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Just accept the invite if you're on the same quest.


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No they are responding with:


No ty, Id rather stand here solo and do nothing while you kill all the mobs. I'll just wait until you're done and then repeat what you just did. have a nice day become more uber while I stand here like a noob


The whole point is: There is nothing else for you to do. I am pwning that area, and you joining me allows you to also make progress, instead of only allowing me to make progress.


Its a daily quest. One that people do over and over. There is no RP factor involved. Its for daily commendations and credits.



No. See? You just don't get it. I'd RATHER stand there, as you say, like a "noob" and do my own thing in my own good time. Because it's my time. And it's my business. You can get your daily done and go take your "uber pwning leetness" out of my face, where it belongs.


Your personality and attitude are like a can of RAID....so 'scuze me while this little bug scurries off to do it's own thing, mmkay?


Have a nice day.

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Again, its about established rules of etiquette.


When you refuse to follow rules of etiquette in your interactions with another person, you are disrespecting them. At the same time, you are basically saying "Hey, I'm special. These rules don't apply to me, because I'm more important!"


Yes, I am 100% aware than in many -- if not most -- cases, that is not the intent of the person doing the blind invite, but if they aren't willing to follow the rules they are leaving themselves open for misinterpretation, and blaming others for their own nonconformity seems a bit irresponsible.

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Again, its about established rules of etiquette.


Would you care to explain the rules to me before I ever engage you in chat?


You can get your daily done and go take your "uber pwning leetness" out of my face, where it belongs.
I assume you wait for evidence before concluding the worst about people.


Because you sound even more self-absorbed than the "uber pwning leetness" guy.

Edited by Ansultares
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Um, why do people who don't want to TALK with others even play MMOs?
I do talk with others.


I'm just not going to RP a "hey do you want to run X."


I'll leave it at "hey do you want to run X."


Or, if we're in the same area on obviously the same quest, maybe I'll blind invite.


Why not take the chance and find out if I'll talk to you?

Edited by Notannos
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NO! You could be some internet pervert or something, or start typing in leetspeak.


That's just too much to risk to merit grouping with you.


/sarcasm off


Why do people who don't want to group with others even play MMOs?


Why do you assume that just because I don't want to talk to YOU that I don't want to talk to anyone?


I have a large number of friends in SWTOR, and lots of people on my friends list that I run with all the time. I prefer to run solo for my dailys and when leveling up and alt. I am not trying to be rude, I just prefer it this way. But I do consider a blind invite to be rude.

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Would you care to explain the rules to me before I ever engage in you chat?


Sigh. I posted this in another thread, but here it is again. These are guides from several different sources. I encourage you to familiarize yourself with them.


MMORPG Etiquette guide from Ten Ton Hammer:


When you invite someone to a group or a guild, have the decency to send a tell first. Don't you want to know what or who you are inviting to where? One of the most annoying things you can have happen is to be running along and for no good reason get a guild or group invite window pop up in your face. I can't emphasize this enough, "SEND A TELL FIRST!" What good does it do a person to join a blind group invite only to have to leave it because they don't want to go where you are going


MMORPG Etiquette guide from Massively.com:


I love surprises, but surprise guild invites or group invites from people I've never met always get rejected. Don't be that guy.


MMORPG Etiquette guide from ChrisPirillo.com:


Don’t pester people with team invitations. If you want to invite someone, do the polite thing and send them a private message with the /tell command. This allows you to see if they would like to join your team. If they are not interested, or they are doing something else, wish them luck. Sometimes, they wish you luck back. If you invite first, you may end up getting ignored.


MMORPG Etiquette guide from Ezinearticles.com:


Before inviting someone to a group, talk to them. One of the biggest pet peeves people have in MMORPGs is the blind invite. When applied to real life, how do you think a stranger would react if you pulled up beside them in your car and demanded they get in? My guess is the cops would be called and havoc would ensue.


MMORPG Etiquette guide from Jedilama.com:


Generally, the MMO community considers it polite to talk to someone first before you invite him to a group, try to duel, invite him to a guild, or otherwise initiate an action that will interrupt his play with a little pop-up message on his screen.
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Why do you assume that just because I don't want to talk to YOU that I don't want to talk to anyone?
Probably because you're going off about how any stranger who doesn't greet you with a formal 19th century greeting doesn't meet your criteria for a worthwhile human being.


