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ANALYSIS: Scoundrel is the Worst Class in the Game at Everything


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Killing 4 terrible players does not indicate that the scoundrel healing class is fine. Check the healer forums, there is a ton of math there showing that Sawbones is lagging behind by a large margin.


yeah, then i guess the fact that he easily averages 400-500k healing in each wz (not even bm mind you) not to mention the sizeable dps he outputs means all we ever do is fight terrible players. but yeah, like i said, if you don't like the healing from that particular class, maybe it's time to reroll. he seems to be doing just fine with the class...just sayin'

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Just because your average Shadow/Assassin can't pull off similar burst to a Scoundrel/Operative, doesn't mean they don't have the potential.


The very fact that the majority of Shadow/Assassin players believe their stealth dps tree sucks makes it glaringly obvious.


PS: I main a Deception Assassin.


Shadow/Assassin also have another stellar choice for a DPS spec. Dirty Fighting is beyond horrendous for scoundrels so no one plays it. Not even what people would consider bad players.


The Shadow/Assassin melee spec is just as bursty as our melee spec, but not everyone who plays a Shadow/Assassin likes that play style. This causes people only to remember being killed by melee scoundrels when they are getting killed by melee and mid range Shadow/Assassin all the time.

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Dirty Fighting is beyond horrendous for scoundrels so no one plays it. Not even what people would consider bad players.


So um, I thought I'd throw this in here.


Did 8 man NM KP in under 1.5 hours in Dirty Fighting spec last night (I am of the opinion that Scrapper blows in pve). Totally held my own. My GM and officers were relatively pleased with the job that I did, and obviously they had enough faith in me to put me in the group. We were doing a speed run to get the title for doing it in under 2 hours.


Myself and many other people I know who've played or rolled Scoundrels agree, Dirty Fighting is totally viable in raid and endgame content. I really don't know why you guys cry about this.

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So um, I thought I'd throw this in here.


Did 8 man NM KP in under 1.5 hours in Dirty Fighting spec last night (I am of the opinion that Scrapper blows in pve). Totally held my own. My GM and officers were relatively pleased with the job that I did, and obviously they had enough faith in me to put me in the group. We were doing a speed run to get the title for doing it in under 2 hours.


Myself and many other people I know who've played or rolled Scoundrels agree, Dirty Fighting is totally viable in raid and endgame content. I really don't know why you guys cry about this.



It's a L2P issue only sadly.

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So um, I thought I'd throw this in here.


Did 8 man NM KP in under 1.5 hours in Dirty Fighting spec last night (I am of the opinion that Scrapper blows in pve). Totally held my own. My GM and officers were relatively pleased with the job that I did, and obviously they had enough faith in me to put me in the group. We were doing a speed run to get the title for doing it in under 2 hours.


Myself and many other people I know who've played or rolled Scoundrels agree, Dirty Fighting is totally viable in raid and endgame content. I really don't know why you guys cry about this.


This *1000. For PvE, DF is the only way to go. Much better than scrapper. On the other hand, Scrapper is much better than DF in PvP especially when the patch goes through with dots not interrupting a person capturing an objective.

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This *1000. For PvE, DF is the only way to go. Much better than scrapper. On the other hand, Scrapper is much better than DF in PvP especially when the patch goes through with dots not interrupting a person capturing an objective.



So a DF damage disappears? Its ability to directly damage multiple targets goes away? It's only str is when dead its dots stops a cap? But if that's what you believe oh well this player base is so interesting at times...

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So a DF damage disappears? Its ability to directly damage multiple targets goes away? It's only str is when dead its dots stops a cap? But if that's what you believe oh well this player base is so interesting at times...


what is this, I don't even... It's quite obvious to me that the scrapper tree was built for PvP and DF was built for PvE. Not saying that either tree can do the other role, just that they aren't anywhere near as good.


The DF damage doesn't disappear(:confused:I don't even understand how you got this from my post:confused:) ... its just not as effective as the burst provided by the scrapper tree for PvP. The dots stopping caps was HUGE whether you died applying them or not.

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So um, I thought I'd throw this in here.


Did 8 man NM KP in under 1.5 hours in Dirty Fighting spec last night (I am of the opinion that Scrapper blows in pve). Totally held my own. My GM and officers were relatively pleased with the job that I did, and obviously they had enough faith in me to put me in the group. We were doing a speed run to get the title for doing it in under 2 hours.


