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SWTOR : 10 Years Domination


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Enjoy Illum, huttball, and those handful of FPs.


What if he does enjoy it? What if a lot of people enjoy it? what is it to you? You keep making these backhanded remarks that people who enjoy TOR are some how less sophisticated or intelligent....the last person I saw act like that was the hipster at the Apple store.


Isn't it time to stop your little Jihad of hate and go play something you actually find enjoyable?

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What if he does enjoy it? What if a lot of people enjoy it? what is it to you? You keep making these backhanded remarks that people who enjoy TOR are some how less sophisticated or intelligent....the last person I saw act like that was the hipster at the Apple store.


Isn't it time to stop your little Jihad of hate and go play something you actually find enjoyable?


See, he comes here to troll the forums, while secretly logging on oh wait he prob created a "quit" thread a while back yet still here sadly this is his life, a useless worthless troll.

Edited by darthdoll
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I am a bit late to the party but i had to coment on this.


I think its funny that you can have these two statements in the same post:


Anyone pinning their hopes on GW2 will be bashing that game a week after release as well and proclaiming the next MMORPG as king.


When a Developer ignores the so called "WOW Design (that hasnt worked for anyone not named WOW)" and focuses on making a quality, long term, content rich MMORPG, the genre will be thriving once again.

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If you think that this game will be relevant in a year you are kidding yourself. The end game is completely broken, in a year people will play like a single player game for the story line.



Lets not kid ourselves, unless they fired all the PvP designers who though illum, and RNG bags where a good idea for end game PvP, there is no chance of reviving this.



You can complete both endgame raids in a matter of hours in 1 night, and Ive seen people get 6 pieces of "endgame" raid gear in 1 night. They catered to idiots, and made endgame pve far too easy to appeal to individuals who like a challenging endgame.



They have proven time and time again, Abandoning grey quests, WZ's counting towards dailies, jumping the gap in voidstar, that despite the fact they think they are MMO developers, who ever is in charge there just doesn't give a hoot, and their QA department needs to be fire and outsourced. The only thing this game has going for it above a F2P MMO is the Star wars name... which generally in the long run can bite you in the arse, because at the end of the day Lucas Arts can ruin a game real fast, remember SWG?

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What are YOU smoking, pal?


They got 1.7 million subs because people were thinking this game would be great, but that was WAY back in December 31 when those numbers were taken.


Now, as more and more people hit level 50, Bioware will hemorrhage subscriptions, bleed out, and die.


That is, unless Bioware gets the lead out of their pants and gets things done/fixed/improved. If not? Bioware fails.


No, the people that didn't like the game left already. There were 2 mil Boxes sold in December.


But since the numbers they gave last week, say 1.7 mill subs.


So tell me this game isn't doing well.

Edited by BrandonSM
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The first MMO to be released to critical acclaim without a subscription will be the true subscription game killer, guaranteed. You will see massive drops from WoW, RIFT, and ToR.


I don't see this game lasting longer than 2 years.


No non-sub game will ever beat an equal sub game. Fact is, games need money to keep things updated, they either do this via subs or micro-transactions. With micro-transactions, many people play for less money, because they are too cheap to support the game. Those people who do play the game and support it with micro-transactions very quickly realize they are spending quite a bit more money for a game experience than they would playing the sub game. Those people leave the game, the game starts getting worse and worse, and eventually ends up either dying or just becoming a very small niche game (LOTRO/DDO/Allods etc)


Unless GW2 changes its payment options significantly from GW1, you will see GW2 go the same way of GW1, which is that after a year or so it will dwindle and become a small playerbase game. This will happen no matter how many features the game has. This is a fact of life, money makes games supportable over the long run.


Edit for: There is no currently non-sub game that is wildly successful, despite years of them trying. This will continue to be the trend.

Edited by lunabaguna
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I am a bit late to the party but i had to coment on this.


I think its funny that you can have these two statements in the same post:


Well yeah it is and what is really hilarious is most of the GW2 Zealots are making these claims without ever trying GW2 all they have seen is Arenanets videos.....I noticed this first hand at PAX there would be some guy in a GW 2 T-shirt Basically doing this.


"Wooooo! Wooooo! GW2 rocks GW2 Forever Your going down Bioware!! < Expletive > < Expletive > Star Wars Sucks!!!! Wooooo!!!"


And then when they get their fifteen mins of hands on time, the first thing they ask is "Where is the Raiding?" And they leave the booth with a very confused very disillusioned look on their face. I fully predict we will get a lot of that once the GW2 Beta is opened up a bit more. GW2 isn't for the typical MMO player....it has more to do with Pen and Paper rpgs than MMO's

Edited by Jett-Rinn
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If you think that this game will be relevant in a year you are kidding yourself. The end game is completely broken, in a year people will play like a single player game for the story line.



Lets not kid ourselves, unless they fired all the PvP designers who though illum, and RNG bags where a good idea for end game PvP, there is no chance of reviving this.



You can complete both endgame raids in a matter of hours in 1 night, and Ive seen people get 6 pieces of "endgame" raid gear in 1 night. They catered to idiots, and made endgame pve far too easy to appeal to individuals who like a challenging endgame.



They have proven time and time again, Abandoning grey quests, WZ's counting towards dailies, jumping the gap in voidstar, that despite the fact they think they are MMO developers, who ever is in charge there just doesn't give a hoot, and their QA department needs to be fire and outsourced. The only thing this game has going for it above a F2P MMO is the Star wars name... which generally in the long run can bite you in the arse, because at the end of the day Lucas Arts can ruin a game real fast, remember SWG?


