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Hybrid Arsenal/Healing (PVP)


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Hey everyone!


I just wanted to get some input on this spec I put together. I plan on primarily using Tracer Missile for DPS (yes I know, lame, but there are not too many viable options that allow me to keep range with a hybrid spec).


The hardest decision was whether to put the two points into gyroscopic alignment jets, or kolto residue. I went with the latter of the two simply because I figure I will be trying to stay out of the fray and LOS as much as possible. The tracer missile will mainly be for emergency purposes when the target I am healing can not survive the DPS with my heals alone (Get a head start on DPSing his target down, which would most likely be coming for me next anyways).


I'm currently level 47, so I'm not sure how viable this spec will be at 50. Any input would be appreciated :)



Edited by AHawtRhino
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What are you aiming at this its not like sorcs hybrid what offers great tools for pvping kolto missile is mostly useless unless you´re target healing when the added 10% aids if you think it as a insta heal for yourself 1.5-low 2k´s crits its just too weak for the cd it has. Just roll with pyrotech offers more survivability with the added mobility than arsenal merc unless your only have the ability to use 2-3 buttons. If you want to max your medals just heal for the 2.5k crit and 75k medals and they go on the offence.

I tend to get around 7-10 medals with my pyromerc only going for the 2.5k heal medal and i only got 3 parts champ + 1 cent item.

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The primary purpose of this spec is healing and distance. I want to try and avoid the pyro tree because that would require me to get up close. Keeping other players alive through direct healing is more important IMO. I see that you are saying about Kolto Missile though. I WAS doing it specifically for the 10% healing buff.


I'm not specifically playing for medals, I'm playing to win. Although this spec should allow me to get about 7 medals a match. How are you getting 10? Are you getting protection medals? If so, how are you getting them without guard? I've always wondered if there was another way to do it...

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