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If you are 50 and a PvPer, why are you still here?


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If you like PvP, you might wanna check Tera Online out. Despite being an asian MMORPG, that is definetely one to watch.


Tera is all about skills in combat, you have to dodge incoming attack. There is no auto target with insta hit spell or hit. its like a 3rd per combat game mmo :)

Pretty cool im in the beta right now.

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If you like PvP, you might wanna check Tera Online out. Despite being an asian MMORPG, that is definetely one to watch.


Too bad it might not even launch in the U.S. as NCSoft is sueing them into next year for stealing 99% of the content from Lineage 3. They literally took 1 look at it and called up their lawyers. And TERA is still the same grindy MMO system, just a new combat system. Not worth it IMO since GW2 offers pretty much the same without the grind. Not trying to say don't play, but I'll pass.

Edited by nschlan
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Too bad it might not even launch in the U.S. as NCSoft is sueing them into next year for stealing 99% of the content from Lineage 3. They literally took 1 look at it and called up their lawyers. And TERA is still the same grindy MMO system, just a new combat system. Not worth it IMO since GW2 offers pretty much the same without the grind. Not trying to say don't play, but I'll pass.


Well the fact that NcSoft is sueing anyone is just sad... Anyway, NCSoft is known by so many fails its not even worthy mentioning. The only one i regret closing was Tabula Rasa. The others were crap.

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Well the fact that NcSoft is sueing anyone is just sad... Anyway, NCSoft is known by so many fails its not even worthy mentioning. The only one i regret closing was Tabula Rasa. The others were crap.


If stuff is stolen, it's stolen. Why does NCSoft's history matter? Crime is crime. The Korean courts already ruled in favor of NCSoft, now it's moving to the Western courts.

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Too bad it might not even launch in the U.S. as NCSoft is sueing them into next year for stealing 99% of the content from Lineage 3. They literally took 1 look at it and called up their lawyers. And TERA is still the same grindy MMO system, just a new combat system. Not worth it IMO since GW2 offers pretty much the same without the grind. Not trying to say don't play, but I'll pass.


You should read about it, GW2 and Tera have nothing in comon. Neither the grind (btw the us version of Tera have over 1700 quests, there is no grind like the Korea verion).

or the combat system or the pvp system.. Im just tryin Tera cause im curious but I can tell you, I had a bad feeling and thought this game was crap until I played one round of beta. Next weeken will be 24-25-26. I prolly pass on this one for GW2 but who know ?

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Well the fact that NcSoft is sueing anyone is just sad... Anyway, NCSoft is known by so many fails its not even worthy mentioning. The only one i regret closing was Tabula Rasa. The others were crap.


Im sure you are talking about Aion. Which still has over 3m subs in Korea alone. Hardly a fail.

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You should read about it, GW2 and Tera have nothing in comon. Neither the grind (btw the us version of Tera have over 1700 quests, there is no grind like the Korea verion).

or the combat system or the pvp system.. Im just tryin Tera cause im curious but I can tell you, I had a bad feeling and thought this game was crap until I played one round of beta. Next weeken will be 24-25-26. I prolly pass on this one for GW2 but who know ?


Meh I'll take your word, but my main point was it's mostly stolen from another company and might not even see launch in the West.

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It launch the 1 of may this year.




Yeah, they have a launch date, great. It won't mean anything if/when NCSoft wins the suit. Law > a company's announcement. Not trying to sound like a jerk but the release date doesn't mean anything. They can't avoid a court's ruling by saying "oh well we have a release date"

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Yeah, they have a launch date, great. It won't mean anything if/when NCSoft wins the suit. Law > a company's announcement. Not trying to sound like a jerk but the release date doesn't mean anything. They can't avoid a court's ruling by saying "oh well we have a release date"


Maybe your right, we'll see...

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Im sure you are talking about Aion. Which still has over 3m subs in Korea alone. Hardly a fail.


Lol the fact that you implied it was Aion, just prove my point. And NO, i was not talking about Aion ALONE.


Besides, subscription numbers mean nothing. WoW claims to have over 10 mil subs, but you know what? Less of 1/3 of those ppl are still playin. I still have like 60 days of game time there, but can´t stand it anymore. I stopped playing in BC and my bro talked me into getting back to play with him, but its a totally different game (much worse).


So your 3 mil korean subs translate into MAYBE 1.3 mil players spread across god knows how many servers.


The same goes for swtor. I don´t care if they have like a gazillion subs, my server is still dead and i see less reasons to move on everyday.

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Lol the fact that you implied it was Aion, just prove my point. And NO, i was not talking about Aion ALONE.


Besides, subscription numbers mean nothing. WoW claims to have over 10 mil subs, but you know what? Less of 1/3 of those ppl are still playin. I still have like 60 days of game time there, but can´t stand it anymore. I stopped playing in BC and my bro talked me into getting back to play with him, but its a totally different game (much worse).


So your 3 mil korean subs translate into MAYBE 1.3 mil players spread across god knows how many servers.