Myself and many other people I know who've played or rolled Scoundrels agree, Dirty Fighting is totally viable in raid and endgame content. I really don't know why you guys cry about this.


I'm glad you feel so great about yourself, but my post explicitly speaks from a PvP point of view. See below.


This causes people only to remember being killed by melee scoundrels when they are getting killed by melee and mid range Shadow/Assassin all the time.
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what is this, I don't even... It's quite obvious to me that the scrapper tree was built for PvP and DF was built for PvE. Not saying that either tree can do the other role, just that they aren't anywhere near as good.


The DF damage doesn't disappear(:confused:I don't even understand how you got this from my post:confused:) ... its just not as effective as the burst provided by the scrapper tree for PvP. The dots stopping caps was HUGE whether you died applying them or not.


He would rather scream at people that they are bads than to actually read and digest someone's context.

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Just because your average Shadow/Assassin can't pull off similar burst to a Scoundrel/Operative, doesn't mean they don't have the potential.


The very fact that the majority of Shadow/Assassin players believe their stealth dps tree sucks makes it glaringly obvious.


PS: I main a Deception Assassin.



so u actually assassin wanting to feel good about others feeling bad

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Just because your average Shadow/Assassin can't pull off similar burst to a Scoundrel/Operative, doesn't mean they don't have the potential.


The very fact that the majority of Shadow/Assassin players believe their stealth dps tree sucks makes it glaringly obvious.


PS: I main a Deception Assassin.


Is it your bad english?


i understood that your main is Assassin

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Is it your bad english?


i understood that your main is Assassin


Is it your inability to perceive any possible outcome that doesn't feed your troll arguments?


I've implied, as well as outright stated, multiple times that my Operative is shelved...


You don't claim a character you don't play any more as your main, now do you? :rolleyes:


But if it makes you feel any better I'll spell it out for you:


Because Operative DPS is inferior in every way (except burst opener, which I can more than make up for by faking my burst and forcing enemies to burn their defensive cooldowns) to Assassin Deception, I only play my Operative as DPS for the lulz.


I would very much like to see my Operative good for something. It most certainly isn't competitive when it comes to healing, and I can do better sustained DPS and similar burst with my Assassin, all while bringing more utility.


But since you're so certain that I'm just trying to bring down Ops/Scoundrels to make myself feel better, feel free to try and dig up a comment where I've ever said that Assassins are weak. That way I can think back and laugh about when I was stoned on cold medicine. :cool:

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You mean we are derailing from your original post which was in fact derailing from this thread? Sorry about that :rolleyes:


I will say it again: The stronger a class is the more people will play it. The weaker a class is the fewer people will play it.


wrong audience.


the COOLER a class is, the more people will play it.


Remember the intro video with that kick-butt cowboy gunslinger dude? That was COOL. thus, lots of people play gunslingers.


Remember the sith and jedi duelling videos? or the one where the trooper is being protected and the jedi rips stuff out of the ground to chuck at the sith? That was friggin COOL, and along with the glorifying of the star wars movies of jedi, it makes jedi/sith the coolest thiong in the game.


That's why people play Jedi and sith.


Remember that video where the concealed guy whips out a shotgun and shoots someone in the back? or the one where an imperial agent stealths past dozens of guys and then stuns them and backstabs the robot?


No, you don't, because it does not exist. If there had been a video or a part of the movie where scoundrels/operatives are shown to be incredibly cool, there would be more players. Even Han solo... well, i played a gunslinger at first because I thought Han solo was a gunslinger, and it took learning the game to realize that he's 'sort of' a scoundrel. That's when I switched to operative (who is a lot freer and more 'scoundrelly' than a scoundrel)


You keep confusing this game with one that is hard. That is your mistake. Most people don't CARE to know in detail where their class 'ranks' in comparison, they only care how THEY rank in comparison.... and the people who actually care about being high performers are absolutely capable of obtaining high wz scores and good relations in raiding utility.


It might be 'easier' on another class (possibly, but I find the sith warrior grind exceedingly strenuous and boring) but until and if they crank up some harder content (and alienate casual gamers) comparing relative strengths is not only pointless... it is counterproductive. Frankly, it just looks like another nerf whine.

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And this is the last time I will say this. This is a Star Wars game. Carrying around a glowstick or two is just as big factor if not a bigger factor in most peoples mind then balance.


Ask any fat guy with a mic stand :)

Edited by VelnikSP
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wrong audience.


the COOLER a class is, the more people will play it.


