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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Bioware, Collectors Edition items request...


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ok, so im one of the dumb that bought the CE, im BH, im wearing HEAVY armors... is there a damned reason why the CE vendor sell the imperial armor only for Light Armor user???? its so hard to make all the 3 version? light, medium, heavy??


If someone know something please just explain it to me...


Thx All!

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Supposedly, if you mod them out, you get the same armor stats as if it was heavy. At least that's what I have read here. I have not tried it out myself.


You can get the same statistical gains, however you will still be wearing light armor. They said a while ago it was on their "to do" list to scale it up to whatever armor type you use when you buy it.


When that will be? Time will tell.

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well sorry to let you know m8, but after i spent 80k buying it and changed the mods... it not scale... you have less armor that the same mods on an heavy one.


I was going to say, if they did scale to heavy armour you'd see every CE non-Jugg/BH and their companions in that armour.


Which is clearly not the case, I see hardly anyone wearing it.

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tbh I want a belt added to the sets as well.... the bracers can stay out since you cant see em.... but late game sorc armor belts dont exactly mesh well with imperial trooper uniform, might not be so bad for heavy users since they can always get a bounty hunter belt and mod it to suit but for light cloth users we get nothing that fits :(
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