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Marauder armor


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So is it just me, or do you think that marauders and juggernauts get pooped on when it comes to armor? The both have the same overall armor schemes. Is there any plan to add better armor for either? I feel that their armor is the result of a "rush" in production and bioware just decided to give them the same armor skins with minor differences to save time. idk, just my 2c.
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It's the same for Knights too. Guards and Sents wear the same 2-look gear.


In beta there was a whole lot more gear variation. You'd be shocked how much they took out. Nothing was rushed. They just took it all out so they could add "new" content later...forgetting of course that some of us wore all that gear for months.


Of course, you can't get a single person from BW to make the slightest effort to comment on this issue, so who knows what the plan is. In the meantime they are thoroughly ignoring any effort whatsoever from their customers to coerce them into saying something, anything, about it.

Edited by photoheathen
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The differences start to show after 30ish I believe.

Then again endgame wise they all end up sharing quite a few sets.

They took out alot of stuff from Beta as if they never existed now

but yes as mentioned a ton of us had been wearing quite a few of those

removed gear.

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Whats with all the dresses after 30? Vader doesn't wear any dresses (not that I know of..)


This^^^^ Most bothering. I do not understand why Bioware feels the need for a "Warrior" the wear a damn dress. Just one of many Bioware Fails in this game...However, still love playing it, just not playing it in a dress. :eek:

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Yes marauder gear is crap,y lookwise and statwise, and no its not same for knight, I play both sides and knight sets are both much better.


Infact the knights pve armor is actually GREAT.


And battlemaster knight armor also looks good without helm.

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LOOOOTS of threads about this already. Would be better if you read them and bumped them instead of just starting your own right off.


But yes, we agree. There are only like 3 orange mod-able sets that look appropriate to the Sith Marauder, the rest make us look like Emperor's Guard. Big heavy spike armor (how is our armor not heavy? And how is heavy armor's robes not medium?)

Edited by miliways
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