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Got harassed by a marauder!


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Yup! Yesterday i was running a False Emperor HM and we tried the bonus Boss. Long story short, the Boss enrages in the end and makes killing it impossible.


And then the Marauder full in Champion gear comes out and sais : Maybe if we had 2 dps instead of 2 tanks we would down the boss.



Im like ***, im Vengeance, DPS spec dood.


Almost full columi gear and some champion mainhand and trinket.



He goes like, no, you are a tank and thats why your dps is inheritnly low.



I gave up.. I only replied that till the combat log appears, its your opinion against my opinion.



I think the marauders are just jellows how cool Jugs are, and our abilities, namelly our shield and push.


Griefers.. and we are supposed to be brothers in arms, Sith Warriors!


Or maybe its the Sith logic.. Kill you superior, grab his position! Who knows!

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Yup! Yesterday i was running a False Emperor HM and we tried the bonus Boss. Long story short, the Boss enrages in the end and makes killing it impossible.


And then the Marauder full in Champion gear comes out and sais : Maybe if we had 2 dps instead of 2 tanks we would down the boss.



Im like ***, im Vengeance, DPS spec dood.


Almost full columi gear and some champion mainhand and trinket.



He goes like, no, you are a tank and thats why your dps is inheritnly low.



I gave up.. I only replied that till the combat log appears, its your opinion against my opinion.



I think the marauders are just jellows how cool Jugs are, and our abilities, namelly our shield and push.


Griefers.. and we are supposed to be brothers in arms, Sith Warriors!


Or maybe its the Sith logic.. Kill you superior, grab his position! Who knows!


I have rolled both; 50 jugg ran veng in HM with 5 pieces columni, 1 random drop and rest were champion (including weap and focus). My DPS is actually pretty good on most fights and I am happy where it stands.


Marauder is only lvl 44, but have run a lot of instances and can honestly say this. The DPS so far seems a bit better in the long run, especially on a boss fight that last longer. I find that I have higher rage pools to keep pushing rage costing skills more often than I do when I am veng spec and that is the only difference.


Even in shien form I find that during my rotation here and there I need to use sunder assault and assault just to get a few rage again. Whereas the marauder has battering assault and reduced cost of just about every skill, plus berserk can reduce cost of skills even more. To counteract that though, I find marauder a tad harder to keep good DPS rotations going without making the occasional mistake, where as the jugg seems slightly easier.


I think either are fine to bring along and will make others happy if the person knows how to play the class. Only downside is that having a lot of melee in most fights can be difficult due to cleaves, random AoEs around boss, adds, etc.

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this game has damage meters and/or combat logs? news to me


Exactly, with no meters its all kind of a moot point anyhow.


Really they are probably even when both played by competent people.


I just mentioned in m previous post the reason I assumed marauder may be better is because of how often I feel rage starved in the middle of rotations. I personally feel it happens more often in Vengeance jugg than it does in my marauder. Until both my toons are 50 and I can really get a proper feel, its still just observational.

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The boss usually enrages. I've downed it with guildies before it happens, but every pug I've been to we've had it enrage. That's no reason to wipe though. Tank should kite, melee should stay back and wait until the boss uses his aoe knockback, and then charge at the boss (tank can too if he's at all geared). After the boss starts force lightning, interrupt it immediately. Then just kill the boss before the next knockback. Wasn't the healer's fault like someone said, tactics were just lacking. No healer in the world can outheal the enraged force lightning.


More on the topic: yes, it's annoying how little respect jugg dps gets. My mainspec is tanking, but I love to dps from time to time just for fun. I've sometimes really had to sell people on how good my dps actually is, telling them how juggs on pretty equal grounds with other melee and how my gear is full 136 purple and I'll most likely out-dps your other dps by far. And I've still had someone saying "sorry, I just want a fast run without wipes", like me being dps was going to cause wipes. It seems to me that the better geared the person is, the more likely he is to think that juggs are bad dps. Maybe it's because all the juggs in their guilds/raids are tanks, who knows.

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i dont get rage starved on my warrior. Aside from enrage i can cap some fast rage with melee-range saberthrow with columi set-4.


I even squeeze rampage after sundering attack when my smash is on CD.


I think the DPS is quite good imo. And the ppl who i run with aknowledge it (except that slime of Marauder).



Not to mention our tools. How many time have i pushed elites off the ledges in False emperor, or even Malgus himself at the end?


How many times i pushed a stray elite or strong inside the AoE circle?


Or intervene on the healer?


The Juggernaut is a well rounded melee class with lots of utility. I just hope things stay as they are and not nerf us!

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