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Shouldn't we not be able to understand the Rakata language?


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After saving the galaxy from Malak and his Sith, Revan went on to publish the best-selling datafile "Rakata For Dummies."


It's true, i have one.


well, my reasoning for this would be that Rakata technology and culture has become such a hot topic for the galaxy after the Jedi Civil war, that it would be logical that most people would understand it.

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It's true, i have one.


well, my reasoning for this would be that Rakata technology and culture has become such a hot topic for the galaxy after the Jedi Civil war, that it would be logical that most people would understand it.


Yet, before tatoiine, no one seems to know they even existed. On nar shaddaa, they were just "some slave aliens". BW forgot their own lore, or, couldn't be bothered to make some contrived plot to uncover some holodisks that Revan made to translate the language.

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It's possible that Rakatan has common elements with more modern languages, so that hearing a Rakatan speak is like hearing someone say "Hail, prithee, how art thou this merry morrow? I am right fine, gadzooks!"


I'm reminded of a friend of mine who tried to speak to someone in Greece using ancient Greek. They could understand him - just - but they also laughed at him.

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I remember Revan was the only one in the party who could understand the Rakata, and that's because he force ripped the language from the Rakata tribe. Is there some reason why everyone can understand the Rakata?



In game, one of my characters asked a Rakata device on Belsavis to explain why she was able to understand it. The holographic interface patiently explained that studies prove inferior races usually prove more tractable and compliant when addressed in a language they can actually understand.



So basically, the Rakata stuff Revan interacts with (Star Maps & Star Forge) was designed to only be used only by Rakata, so it was practically impossible for non-Rakata to understand. The stuff we encounter in SWTOR is designed to order slaves from lesser species around, so it is not actually speaking Rakata.

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