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Best Method to Get WZ Badges as a Sin


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I am an assassin, now valor rank ~40.


I typically get ~5ish badges per WZ, sometimes 7-8 if I'm lucky.


I generally always get the 2,500 damage in a single hit; 75,000 damage; 10 kills; and killing blow badges. Then other badges 25 kills, 300,000 damage, defender, assassin medals etc, depend on luck and how the WZ goes.


A lot of times I see people with ~10-11 badges, from my understanding these are usually healers or tanks. I don't want to make badges my only priority. However, I don't want to miss easy opportunities. So could I make some easy, minor changes to get more badges?


TL: DR - How do I easily get more badges per WZ as an assassin?

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I think it's just being a melee that's the biggest issue. So we're hampered in the dmg badge department. Too easy to run from us, as everyone has quite a bit of snare and cc they can use. All our snares are melee range, to make matters worse.


So it'll take much more effort to get the same amount of badges. I tend to scavenge on my scoundrel. Stealth around and only engage when I know the odds are in my favor (3v1s, people tunnel visioning ball carriers, ect).


Far as tips on getting big badge count...I'd like to know if there's a secret for us melee classes. Because I usually obtain 5 - 6 myself (7+ if I'm in a dominating team).

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As DPS, I think it is difficult to help team vs get medals at the same time. I find that when I use my CC/stuns and generally be better at team play I get low medals.


I sometimes jump into 3-1 so that everyone would start attacking me as compared to say the ball carrier as 1) we are easy target, 2) we are annoying as hell. If i get nuked and ball carrier survives, awesome but no medals


If I am farming medals, I go into 1-1 and make it a 2-1, in a group fight always targeting the lowest remaining health first, and using a lot of taunts and helping finish off people using assassinate etc.

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I'm going to assume you're 50. I dinged 50 just a few days ago, and since then, having the ****test gear in the world compared to the hardcore guys makes it very, very hard. However I can tell you that the method is the same.


Even if you're Deception, swap over and use Guard. This will get you two medals very quickly. You can switch back after you hit 5k protection usually.


I'd absolutely recommend taking the time to acquire Pure Shockfrozen Water. Whether it's working as intended or not is questionable, because it seems to be the only healing item that counts towards medals. Two or three uses of this will net you another two easy medals.


I'm also going to assume you don't have a problem with damage, if you're adequately geared. In that case, that's around 11 medals in total, more if you can manage 10k protection or 300k damage.



Hope this helps.

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Seeing, that you are having no trouble getting the kill/dps medals, the only thing you are missing out on are the protection ones.


There are four of them (see the badge sticky for more detail: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=83472 [corrected link]) and you can easily obtain 3 of them by using dark charge for a while.


This medalhunting doesn't even have to be detrimental to the teamplay as you can actually mitigate damage for your fellow healer or other focussed teammate in a useful way.


The shockfrozen water can grant you another 2 medals, if you are really desperate for them (which you shouldn't be btw^^). But don't count on this unintended bug for too long.





If I am farming medals, I go into 1-1 and make it a 2-1, in a group fight always targeting the lowest remaining health first, and using a lot of taunts and helping finish off people using assassinate etc.


Why do you do this only when medal farming? :p

Edited by wtfnonamefree
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OK, first things first. This is for a PUG with morons. Which is 99.98% of all PUGs.


1. Protection medals (3)


DO NOT GUARD. Using Guard gets you killed. You take 50% of the damage that moron you just guarded and going to take, and he'll probably just jump into fire or stand in acid.


These medals are: 2.5k damage prevented, 5k damage prevented and 10k damage prevented without dying once.


Key here is to use taunt, and AoE taunt, without dying. Stay back enough to taunt, but don't get in too deep. If you are going to be slaughtered, run. Key here is to stay alive. If you die, you go back to square one, as the last medal is 10k damage prevented without dying. Use Force Cloak if you have to.


2. Healing medals (1-2)


There's a certain consummable that works in WZs. Whether intentional or not, I don't know. It gives a 2.5k heal medal instantly, and with luck can give you 5k heal medal too. I'm not going to tell you what it is, find it yourselves.


