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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

If you are 50 and a PvPer, why are you still here?


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1.7 million as of the end of Dec, just look at the server list and see all the "lights" and "standards" and you can see as sure as **** there is no longer 1.7 million subscribers.


there were probably a lot of people who got duped into the 3 month sub thing, it will be interesting in seeing what their sub figures are like as of April. I'm guessing closer to 600k.


no my friend, 1,7millions in 1 February, u can cry all you want( i also do it), but the game is a huge success, and i always told my guildmates that this game success is on Bioware hands, and they are screwing it...

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You'd think people never played an MMO before... We have what we have and they'll just keep working on stuff and adding more content. Seriously get over yourselves.


We will. By unsubbing untill they release something worth money, and heck if that content comes out anytime near gw2, diablo 3, archage, wow expansion, well then they can forget about returning players. In fact the reality is EA knew that star wars couldnt compete with these titles, thats why the release was rushed because they didnt want to release with GW2, D3 etc because those games completely over shadow swtor, this game is appalling by comparison. Heck every patch that has come out so far has only served to worsen the game, the good patches were the ones which fixed the bad patches. My server used to have 400 people on the fleet, now if is at 100+ then its pretty active. On a saturday night at 8 gmt my server was "Standard" when on release it was "FULL" with a 1 hour que. There is not a single "Very Heavy" consistent server in europe for that matter. You would be fooling yourself if you thought this game had anything close to 1 million subs. Ive already seen all the best republic players on "The Ravager" quit the game, myself included at this point.

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i cancelled my subscription for a number of reasons, the biggest is that its is 18 days and counting and i STILL havent had my main hand weapon refunded so i can use it. 18 *********** days looking at my champion main hand weapon in my bag unable to be used because its glitched. that alone lost my subscription.


but now lets add the fact that they condone cheating. people who valor farm by getting groups of the opposing factions and aoe eachother down taking turns. no actual pvp is happeneing, but its still ok. /stuck glitching, wall glitching, afking, nerfing stealth, just to name a few reasons are making me sure its the right choice.


quitting this game is necessary, it will force the idiots who control the game to stop waisting time giving out idiotic titles in the mail for being a founder and devote that energy to fixing the major issues that is ruining thier game and making people leave.



long sentences bad grammer ect , right now i dont care... im so over this game right now, ill be back in 6 months to a year, maybe then they wont let cheating happen.

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i have fun with the pvp and find it competetive and amusing.

i do not spend as much time in pvp as i used to but still have fun doing it which is something i have not experienced since SWG pre-cu.

when i find myself bored with pvp i actually spend time leveling up my alts and partaking in their story. i am not rushing in any way and simply have fun.

more content will come in time and i trust it will be good. they are aware that GW2 is coming this year and will definately do something big to keep a large playerbase.

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no my friend, 1,7millions in 1 February, u can cry all you want( i also do it), but the game is a huge success, and i always told my guildmates that this game success is on Bioware hands, and they are screwing it...


If that is case why are servers light and why at peak times are only 50 people at fleet? As a lvl 50 all there is to do is hang out in fleet and wait to queue into PvP or PvE instance.

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I enjoy the warzones. They will only entertain me for so long.


Being a player of Warhammer since it's release, I was hoping for big things in Illum. Unfortunately Illum is a disgrace to open world PVP.


Only reason I'm here is because there really isn't anything else I enjoy. I'll be gone for GW2 or PS2, whichever releases first.

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Still here because I enjoy killing other players, preferably in world pvp. Granted the options are pretty limited so I have to make up my own games. One of my favorites is to go to Alderaan/Hoth, stand on bridges or mountain passes that Republic have to pass through and force them to answer riddles or die. It's easy to kill someone, but it's much more important to make it a memorable experience.


ROFL I love this!!!

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Well, I enjoy the game to an extent, bugs are annoying but it's tolerable to me atm. I'm still here because I personally am sick of trolls and fairies and pixy dust snorting effeminate elves. I still have hope that the game will pan out, and that pvp will eventually be able to cater to the higher end skill level of players. I guess the biggest reason most people would still play is because they are having fun somewhere, with their friends, and have more patience than those who canceled their subs?
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People are expecting miracles to happen the day after a bug is found. I'm just waiting for these doomsayers and GW2 fanboys to unsub so we can enjoy the game with less complaining.


P.S. I'll be reading the GW2 forums and laughing when i see pages of complaint threads about mesmers ;)


I wish you the best when we're gone. I just hope they merge the servers without you guys having to scream for 2 months.

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I canceled but have a few months left, since I paid 6 month sub :(


What is your excuse?


tbh because my friend plays and nothing better out there... as bad as TOR is what would i play instead? DCUO is only other game i could see myself playing... GW2 is a ways off Tera is 2-3 months out... so yea kind of this or uhh WoW? sorry i burned my discs, and bleached passwords from my brain to prevent myself from ever touching that game again...

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Warzones are still fun even thou they are few(more maps incoming in march), and i really enjoy playing with the guildies.


See one of the many problem is, you made up that date. They are not adding content. All they are doing is taking more and more money from you for a crap game.

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Tbh.. I don't know. "Groundbreaking PvP" "Open World PVP on Ilum; when you get to the high levels prepare to be blown away!".


That's why i bought it. Where the hell is the Groundbreaking PvP? Can't see it atm and can't see it in the Patch leaks and Previews.


I think they may have outsourced their press materials. I can see ground and foundation being confused when filtering through other languages.


It was probably supposed to read fundamentally broken pvp



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