Ever stop to think the guy who blind invited you doesn't even speak English? Are you going to hate on him for that? Not that you'll ever find out; you just assume he's netscum and ignore him.

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I do talk with others.


I'm just not going to RP a "hey do you want to run X."


I'll leave it at "hey do you want to run X."


Or, if we're in the same area on obviously the same quest, maybe I'll blind invite.


Why not take the chance and find out if I'll talk to you?


I play the game my way, if you don't talk to me first I'm not accepting.

Edited by Notannos
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Sigh. I posted this in another thread, but here it is again. These are guides from several different sources. I encourage you to familiarize yourself with them.
Nah. I'm a reasonable person; I really don't need the elitist guide on internet behavior.


I don't even contract "you" to 'u;' that should really say it all.


I play the game my way, if you don't talk to me first I'm not accepting. If you talk to me in that chauvinist way you have just shown then you go on my ignore list. Either way it works fine for me.
Rofl. We weren't going to group in the first place. You're not willing to trust strangers in-game; you've made it clear. Edited by Ansultares
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Would you care to explain the rules to me before I ever engage you in chat?


I assume you wait for evidence before concluding the worst about people.


Because you sound even more self-absorbed than the "uber pwning leetness" guy.


It's possible that I am. You probably have a valid point, there. But, that would also be another point in favor of NOT sending me a blind invite, correct? :p


Most days, I just like to play the game...alone. Like I said in my earlier post, MMO for me is Minding My Objectives. I'm happy that others are around to keep it interesting in general chat and stuff, but that doesn't mean I want any of you in my face while I'm playing.



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I assume you wait for evidence before concluding the worst about people.


Because you sound even more self-absorbed than the "uber pwning leetness" guy.


How much more evidence do you need? Didn't you read what he posted over and over? I'm as Uber as you can get. I'm pwning the area nobodys taking the mobs from me. This guys the picture next to Uber Pwning Leetness arsehat in the dictionary.

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Nah. I'm a reasonable person; I really don't need the elitist guide on internet behavior.


Suit yourself. But you're the one who asked for the rules. I merely provided them for you. Besides, as I said, you're under no obligation to follow them. But getting mad at everyone else because you don't wanna isn't going to help you very much.

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But, that would also be another point in favor of NOT sending me a blind invite, correct?
No way to know unless I invite or ask.


I've met plenty of great people through local blind invites at a quest location.


I think you're missing out, because you assume the worst of people.


Incidentally, for having had a discussion in this thread, would I pass whatever threshold you maintain? Am I "human" enough for you to socialize with? Because that's basically the context of the argument, which is sad.

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Probably because you're going off about how any stranger who doesn't greet you with a formal 19th century greeting doesn't meet your criteria for a worthwhile human being.


Ever stop to think the guy who blind invited you doesn't even speak English? Are you going to hate on him for that? Not that you'll ever find out; you just assume he's netscum and ignore him.


Got it in one.


ANd to be honest, would you even want to group with me? I am pretty sure your game experience is improved by not grouping with me. So, us not grouping together is the best outcome for both of us.


You are welcome (although I doubt you would bother to thank me)

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No way to know unless I invite or ask.


I've met plenty of great people through local blind invites at a quest location.


I think you're missing out, because you assume the worst of people.


Incidentally, for having had a discussion in this thread, would I pass whatever threshold you maintain? Am I "human" enough for you to socialize with? Because that's basically the context of the argument, which is sad.


You could find out just as easily by asking first. In fact you probably have a better chance. The fact that you have to start a thread to complain about is should tell you that your strategy sucks.

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IT's funny how he says he doesn't have a problem with his attitude, yet here he is making a post that basically says, I have trouble starting groups.


Like i said, keep banging the square peg into the round hole.

You can stop trolling me now.


Forum mod already gave me an infraction; I'm sure he left you alone.


But those one-line potshots at me clearly add to the discussion.....


ANd to be honest, would you even want to group with me? I am pretty sure your game experience is improved by not grouping with me. So, us not grouping together is the best outcome for both of us.
I probably would want to group with you.


I don't want to group with the uber-pwning whatever jerk anymore than you do; I'm just not avoiding grouping with him as rigorously as you are.

Edited by Ansultares
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