3. Defender medals (2)


Fairly simple. When fighting, fight people near the ball carrier, near the gun turret, etc. Doesn't work on Voidstar, I don't think. But could be wrong. 1k defender points, and 3k defender points.


4. Killing medals (3-4)


One for killing blow, very easy to get. One for a solo kill. Sometimes that's hard to get, as people join in on an easy kill rather than go for objectives. One for damaging 10 people who later die. And one for damaging 25 people who later die. If you damaged him, and he dies, it counts.


5. Damage medals (1-3)


One for doing 75k damage. Easily attainable. Even a level 10 can do that much rather easily in a standard match. One medal for doing 2.5k damage in one hit. This may be possible, depending on your spec. If you are Darkness, you are probably out of luck, though you might get lucky with an Assassinate crit. And one medal for 5k in a hit. This one you're probably not getting, at least I've never gotten it yet on my Sin (but he's not 50 yet, so there's hope).


In an average game, you should have 9-12 medals with this setup.

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Not counting the healing medals whihc we're not intended to get, the only medal that requires some effort to get is 10K protection in one life. You may have to take a death to get that (if the guy you guarded gets focused fire you'll still get the 10K before you die). Other than that there's nothing really special.


For defender (objective) points, in Huttball you've to intercept the ball to get them, and maybe catching a pass will get you some points too. For Alderran, the only way to get defender points is standing near a turret (doesn't matter if you're stealthed or not fighting anyone). In Voidstar, I think objective points are obtained for defusing bombs, which obviously isn't something you can do very often if you're trying to win.

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OK, first things first. This is for a PUG with morons. Which is 99.98% of all PUGs.


1. Protection medals (3)


DO NOT GUARD. Using Guard gets you killed. You take 50% of the damage that moron you just guarded and going to take, and he'll probably just jump into fire or stand in acid.


These medals are: 2.5k damage prevented, 5k damage prevented and 10k damage prevented without dying once.


Key here is to use taunt, and AoE taunt, without dying. Stay back enough to taunt, but don't get in too deep. If you are going to be slaughtered, run. Key here is to stay alive. If you die, you go back to square one, as the last medal is 10k damage prevented without dying. Use Force Cloak if you have to.


2. Healing medals (1-2)


There's a certain consummable that works in WZs. Whether intentional or not, I don't know. It gives a 2.5k heal medal instantly, and with luck can give you 5k heal medal too. I'm not going to tell you what it is, find it yourselves.


3. Defender medals (2)


Fairly simple. When fighting, fight people near the ball carrier, near the gun turret, etc. Doesn't work on Voidstar, I don't think. But could be wrong. 1k defender points, and 3k defender points.


4. Killing medals (3-4)


One for killing blow, very easy to get. One for a solo kill. Sometimes that's hard to get, as people join in on an easy kill rather than go for objectives. One for damaging 10 people who later die. And one for damaging 25 people who later die. If you damaged him, and he dies, it counts.


5. Damage medals (1-3)


One for doing 75k damage. Easily attainable. Even a level 10 can do that much rather easily in a standard match. One medal for doing 2.5k damage in one hit. This may be possible, depending on your spec. If you are Darkness, you are probably out of luck, though you might get lucky with an Assassinate crit. And one medal for 5k in a hit. This one you're probably not getting, at least I've never gotten it yet on my Sin (but he's not 50 yet, so there's hope).


In an average game, you should have 9-12 medals with this setup.


This. queuing solo you should follow this. If you are going to guard pick a target that is battling 1 on one with someone and then taunt that enemy. Not only will you get the protection points but your teammate will win the 1 on 1. Also queuing solo is great for stealthing right into the middle of a huge melee and mass taunting then force cloak out. Bam 3 easy medals. the 1v1 medal is pretty easy to get too, just stay in stealth and wait for someone, say in huttball, to respawn and run up the side, there is usually a straggler. Maul him and done, you get the 2.5k metal and the 1v1 metal.

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I think it's just being a melee that's the biggest issue. So we're hampered in the dmg badge department. Too easy to run from us, as everyone has quite a bit of snare and cc they can use. All our snares are melee range, to make matters worse.


So it'll take much more effort to get the same amount of badges. I tend to scavenge on my scoundrel. Stealth around and only engage when I know the odds are in my favor (3v1s, people tunnel visioning ball carriers, ect).


