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Companion story: should u be able to redo it when your level 50


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I think u should be able to relive your companion story when your level 50 for a couple of reasons


1. To undo any mistakes in there story that u made

2. To explore new options and out comes

3. Relive that story again, like a good book or movie


The reason i think it should b done at level 50 is so u cant brake the game by getting a lot of XP and it you'll most likely be done with most all of the story related stuff

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I think u should be able to relive your companion story when your level 50 for a couple of reasons


1. To undo any mistakes in there story that u made

2. To explore new options and out comes

3. Relive that story again, like a good book or movie


The reason i think it should b done at level 50 is so u cant brake the game by getting a lot of XP and it you'll most likely be done with most all of the story related stuff


I don't think it will flow with the story line if you can go back and redo something for a different outcome. Just seems awkward to me.


What I think they should implement is a handful of "daily" dialogues at 50 post-marrrige. Something simple like "Let's go out to dinner tonight!" ANY sort of convo after marriage!! :D


Also, if romance wasn't sought after during leveling, the character should have to option to re-initiate it at 50. It's totally realistic to turn down someone at first and eventually fall for them and let them know.


Though I see your point, and I imagine it would be way easier for Bioware to implement a "reset companion option" than to record and program a bunch of follow up dialogue.

Edited by Boosterdog
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and i'll tell you why ... this isn;t a book, and an event and after you finish the companion storyline the event is over, there's no going back.


reliving the companion storyline is stupid, you make your choices and thats that. can you relive your own storyline?!? of course not so why would you be able to relive your companion's?!?


this game is about making choices and there's no going back.


if you want to relive the companion storyline, reroll your character an play it again.

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Having messed up the chance to romance on one my characters I most wanted to follow the romance story arc on, I'd really, really, like to have this option.


that should be doable ... just like in real life if you screw up with someone you deeply loved and cared about but made critical mistakes, it would really, really be hard to regain their love and trust ... but with hard work and dedication you could (not always) gain their love back ...

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I think u should be able to relive your companion story when your level 50 for a couple of reasons


1. To undo any mistakes in there story that u made

2. To explore new options and out comes

3. Relive that story again, like a good book or movie


The reason i think it should b done at level 50 is so u cant brake the game by getting a lot of XP and it you'll most likely be done with most all of the story related stuff


bad idea, whatever mistakes you made, learn to live with them


your entire post is like fingernails on a chalkboard

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What I think they should implement is a handful of "daily" dialogues at 50 post-marrrige. Something simple like "Let's go out to dinner tonight!" ANY sort of convo after marriage!! :D


PC: Let's go out to dinner tonight.

Companion: I have a headache.

PC: You say that every time I want to go out!

Comp: Why do you always try and pin it on me?!

PC: You're the one you're saying you don't want to do stuff!

Comp: God, you're so needy!

PC: I want a divorce! I should have married Kira!

Comp: *gasp* *runs off crying*

PC: ...



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Yeah, i see both sides, if you genuinly made a mistake then sure you'd want to reset as sometimes what you click can sometimes be interpreted differently from what the PC goes on to say, although i personally wouldnt reset it as i like all my decisions so far. I really like the idea boosterdog put forward about daily companion dialogue as i have just finished my romance and i really miss it now, she seems more like a pet than a comp character and the game feels a bit bare without interaction with my companions especially my romance.
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This is a video game! Not real life! You should be able to change your companion story. Get over yourselves! Not every person has a ton of time to put into this game only to know that you messed up and now can't change it. The thing is, giving us the option doesn't even affect you. Why would you care? Especially with this game, It takes forever to progress in the story.In mass effect, I killed off Ashley only to realize Kaiden sucked. I went back and switched my decision. I didn't have to play through the entire story again just because I made a mistake. This was one of the main reasons I cancelled my subscription.
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I'm a level 43 Mercenary and I'm married to Mako. I agree witht the person who said "daily poost-marraige dialogue" because even though I don't wanna have a fight, some more spice to my elationship(other than occaisional mail messages) would be nice. Also I don't agree with the other part. Sure you screwed up, GET OVER IT I mean any way, it'd be boring. Talk like 50x in a row, go kill a level 20 strong mob, haev 25 more convos, kill a level 30 mob. Seriously not worth the time for BW to consider.
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I agree, they should put into the romances some polite rejection-but-I-am-interested-in-a-relationship type dialogue, IE


Male Trooper: "Elara, I have feelings for you too, but I'm not sure if this is the best time to be following up on them while I'm your superior officer. I hope that we can one day, but now is just not the time..." (and for a more joking add-on:) "Besides, we don't need to feed the tabloids any more fodder; Vik is already trying to feed them some."

