion without giving too much away, which class has the better story/companions? And Why do you you think so?


Trooper Vs smuggler.




IA has a great story. You dislike the companions ok, but stop saying that the story is bad just because you dislike the companions. That makes 0 sense.

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I liked the IA story line itself quite a bit, granted I didn't hit 50, got to like the mid 30s I think before I stopped playing it. I hated the companions however, and in the end, that's what got me to stop playing the class. I felt that the companions were poorly thrown together for the sake of having companions, and almost anyone of them could have killed me in my sleep just because.


Hence I rolled it's counter part class, the smuggler. Here I experienced a completely different feel to the game. The character is very care free, you don't really answer to anyone like you do with the trooper or agent, you can pretty much hit on anything that walks. The companions are great, and seem to go along with the story much better than most other classes, and the one liners from this class are epic.


If I have any complaints about the smuggler class, is that it's a bit too heroic for me. With out ruining anything for you, and just taking a random quest on Taris. Since you have a 50 you understand the Rakghoul situation on Taris. You're told that Jedi who have been investigating the Rakghoul plague have died in the process. Seeing as they have no one else to ask they ask you to investigate it. I realize it's a normal mission, you don't have to take it, (but you probably will because it offers loot) but since when do normal people undertake tasks that are designed for Jedi or elite troopers? Especially when some of those Jedi and troopers are apparently getting slaughtered by Rakghouls. There are several other quests out there, that have you put your life on the line for the better of the Republic.


Now, when I think of smuggler, risking one's life does not come to mind. If you look at Han Solo who the class is based off, for a while there he thinks of himself first and others after. Not always, and he does have his moments of heroics, but generally not every mission, involves him potentially dying in the process. Even saying well this mission pays a lot (which most don't) wouldn't justify it, if you don't live long enough to enjoy the money. That is my one and only complaint about the feel of the class.


Now as far as the trooper goes. The companions are pretty good over all. They're not as great as the smuggler's but their a heck of a lot better than the imperial agents. The story seems to make more sense as a person who's in service to the republic, and is trying to make it a better place. You can also get away with making the tougher choices which have dark side points attached to them, to help the Republic out. Ones that the Jedi would never normally do, because of their passive philosophy. Undertaking dangerous missions also becomes much easier to justify from this perspective as opposed to the Smuggler . The story over all isn't bad, but it's not omg great. Out of the 3 it's my least favorite. Now that's not to say that the story is bad by any means. I just really liked the other stories a lot.


If you don't mind playing a mirror class, I would recommend the smuggler. However just to get a feel of other classes, trooper also makes a lot of sense and would be a good choice as well. I know I didn't give a definite answer on which class to pick, as I feel that's your decision, and yours alone. But hopefully the perspective helps you make up your mind.

Edited by Setta
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IA has a great story. You dislike the companions ok, but stop saying that the story is bad just because you dislike the companions. That makes 0 sense.


it seems you didnt even bother reading my post before regurgitating.


Yes IA story/companions are quite bad....this is probably due to a lack of 'heroic icon' to choose from the movies.

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Depends a lot on temperment. I tend to play games to have fun and have been playing all but the JK stories so far with all these charactaers 30+ (except JC). For fun, Smuggler is hands down best choice. Instead of waiting for the interludes and brief end of planet storyline development to keep me interested, I am constantly enthralled by the everyday quest conversations and will often ESC key to hear all the possible things I could say, because they are literally laugh out loud funny.


Trooper is better suited for a more serious focused role and is easier to level in general (healer as 2nd companion, easier to be a tank or have really high dps compared to smuggler for same or similar level as operative/scoundrel come more into their own in PvP and at higher levels), The storyline has more of a grand arc to it that works well and is more "heroic" but less light-hearted then the smuggler.


I also really enjoyed Bounty Hunter's companions (except Skadge - didnt fit in at all), but the storyline was the most repetitive of any that I have seen with every planet from start to finish being a bounty hunt (I know, I know, he is a bounty hunter, but a smuggler didnt need to smuggle on every planet and an operative doesn't need to infiltrate an organization every planet - its called mixing it up, changing the storyline and Act III could have been so much more for BH).


Sith warrior is one of the better ones for characters and well-done storylines as well.