Far as tips on getting big badge count...I'd like to know if there's a secret for us melee classes. Because I usually obtain 5 - 6 myself (7+ if I'm in a dominating team).


If you aren't taunting, you aren't playing right.


You're missing 2-4 medals from protection.

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I believe you get defensive medals in huttball by fighting (defeating?) the ball carrier. Or healing/guarding him if your team has it.


I think you get defensive medals on voidstar by preventing caps (fighting someone planting the bomb.)


And I know you get them on alderaan by standing near the turrets. I think you get them -faster- by fighting near the turrets, and by interrupting caps.

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Taunt and Mass Taunt do not require Dark Charge to use like Guard, correct?


Correct. do not require.


Seriously, the main thing to take away from this thread is to use taunts.


Regardless of medals they are powerful.


They cost no energy and are off the GCD. Anytime you are in a crowd - mass mind control.


When at range as you close on a target fighting any ally and you are out of stealth - Mind control. Anytime you are crawling up someone's back as they DPS another -mind control.


Seriously, giving a DPS class 2 taunts is a real gift.


Players just have to get in the habit of using them and its 2-3 more medals / WF even as a pure DPSer.

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Correct. do not require.


Seriously, the main thing to take away from this thread is to use taunts.


Regardless of medals they are powerful.


They cost no energy and are off the GCD. Anytime you are in a crowd - mass mind control.


When at range as you close on a target fighting any ally and you are out of stealth - Mind control. Anytime you are crawling up someone's back as they DPS another -mind control.


Seriously, giving a DPS class 2 taunts is a real gift.


Players just have to get in the habit of using them and its 2-3 more medals / WF even as a pure DPSer.


Yeah that is really the only thing I'm not doing thus far in PvP all the way up to Valor 28 or so, though I also have no keybinds left to put it, but I'll figure something out. I'm primarily a PvEer so never bothered putting the 2 taunt abilities on keybinds, they are on the leftside hotbar that are filled with non-twitch abilities I just mouse-click.

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Yeah that is really the only thing I'm not doing thus far in PvP all the way up to Valor 28 or so, though I also have no keybinds left to put it, but I'll figure something out. I'm primarily a PvEer so never bothered putting the 2 taunt abilities on keybinds, they are on the leftside hotbar that are filled with non-twitch abilities I just mouse-click.


Right, you are not going to use them effectively until you keybind them. You need to use them in-between skills on the gcd. slash/taunt/slash/jolt/shock etc.


For me taunt and AE taunt are 1 and shift 1 - but I use a nostromo so I have more options.

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Right, you are not going to use them effectively until you keybind them. You need to use them in-between skills on the gcd. slash/taunt/slash/jolt/shock etc.


For me taunt and AE taunt are 1 and shift 1 - but I use a nostromo so I have more options.


Might be able to find an ability I don't use much in PvE and swap it for Taunt/Mass Taunt when I'm in a WZ or Ilum.

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Normally I get a TON of medals from taunting, and using guard.


This is pretty much the only way. If you are Deception, the only way to get many medals is to use Dark Charge, guard people and taunt. Otherwise, no matter how much you may be helping the team by playing the proper role of Deception, the stats rarely show it. Deception is a thankless job, and the only way to get medals is to use some tank skills.

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Seeing, that you are having no trouble getting the kill/dps medals, the only thing you are missing out on are the protection ones.


There are four of them (see the badge sticky for more detail: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=83472 [corrected link]) and you can easily obtain 3 of them by using dark charge for a while.


This medalhunting doesn't even have to be detrimental to the teamplay as you can actually mitigate damage for your fellow healer or other focussed teammate in a useful way.


The shockfrozen water can grant you another 2 medals, if you are really desperate for them (which you shouldn't be btw^^). But don't count on this unintended bug for too long.







Why do you do this only when medal farming? :p



Ahh coz when I am not farming and wanna win, I become as annoying as a 5 year old without a toy to break. I got through huttball yesterday with 50k damage and 2 medal(2.5k last blow) and just ran around chain shocking people, throwing them off ledges, stunning them when they are on the fire thingi. we won 6-0 :D


I find that some people see an assassin and start attacking you leaving the person they are attacking to be able to escape. I love getting bashed.

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