Really? so if I got to 50 on my alt right now I can do Nightmere mode for the Ops? Yeah!


No, you cannot. Stop being idiotic.


Omg cant abandon grey quests :( :( :( worstest bugz eva!


QA is completely fine lol.


When ur sub run out?

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Swtor is going to be like rift, few hundred k player base to keep the game healthy. Personally, I already cancelled my account.


Actually RIFT has more than a few hundred K subs and is doing so well it received a crap ton of investment capitol for future expansions......RIFT isn't my cup; but to diminish the fact that it has done very well is selling the game short. RIFT has a good sized loyal fanbase...how is that in any stretch of the imagination fail?

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you are wrong.


read it again.


This. Like I said before.


the people that didn't like the game left already. There were 2 mil Boxes sold in December.


But since the numbers they gave last week, say 1.7 mill subs.


So tell me this game isn't doing well.

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GW2 won't come out before September/October. They haven't even started off the public betatesting phase which will start March/April earliest.


Still I wouldn't go by videos so far, most of the stuff you got to see was pretty selective, wait for actual gameplay posted not restricted by NDA or some other content-blocking. It's not unusual for companies to only let the best things out which is also what builds up the hype.

There will be plenty of disappointment left for those over-expecting things.


Don't get me wrong, I definitely am holding a "caveat emptor" mentality with GW2, but I saw a video from Totalbiscuit with level 1 questing where your abilities changed based on the weapon you were using, you weren't locked in to 1 weapon-type, dynamic events were happening in the zone, public quests were going on, and your saber slashes hit multiple people if they were grouped up.


It reminded me of a more user-friendly AoC combat system, which I absolutely adored AoC's combat. Plus the fact that they actually openly support competitive PvP is enough to let me know I will be a day-one player.


Additonally, if the end-game PvE sucks, I can continue to play TOR end-game PvE since GW2 is F2P. Sounds like a win win for MMO-players like myself!

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I will know no Joy until my Gungan Jedi Bling Bling Fookes can run freely through hills of Tython..../sniff


Ewok Sith... I can just imagine in PvP a little teddy bear with Max Tier Dark Side Corruptions. And having lightning come from his fingers and his name his Wicket.

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Swtor is going to be like rift, few hundred k player base to keep the game healthy. Personally, I already cancelled my account.


Except that Rift never sold more than maybe 500,000 copies of the game (1 mil trion accounts made for the game includes all the free beta versions) They never gave an actual count of copies sold, most likely because they never reached a significant milestone. SWTOR sold over 2 million copies within their first month, and 2 weeks after the first month was over, they have retained 1.7 million accounts. No game in the history of MMOs has seen such success, not even wow.

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Except that Rift never sold more than maybe 500,000 copies of the game (1 mil trion accounts made for the game includes all the free beta versions) They never gave an actual count of copies sold, most likely because they never reached a significant milestone. SWTOR sold over 2 million copies within their first month, and 2 weeks after the first month was over, they have retained 1.7 million accounts. No game in the history of MMOs has seen such success, not even wow.


That is because it was linked with one of the most famous franchises in the world. Being related to SW will not save it if the devs fail to address the players major concerns or if this legacy idea is a complete failure.


And i wouldnt believe all the facts that Bioware give you to be solid truth...

Edited by Andyonme
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What battle? You're telling me people are actually going to buy and then play the panda expansion?


I just puked a little.

No. Im going to buy the Ewok expansion and make my Ewok Jedi Knight with a rainbow colored light sabre.


OMG do you wear pink panties and post troll posts on forums? I died a little inside!

I will know no Joy until my Gungan Jedi Bling Bling Fookes can run freely through hills of Tython..../sniff

I feel your pain, brother.



Mesa so evil! // Darth Jar Jar.

Edited by Marmerus
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They managed a 3-4y domination. From the time it was announced till released. That's not bad. :)




But in all seriousness, this game has potential, but the devs are going to have to get their heads out of their asses really quick if they expect to compete with WoW any time soon.


You can bash it, you can call me a liar, you can post whatever numbers you want about the population decline, it will not change the face that for the past 7+ years, World of Warcraft has been and continues to be the MMO King, and it took 6+ years for that game to start to lose interest and become boring to most people (myself included).


Swtor is a nice breath of fresh air, but unless they get their asses in gear with features, and fixing some of the blatantly broken systems, pandas is going to win back the WoW subscribers.


Yes, I said it, Pandas will bring back all the people who jumped ship for SwToR.


Series of event leading up to the panda hate.


1) Swtor gets crazy mad Hype while being developed. People see that there might be hope for another game and start to rationalize why they don't need to play World of Warcraft if Star Wars is going to be awesome.


2) The wow expansion is announced to have an Asian theme (to go along with the Norse, African, Native American, pacific islander, Irish, and Scottish themes already prevalent in World Of Warcraft) People use that addition of the panda race as a scape goat to further solidify their misguided rationalization of why they are quitting Word of Warcraft for Star Wars.


3) Star Wars launches and is not living up to the hype. The only aspect of SwToR that is done better then World of Warcraft is the Story telling while leveling, and i myself have NEVER had a more fun time while leveling up. I loved the story and it was well worth the time spend on both my level 50's.


People are now starting to relies that the SwToR end game is just an unpolished and less balanced version of WoW's end game, but that's not enough to make all the ship jumpers eat crow and return to wow just yet.


I predict that when MoP hits the shelves, people are going to want to go back to polished, and developed King of MMO's IF SWTOR doesn't do something to impress everyone real soon.

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