The same goes for swtor. I don´t care if they have like a gazillion subs, my server is still dead and i see less reasons to move on everyday.


Even so your post about NCsoft being fail is wrong by a mile. GW, Aion and Lineage 1 and 2 have made them tons of money and the fact that they didnt become huge in the West doesnt mean squat. They are a Korean company and usually their customers are Asian based.

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Even so your post about NCsoft being fail is wrong by a mile. GW, Aion and Lineage 1 and 2 have made them tons of money and the fact that they didnt become huge in the West doesnt mean squat. They are a Korean company and usually their customers are Asian based.


Even so, i think YOU fail to understand me.


I´m not judging NCSoft, nor raging, nor calling the company a fail, like you THINK i did. Actually i have nothing against NcSoft per se.


And i know it has made money, no question there.


All i´m saying is that the titles they have released in the western were a big and utterly fail, and there´s no question there again.


And thus, i would feel cautious at least, before considering to play any of their games in the future.


Not because the games are bad, but because as soon as the game stops generating income, they close the servers.

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I hit 50 a couple of days ago and I've gotten 3-4 valor levels since. From my point of view pvp is much funnier, more of a rollercoaster ride where sometimes there's an overkill enemy team or your team is dominating sure, but for most parts I've managed to end up in really good and fun games. I don't have gear for **** and still finding it great. So much tighter games, so much more tactics, sure there are nobrains but there always will be.
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Let me put it to you this way OP


You don't like this game


You say you don't want to pay for this


PvP is not up to your standards


You feel that WoW does things better


You also are discouraged that you paid so much money and arent satisfied.




You are posting on game forums of a game you don't like, and clearly checking back to see what everyone else thinks.... WHY? Why do you care? Just go do something with your life and stop adding those useless, nonconstructive few KBs of data to the internet every time you post.


Maybe b/c BW took my favorite licensed, intellectual property and turned it into a steaming pile of crap.


Do you realize another game company CAN'T release a Star Wars game in an MMO format until BW agreement expires? Just like when SOE rented SWG. So now any SW fanboi who dreamed of playing a solid SW MMO is now screwed once again by a bad company.

Edited by Nyghoma
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We simply invested some money in the game with preorders complet edition, with subscribing and is hard to quit imediatly but in the end quiting will become best option if nothing will be changed. We will make balance and see wich MMO will satisfy our best needs and make up a choice soon after.

We are free to choose they are are free to listen customers voice or ignore it. Love cant be implememnted with force. No dialogues is a lack here and make much harm then good.

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In regard to the original question posed...


Because I'm having fun. I can't imagine paying 15$ a month on something I don't enjoy.


I'm an above average PVPer (6.5/7 out of 10, let's say, probably an 8 after another month or so and my new mouse), a well-above average PVE-er, and I enjoy the mini-game that is making buttloads of credits.


Since this is in the PVP forum, I'll address that aspect primarily.


I find the war zones to be fun. They're simple, but that's welcome. Exploits aside, 8 vs. 8 is a good number. I'll take huttball over AV any day of the week, and huttball is definitely my least favorite of the three at present.


I only solo queue, which I imagine contributes to my enjoyment more than my frustration. If I did nothing but roll PUGs, I'd probably be bored 2 weeks after hitting 50 too. Instead, most of my games are actually pretty even and interesting rather than shut-out medal fests. There are morons on both sides of the field, most often, so it kind of evens out.


I feel like this game is pretty balance. No class ever absolutely destroys me (I play a Pyro PT and a Pyro Merc), making skill feel much more like a component and making my own progress as a PVPer much more real. If I fight a person one week and get smashed, I get a little more gear and learn, and if I do better the next time I see them, hey, cool. Eventually I kill them in a non-lame way, and I'm smiling for the rest of the night.


The reason things feel balanced is that everyone has a toolbox. Some classes have bigger toolboxes than other, but compared to other games, there's much more utility spread around. Almost everyone has a stun. Almost everyone has an interrupt. Almost everyone has a slow, a mezz. Everyone has an escape button and a resolve bar and a few defensive buttons to press.


Other games taught me to learn and accept that there were Kobiyashi Maru situations in PVP. Dual wielding class stuns you with your trinket down? You're dead. Guy with a big hammer is on you while his healer runs around pillar? You're dead.


That doesn't really exist in TOR outside of huge gear disparities and 2v1 situations. I can last at least 30 seconds against almost anyone in similar gear, which is long enough for me to outplay them rather than simply be paper, rock, or scissors.


To people who are threatening to unsub... what is it that you really want from the game? I don't mean which bugs do you want fixed, or which buffs or nerfs do you want to see, but in a more general sense, what are you hoping to experience that you aren't getting?


There is plenty of unfun baked into the PVP system (random bags, exploits, etc.), but that stuff is being addressed with every patch. It will get fixed. If there's something less tangible that's causing your dissatisfaction, make a thread about THAT. Everyone knows what peripherals are wrong, but the personal equation is impossible to discern in the sea of QQ.

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