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If you don't like the game...why the heck are you still here?


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We are here because most of us desperately want the game to improve, and we are offering our advice so the developers can fix what we feel needs fixing.


Just because I don't like the game how it is right now does NOT mean I hate it. No. I just want it to get better so I can play it again and actually gain enjoyment from it.




There is your answer.

Edited by StrikeOfLight
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To troll, thats all.


Not everyone are trolls.


You forget that these forums, are the only way some customers feel they get heard, whether that being a big or a small problem with the game.


Considering every negative comment about the game as trolling is false.

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I don't like the game. I play CO most of the time now.


I am willing to give Bioware $90 and six months to show me why I am wrong.


In the meantime, I will amuse myself on the forums by answering the arguments of trolls with logic while pointing out to those who love the game that there are still issues to be addressed, in a respectful, coherent, logical manner.


To make this constructive:


Suggestion: archive some of the more heated threads along with an "official" Bioware response and close all related threads by pointing to it. I think the big issue is people don't see where their peeve has been addressed and shutting these people down mid-whine would clean up the forums while also improving communication IF the "official" response is not just "we are working on it".

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As i said in another post, there is barely any "troll and negative" posts here on the forum. I see people venting anger at what they dislike and offer what could be done to fix it, only to be shot down by over zealous "white knights" who are living in a bubble and think the game is perfect and repetitively shooting down anyone with their own opinion that doesn't suit theirs.


Why are THEY still here? Surely if the game is as shiny and perfect as they think it is they would be playing it and not lurking on the forum posting on every thread.

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We are here because most of us desperately want the game to improve, and we are offering our advice so the developers can fix what we feel needs fixing.


Just because I don't like the game how it is right now does NOT mean I hate it. No. I just want it to get better so I can play it again and actually gain enjoyment from it.




There is your answer.


yeah, threads with titles like "from most anticipated MMO to inbetween MMO" really offer constructive criticism.

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Game has been a huge disappointment: Clunky interface, walking/running for 30% of time, constant patches, piss poor customer relations, over-zealous forum 'champions', load screens every 5 minutes, 10 stage trip from planet to planet....

I have actually gone back to WOW and guess what - it has NONE of these problems and neither should a brand new game released in December 2011!

You can make excuses but this game is a massive fail...

I'm here because it is more fun than the game!

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I read it too, didn't see much that was constructive. Mostly full of haters.


Well the opening post states what he dislikes about the current game and ways that could be done to improve it. He is then slated over and over by people being called a troll and that he should get back to WOW (along those effects)

Then, when other people with their own opinions post stuff, they are met with the same hostility.

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Just to whine and spread negativity? Im just curious. Lets get some good intelligent answers in b4lock.

I want the game to get better. I want BioWare to get their heads out of their arses and figure out how to implement proper testing protocols. I want this game to be as engaging at level 50 as it was at level 45.


I answered your question. Now answer mine: If you love the game so much why aren't you playing it right now?

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I want the game to get better. I want BioWare to get their heads out of their arses and figure out how to implement proper testing protocols. I want this game to be as engaging at level 50 as it was at level 45.


I answered your question. Now answer mine: If you love the game so much why aren't you playing it right now?


I am. I am posting on my laptop which is on the desk next my desktop.

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I'm sorry, I thought this was a forum, not the we love star wars fan club?


SOme of us want to actually read thread related to the game but we cant because they get pushed off the front page so fast because every other thread on here is from two bit hater flaming on the game.


If you dont like the game then LEAVE. A game that took 5 years to develop is not going to turn into the game of your dream in 1 month, 2 months or 6 months. no need to stick around to fill the forum with half truths and illogical reason why you hate.

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Actually read that thread. it actually does.

You have just proven the point I said earlier in this thread.


No it doesn't. If its effectively devolved into advertisement for some other future MMO game. In fact all those threads do now is champion other games.

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I want the game to get better. I want BioWare to get their heads out of their arses and figure out how to implement proper testing protocols. I want this game to be as engaging at level 50 as it was at level 45.


I answered your question. Now answer mine: If you love the game so much why aren't you playing it right now?


They got the memo. I'm sure.

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SOme of us want to actually read thread related to the game but we cant because they get pushed off the front page so fast because every other thread on here is from two bit hater flaming on the game.


If you dont like the game then LEAVE. A game that took 5 years to develop is not going to turn into the game of your dream in 1 month, 2 months or 6 months. no need to stick around to fill the forum with half truths and illogical reason why you hate.



Constructive posts. Also you even said it, 5 years to develop. 5 long years! and for what? a half working game full of glitches and bugs that should have been ironed out in testing? These games have month long testing, starting with alpha going to beta to find things like this.

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because this forum is not "一言堂",

ppl deserve to know the truth.


and by ur opinion , why should the NEWS exist?

u dont wanna know things u dont like,

u can just live in the remote mountains or stay in ur little well.


why u come to this forum if u dont like it?

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If you dont like the game then LEAVE. A game that took 5 years to develop is not going to turn into the game of your dream in 1 month, 2 months or 6 months. no need to stick around to fill the forum with half truths and illogical reason why you hate.


And some of us have seen other games take the same road.


Warhammer, a million subs, collapse into garbage.


STO, huge IP, huge pre-orders, game isn't worth spit.


LOTRO, gigantic IP, nerds that make Star Wars nerds look like jocks, brilliant implementation, F2P so fast they had to melt down game time cards.


All of the signs were visible in the first 3 months.


There is no MMO that has stumbled very hard and righted itself in modern times. WoW did so but that was a long time ago and if WoW launched today like it did in vanilla it would be dead in six months.


Also, having paid a sub and resubbed, who are you to tell me I can't post my opinion just because it disturbs your breathy worship threads?

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