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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

About "Crafting Tables"...


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Hi all, maybe it was already discussed here but someone know the point about those tables?? Why i have to use them instead of just ctrl-right clik on an modded items??


Thx all.


Don't need them.


It's a total mystery why they haven't been removed, or even more why they were continually added during late beta!

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It's a total mystery why they haven't been removed, or even more why they were continually added during late beta!


Because that is pointless level editing. You don't ever edit a level unless it's a must.


Your talking 2-3 hours work and then testing to make sure you didn't mess up the area. And that's per workbench.

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lol @ the above guy. They are not hard-coded into the area, otherwise they would not be interactables. They are extras, added in for some inexplicable reason, then not removed. It doesn't really matter too much to me, nor do I see why people complain about it, but meh. Edited by Avia
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lol @ the above guy. They are not hard-coded into the area, otherwise they would not be interactables. They are extras, added in for some inexplicable reason, then not removed. It doesn't really matter too much to me, nor do I see why people complain about it, but meh.


They were used in beta, the mechanic for upgrades was changed but the tables stayed. Zoeller has hinted there might be future usage though.

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