Male Consular: "You are much more than a padawan to me, Naida, but as your master I must excercise a certain distance. Not for your failings, but for my responsibilities as your teacher. Perhaps some day in the future, when the role of master and apprentice have long since faded to fellow Jedi."


With variations, IE, you need to think on it some more/make sure your willing to commit/think through it. This is realistic, and allows a polite turn down that keeps the romance open, particularly for opening it up later on. So say, after level 50 and you've won the war (just being proverbial), you can then ask Elara. Depending on your turn down, it can either be you're now sure or you can say that you're sure on the feelings, and ask if they're still mutual.


Really, the romances could be a lot more complex, but we gotta understand that they have to keep them somewhat simple for gameplay's sake.

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I don't think it will flow with the story line if you can go back and redo something for a different outcome. Just seems awkward to me.


What I think they should implement is a handful of "daily" dialogues at 50 post-marrrige. Something simple like "Let's go out to dinner tonight!" ANY sort of convo after marriage!! :D


Also, if romance wasn't sought after during leveling, the character should have to option to re-initiate it at 50. It's totally realistic to turn down someone at first and eventually fall for them and let them know.


Though I see your point, and I imagine it would be way easier for Bioware to implement a "reset companion option" than to record and program a bunch of follow up dialogue.


This is actually a great idea, I hate that they just stand around once they are all 10k/10k affection. I would to see a cycle of just friendly chat w/ no real story behind it appear ever so often on ship only, it wouldn't notify you in the companion window etc. At the very least I feel there needs to be options with your romance companion past 10k.

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I understand your wish to redo the companion story. I find the silence in my ship really sad and boring and miss the interactions. Therefore I would gladly do it all over again just for the fun of it (and to hear Torian talk to me again.. I really like his voice :p )


But the idea of having daily conversation with them is great and would surely be satisfying enough until new content is added.

Also, once married, instead of receiving gifts in the mail, why not have the companion give it to you personally ?


I really hope they will develop more the companions storyline in the future.. there were so many opportunities to have quests with them that only resulted in a fade to black sequence.


Questing is fine, you get to know what's happening in the galaxy and on the various planets, but I was really looking forward to build a relationship with my crew. For example, as a Bounty Hunter, when Blizz comes to me and says he wants to go get his stuff back, I think we should have the option of either going with him or sending him alone.

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I’m not sure I want to do the storyline all over again, but I do want to see it one more time as a movie. It would be interesting for me to see how it proceeded without any need to make choices one more time.


I think everybody had some moments or dialogues he wants to see because they were funny or really romantic. However, I would like to see the whole companion storyline as a one movie with the answers I chose.

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I certainy agree with LukeDanger's comments, in that, certainly for a Jedi that follows the Code, rushing into a secret romance would certainly be fraught with great risk of a fall to the dark side, being open to blackmail and so on -- a side quest that allows them to prove themselves and obtain the permission of the Jedi council would seem much more appropriate. For the Trooper, it seems Elara knows the right paperwork needed for an officially sanctioned relationship, but even there, it seems a tad rushed :)


Some of the Companions have much better interaction in their stories than others. For example, playing the Trooper questline, I just discovered that Aric Jorgan has at least one quest line regarding his former team-mates, the Deadeyes, that have vanished on Nar Shadda, and you get a genuine mission to go talk to the SIS guy you worked with while you were there, and so on -- with Nadia Grell, none of her conversations had any interaction with other people. Oh, she mentions going to Tython and having done things, but it's all "off-stage" -- there was no interaction.


I certainly support the idea of daily or occasional conversations past the "end" of the storyline, and a chance to "correct" minor issues is a lot better than the "Huh, that speech isn't what I thought the "summary" phrase meant! Nooo!" feeling. (Yes, I know it's counter to what BW have said about making every choice matter, but even in real life, such choices aren't usually QUITE so final).

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