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What's wrong with this game?


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You won't have to wait....so don't you worry any....


All other MMORPGs I played had a ton more solo-based endgame content than this game did. Final Fantasy 11 had a merit system, item upgrade system...Lord of the Rings Online had the legendary Item system, skirmishes, a housing system... not to mention deeds you could work on, reputation... ect


Never have I played an MMORPG that has so little to do at the end than this game does.


Both EQ and world of warcraft had far less solo end game content than swtor did at release. Rift doesn't have all that much. Next.

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Both EQ and world of warcraft had far less solo end game content than swtor did at release. Rift doesn't have all that much. Next.


Wow nice rebuttal. You ingore the games I mention and bring up some other games I haven't even played...


Not to mention are are now comparing this game to Wow "at release" which says it all. Next? lol...

Edited by JeremyDale
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Wow nice rebuttal. You ingore the games I mention and bring up some other games I haven't even played...


Not to mention are are now comparing this game to Wow "at releast" which says it all. Next? lol...


I could care less about the games you mentioned. I'm sure you'll return to them seeing as they make you happy. Lot's of stuff to do at end game and still more on the way, ignore the clown who doesn't have a *********** clue what hes talking about.

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Wow nice rebuttal. You ingore the games...


Game. Not games. English has this funny operation called "pluralization" which you are butchering. You named one game and a F2P failure at that.


LOTRO has single player content at end game like solitaire has a great guild raiding experience.


I laugh at your MMO experience.

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I could care less about the games you mentioned. I'm sure you'll return to them seeing as they make you happy. Lot's of stuff to do at end game and still more on the way, ignore the clown who doesn't have a *********** clue what hes talking about.


Well one of us at least is deffinitely a "clown who doesn't know what they are talking about".


Trust me OP, this game gets boring fast after 50 and there isn't much to do, unless you wanna do like this guy and roll a lot of alts...

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You need to read what I actually type before you respond to it. You can't do Flashpoints and raids as a "single-player"....which is what my post said.


Considering this game doesn't have any LFG system flashpoints and raids can be difficult to set up unless you have enough friends online and they are in the mood to do them. So this game can't rely on those to keep players entertained after 50.


And considering you already have two level 50s and are already working on another - I think that proves my point and goes to show you got so bored you are rolling alts, which is what most people who want to stick with this game end up doing.


So in a way you make my point for me. Thanks :)


On the contrary your first post, if that what your truely meant, was deceiving. You made no mention of there being lots to do if you're with friends. You simply said that there is nothing to do at L50 and as a solo player there is X to do.


The game can and is keeping people entertained at 50 with no lfg system. My server is heavy pop most of the time, onbviously someone is enjoying the game. Bioware doesn't need to make it ultra convenient to find a group just to satisfy the lazy or unsocial (those who cant be bothered to look for groups of make friends). I don't run HM's with my guild much as no one needs them anymore. I do however always do the HM daily by asking in lfg or my friends list. Put the effort, something most don't like to do anymore, and reap the benefits of connecting with people.

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Game. Not games. English has this funny operation called "pluralization" which you are butchering. You named one game and a F2P failure at that.


LOTRO has single player content at end game like solitaire has a great guild raiding experience.


I laugh at your MMO experience.


Nah, first you have trouble reading. Now you have trouble counting. I mentioned two games....not one. Go back and double or triple read...how ever many times it take. I'm sure you'll see the second one in there eventually.

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What's wrong with this game?


As an answer to your question in one cohesive statement to represent all grievances: Lack of cow bell and/or dinosaurs.


P.S. Some people are requesting Dragons but thats far to much of a controversial issue for me to address. Far to controversial...



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On the contrary your first post, if that what your truely meant, was deceiving. You made no mention of there being lots to do if you're with friends. You simply said that there is nothing to do at L50 and as a solo player there is X to do.


The game can and is keeping people entertained at 50 with no lfg system. My server is heavy pop most of the time, onbviously someone is enjoying the game. Bioware doesn't need to make it ultra convenient to find a group just to satisfy the lazy or unsocial (those who cant be bothered to look for groups of make friends). I don't run HM's with my guild much as no one needs them anymore. I do however always do the HM daily by asking in lfg or my friends list. Put the effort, something most don't like to do anymore, and reap the benefits of connecting with people.


Saying there's "lots" to do is a stretch....

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My bad. It's not trollig. The rest of what you say is trolling. The above is just wrong.


Tony look...if you think this game has an incredible endgame with tons to do fine...you are entititled to that opinion.


I however find it very boring, with a dozen or so daily quests on two planets with very little incentive to do anything else.