Ones to avoid - Jedi Consular and Sith Inquistor. Once you've played all the storylines you realize how disappointingly bland and poor writing these stories were.

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Ones to avoid - Jedi Consular and Sith Inquistor. Once you've played all the storylines you realize how disappointingly bland and poor writing these stories were.


I'm playing the Consular right now. It's really not as bad as people make it out to be. Maybe act 2 gets worse, but that seems to be the going theme for act 2 with most characters. Nearing the end of act 1 soon, and yea it's far from the best, but definitely not as bad as people make it out to be. SI, will be the last on my list.

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I have plaid through all the Trooper story and the first act of the Smuggler and just stared the quests in act 2.


So far I think I like the Trooper story line allot more even though I was a bit disappointed in the light choice ending... I should have gone dark side.


The Smuggler act one has it's up and down but the ending of it and how you end up dealing with your favorite hate object is a bit of a let down... I would have loved to have the option to torture him to a slow death....


But act2 so far looks more promising then act 1 so I have high hopes the smuggler story is becoming better.

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I have a commando enough lvl to have an opinion and a smuggler that just got about 20 and i must say that as a smuggler i found myself.He is funny with great lines and always does what he wants the way he wants and his companions are nothing alike.On the other hand commando is a bit Yes sir No sir his companions are about the same if not all 80% certaub and it felt like bioware wrote his script on a napkin.But thats my opinion.:cool:
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I only played Trooper briefly so I can't comment on that, other than to say that there is more of a sense of your character being obligated to go places and do things.


Smuggler though has very fun dialogue and you really feel like you have a choice in what you say. My Smuggler is lightside and as nice as possible, yet still has that wit and sarcastic humor that is sorely lacking in the other Republic classes.


I'm not particularly impressed with the plot of the story itself (level 43 here though), but it isn't bad and has some very funny moments. I don't love the selection of companions overall, but somehow, there aren't any I especially dislike either. They all fit very well and are pretty interesting, and if you play a male character you get two romance options as well (both of which are great characters IMHO). Plus, unlike with some classes, there aren't any companions that I would worry about murdering my character in her sleep or something. While they are not all "nice", I imagine they would be a good and loyal crew.


If I have any complaints about the smuggler class, is that it's a bit too heroic for me.


I'd agree with this as well. While doing quests on my Smuggler I have this niggling feeling in the back of my mind that these NPC's aren't meant to be talking to me -- Jedi are the Republic's heroes and Troopers are elite soldiers, but Smugglers are just civilians that do sneaky and slightly-legal things. Playing on my Jedi it makes sense for important officials and poor refugees to recognize me and ask me to storm Imperial bases and kill horrific monsters that good soldiers have died to. On Smuggler, not so much. xD

Edited by Gwena
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I only played Trooper briefly so I can't comment on that, other than to say that there is more of a sense of your character being obligated to go places and do things.


Smuggler though has very fun dialogue and you really feel like you have a choice in what you say. My Smuggler is lightside and as nice as possible, yet still has that wit and sarcastic humor that is sorely lacking in the other Republic classes.


I'm not particularly impressed with the plot of the story itself (level 43 here though), but it isn't bad and has some very funny moments. I don't love the selection of companions overall, but somehow, there aren't any I especially dislike either. They all fit very well and are pretty interesting, and if you play a male character you get two romance options as well (both of which are great characters IMHO). Plus, unlike with some classes, there aren't any companions that I would worry about murdering my character in her sleep or something. While they are not all "nice", I imagine they would be a good and loyal crew.




I'd agree with this as well. While doing quests on my Smuggler I have this niggling feeling in the back of my mind that these NPC's aren't meant to be talking to me -- Jedi are the Republic's heroes and Troopers are elite soldiers, but Smugglers are just civilians that do sneaky and slightly-legal things. Playing on my Jedi it makes sense for important officials and poor refugees to recognize me and ask me to storm Imperial bases and kill horrific monsters that good soldiers have died to. On Smuggler, not so much. xD


smugglers in this game are like bounty hunters.if they are paid they go anywhere and kill anything.Thats why i love it :D.Jedi code is ****** i prefer the funny and yet serious smuggler every time.

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