If that was the case, Scoundrel would be one of the most popular classes in this game.


EVERYONE loves the shotgun/suckerpunch action.

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If that was the case, Scoundrel would be one of the most popular classes in this game.


EVERYONE loves the shotgun/suckerpunch action.


Lets see what is cooler... lightsaber vs. shotgun. obviously the lightsaber is cooler. lightsaber vs. someones fists... do I even need to say? Assault Cannon Vs. Shotgun. I'm sorry but the Assault Cannon is way more devastating.


It is only a minority of people who prefer the shotgun/suckerpunch action. You are obviously trolling at this point...

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Lets see what is cooler... lightsaber vs. shotgun. obviously the lightsaber is cooler. lightsaber vs. someones fists... do I even need to say? Assault Cannon Vs. Shotgun. I'm sorry but the Assault Cannon is way more devastating.


It is only a minority of people who prefer the shotgun/suckerpunch action. You are obviously trolling at this point...


I know I should not even reply to your comments anymore as you don't seem to be able to even THINK that your logic could be flawed. And if someone doesn't share your personal opinion he can only be "trolling"... But I guess I'll give it one more try until I am done discussing with you...


If you were right and the Scoundrel class would be the least played class just because it has no light sabers or assault cannon. Then:


A) Why are Operatives also the least played class on the Imperium side?


and more importantly:

B) Why are both the numbers of Operative AND Scoundrel players actually dramatically decreasing and the few ones that still remain have almost all respecced to healing?

Probably because the healing animations are just so much cooler than shotgun/suckerpunch/vibroblade action, right? And people only realized it a few weeks ago.

Edited by Ich_Bin
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A) Why are Operatives also the least played class on the Imperium side?


Because Boba Fetteis totally awesome backpack and flamethrowers. and the whole 'stabbystabby' thing is actually pretty tired. if anything it's even less cool than the whole shotgun ballshot thing.


and more importantly:

B) Why are both the numbers of Operative AND Scoundrel players actually dramatically decreasing<snip>

Did you know that 99% of all statistics are pulled directly out of the butt of the person saying them?

If that's what your server is like, well, that's kinda weird. On Drooga's the numbers are about the same ten percent that they have been since release. certainly nothing 'dramatic' like you claim. If anything, I am actually seeing a few more as people find out how fun they are.

and the few ones that still remain have almost all respecced to healing?

Probably because the healing animations are just so much cooler than shotgun/suckerpunch/vibroblade action, right? And people only realized it a few weeks ago.

Dude, you seem to be... occasionally logical. Are you telling me that you have never, ever seen the hordes of 'lf healer HM' tells on station? DPS classes sometimes have a hard time hearing over the sound of how replaceable they are. after getting passed over for teams dozens of times for being yet another dps (NOT a scoundrel, just a DPS) can you really blame people for speccing into a much more inviting healer spec? Most raid/hm leaders are just as happy with a sawbones if they can get one.


It's called 'healer pressure', since healers are mostly boring to play, and every healer-centric game has it.


Besides, your entire argument is a textbook logical fallacy, 'argument by popularity'. It is based on the assumption that the most popular choice is automatically the correct one. That is clearly false, as ten thousand people can be wrong just as easily as ten, and in popularity (unlike statistical analysis) your odds of a correct answer are just as likely at ten thousand people as they are at ten... larger sample sizes do NOT increase your statistical probability of being correct (elementary statistics)

Edited by VelnikSP
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I know I should not even reply to your comments anymore as you don't seem to be able to even THINK that your logic could be flawed. And if someone doesn't share your personal opinion he can only be "trolling"... But I guess I'll give it one more try until I am done discussing with you...


This is quite easily the same for you. The first thing that comes to EVERYONES mind when it comes to Star Wars is lightsabers and the force. This isn't just my personal opinion. If you are going to argue this FACT because it is inconvenient towards your argument then you are trolling. Go ahead and ask anyone about what first comes to mind about Star Wars. I highly doubt the answer you will get is "shotguns and punching people"...


P.S. now officially on ignore. Can't stand your Bullsh*t anymore.

Edited by TyrantOfNordberg
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Actually, this entire thread is nothing but a troll attempt.


Come on, 'ANALYSIS: Scoundrel is the Worst Class in the Game at Everything'? Really? Does anyone think for even a second that the devs are going to give a thread with a title like that even a moment's attention?


There's nothing to analyze. Everyone in the thread has gotten trolled successfully.

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