Yes...there are some flashpoints you can do, but this game doesn't have an effective LFG system so a lot of us - maybe not you -.but a lot of us have trouble doing those unless enough of our friends are online. And it makes for a very boring game when there is almost NOTHING to do unless four+ of your friends are online and in the mood to do instances.


Have fun rolling your alts :)

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u r wrong,

the population in my server is just like eq2 while it just release in 1 more month,

and eq2 runs how many yrs?


once u get 50, then u will truly realize what other ppl said, before that, enjoy ur sub.


at 50 im a happy Flashpoint-HM, ilum dailies and PVP "camper". Im satisfied with this. When they work and not bugged.


more story will be implemented soonish, just grind the current content for 1-2 months, its MMORPG in the end, what did u expect.

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I've played almost every major MMO that's come out since FFXI most of them at launch and by comparison this game is insanely awesome. Why all the "this game is gonna fail so hard" talk?

I understand the feeling. I have the same opinion.

My best bet would be that the people that claim that are people that are way too used to the same ol' Themed MMO or to the same ol' Sandbox MMO and keep comparing SW:TOR to them.

I see SW:TOR as a different style of game - a game that doesn't start at 50, and it's awesome for it.


Ok... I get it there's no real "endgame" (so I've read) but I seriously doubt you get to 50 and literally have nothing to do as I see so many claiming. Please tell me why I'm wrong.

In my opinion it has a decent amount of End-game whilst compared to other MMORPGs at launch. Exception possibly being Rift, they sure did release content at an extraordinaire rhythm - too bad it was the overused general fantasy style that everyone was a tad fed up with already.




And a few more things regarding what others commented:

About SW:TOR not being a MMO: I tend to disagree. It forces me to group to do content, even whilst leveling. That shouts out more MMO to me than plenty other games of the same type that are out and running at the moment. - and yes, I wouldn't mind about an improved UI for the LFG tool, but I'd say it will come with time.


Also another thing that grinds my gears - why shouldn't one compare SW:TOR with WoW at release?

I certainly do. Quality is here. Only what's lacking is the polishness of a long developed MMO and the Quantity side of End-Game Content.

If something one is silly to compare it to the current WoW. - "I just started out a company. It brings less profit and offers different things than Microsoft does. My company must suck and will fail hard."


Sorry for the wall of text :(

Edited by Dharkeon
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Tony look...if you think this game has an incredible endgame with tons to do fine...you are entititled to that opinion.


I however find it very boring, with a dozen or so daily quests on two planets with very little incentive to do anything else.


Yes...there are some flashpoints you can do, but this game doesn't have an effective LFG system so a lot of us - maybe not you -.but a lot of us have trouble doing those unless enough of our friends are online. And it makes for a very boring game when there is almost NOTHING to do unless four+ of your friends are online and in the mood to do instances.


Have fun rolling your alts :)


I sure will. I'll also have lots of fun with the easily available and accessible end game content. SWTOR has alot of **** to offer at every level. All how you approach it.

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I doubt there's much point behind anything you post really. Other than trolling on forums you pay2hate what are some of your other pass times?


Gankstah, let me try this one more time...


Pointing out flaws about this game is not trolling. Baiting me with insults over and over like you are doing...that is "trolling".


Look, I know you are so bored on this game you got nothing better to do than call me names and try to make fun on me on a forum. But That's ok, I forgive you. I knwo this game gets boring pretty fast so you are trying to keep yourself entertained in other ways :)

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Tony look...if you think this game has an incredible endgame with tons to do fine...you are entititled to that opinion.


I however find it very boring, with a dozen or so daily quests on two planets with very little incentive to do anything else.


Yes...there are some flashpoints you can do, but this game doesn't have an effective LFG system so a lot of us - maybe not you -.but a lot of us have trouble doing those unless enough of our friends are online. And it makes for a very boring game when there is almost NOTHING to do unless four+ of your friends are online and in the mood to do instances.


Have fun rolling your alts :)


i wont argue on that. im guildless and my guild moved from republic ( i was republic and rerolled Empire) to Empire on different server. But i got a hold of a friendly tank, befriended him , and now Flashpoints come in a score. I love to do flashpoints so this thing keeps me satiated and good :>

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In my opinion it has a decent amount of End-game whilst compared to other MMORPGs at launch. Exception possibly being Rift, they sure did release content at an extraordinaire rhythm - too bad it was the overused general fantasy style that everyone was a tad fed up with already.



To be honest just the fact you are having to compare SWTOR's endgame to other games at "launch" proves the game's endgame needs a lot of work.


When you are having to go 6 years in the past to excuse a game's lack of content, that says a lot right there.

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