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Best Method to Get WZ Badges as a Sin


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This. I average 8-11 medals a game and usually top my team for the sole reason that I use Guard and taunt. A lot.


That's great. But, again, you don't need to go dark charge (and use guard) to get these medals.


Taunts should be part of every deception assassin's arsenal, regardless of medals, because they help you win. And yes you can get 10k+ protection just off taunts.

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That's great. But, again, you don't need to go dark charge (and use guard) to get these medals.


Taunts should be part of every deception assassin's arsenal, regardless of medals, because they help you win. And yes you can get 10k+ protection just off taunts.


Taunt literally has no drawback so you might as well use it. Heck, I used it a lot when I thought it was on the GCD (stupid unresponsive keys!) because a lot of time it's no brainer to use it.

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i am an assassin, now valor rank ~40.


I typically get ~5ish badges per wz, sometimes 7-8 if i'm lucky.


I generally always get the 2,500 damage in a single hit; 75,000 damage; 10 kills; and killing blow badges. Then other badges 25 kills, 300,000 damage, defender, assassin medals etc, depend on luck and how the wz goes.


A lot of times i see people with ~10-11 badges, from my understanding these are usually healers or tanks. I don't want to make badges my only priority. However, i don't want to miss easy opportunities. So could i make some easy, minor changes to get more badges?


Tl: Dr - how do i easily get more badges per wz as an assassin?



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To get the 10k guard medal just with taunts can be a little tricky - since it must be in one life. If you have a healer, that is no problem but with solo queing it can be difficult. The best warzone for this is voidstar, where everyone clusters in front of the doors. Remember that you need allies around who get attacked to get any guard points at all.
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1. Use Dark Charge and Guard someone.

2. Stealth into a group of peeps and AoE Taunt

3. Single Target Taunt



Those are the 3 best ways of getting medals outside of DPS. I usually get 7-9 medals per match with 10 being the max I have gotten.


Thanks for the tip man! Gonna try that for sure! :)

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OK, first things first. This is for a PUG with morons. Which is 99.98% of all PUGs.


1. Protection medals (3)


DO NOT GUARD. Using Guard gets you killed. You take 50% of the damage that moron you just guarded and going to take, and he'll probably just jump into fire or stand in acid.



Guard doesn't transfer damage from Acid/flames to you. The transferring only applies to PLAYER damage. The 5% damage reduction from guard might work tho so people running into flames/acid might actually be good for your medal count as you get protection but dont take any dmg yourself.

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Ahh coz when I am not farming and wanna win, I become as annoying as a 5 year old without a toy to break. I got through huttball yesterday with 50k damage and 2 medal(2.5k last blow) and just ran around chain shocking people, throwing them off ledges, stunning them when they are on the fire thingi. we won 6-0


I find that some people see an assassin and start attacking you leaving the person they are attacking to be able to escape. I love getting bashed.


This :)


I think the Assassin is simply a class to destroy enemy team cohesion. It's not about max DPS, or the best tank...your job is to make sure the enemy team can't function effectively as a team. This is something Assassins are good at, because pushing half the team off a ledge accomplishes this nicely. It's all about crowd control.


You won't end up doing the best damage and be on top of the leaderboard, or tank the most...but that SHOULDN'T MATTER! What matters is that you are effective at helping your TEAM...and that's something assassins are good at.


It's a TEAM game after all, not a "omg, I rock so hard...max dps" game :rolleyes:


Learning how to be an effective team player is 100000000000000 times more important than doing 300k dps!

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