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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Severly screwed up drop rates


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I have made up my mind, and I am absolutely convinced that drop rates are favoring force users. I have done roughly 50 - 55 hard mode flashpoints, and have seen a total of FOUR Bounty Hunter Columi tokens drop. With 4 classes, shouldn't I be seeing a percentage close to 25%, instead of 12%? Little bit of favortism since everybody and there brother rolled inquisitor or warrior? I think so...


Absolutely rediculous that I could have fully geared an inquisitor and a warrior 3 times over in the time it has taken me to get 3 pieces of columi tier gear.


Yet another reason I keep saying to myself... FIX YOUR GAME.


P.S. Why do I have 300 tionese crystals with 4 tionese commendations? FIX YOUR GAME

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I have made up my mind, and I am absolutely convinced that drop rates are favoring force users. I have done roughly 50 - 55 hard mode flashpoints, and have seen a total of FOUR Bounty Hunter Columi tokens drop. With 4 classes, shouldn't I be seeing a percentage close to 25%, instead of 12%? Little bit of favortism since everybody and there brother rolled inquisitor or warrior? I think so...


Absolutely rediculous that I could have fully geared an inquisitor and a warrior 3 times over in the time it has taken me to get 3 pieces of columi tier gear.


Yet another reason I keep saying to myself... FIX YOUR GAME.


P.S. Why do I have 300 tionese crystals with 4 tionese commendations? FIX YOUR GAME



Funny, I have 555 crystals and 202 tionese coms, lie much?


I'm an SI tank and I have seen 1 SI helm drop in Kaon, 7 agent helms, 1SW and 3BH with near every other non tier piece of loot being BH.


Guess random is random. Or should I put it in your terms "OMG BW FAVORS BHS/AGENTS AND HATES FORCE USERS"

Edited by Reico
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I have made up my mind, and I am absolutely convinced that drop rates are favoring force users. I have done roughly 50 - 55 hard mode flashpoints, and have seen a total of FOUR Bounty Hunter Columi tokens drop. With 4 classes, shouldn't I be seeing a percentage close to 25%, instead of 12%? Little bit of favortism since everybody and there brother rolled inquisitor or warrior? I think so...


Absolutely rediculous that I could have fully geared an inquisitor and a warrior 3 times over in the time it has taken me to get 3 pieces of columi tier gear.


Yet another reason I keep saying to myself... FIX YOUR GAME.


P.S. Why do I have 300 tionese crystals with 4 tionese commendations? FIX YOUR GAME



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I have actually come to the conclusion drops seem to be based on server population.


On my Sith Juggernaut and Sith Sorcerer, most of drops I see are Sith Inquisitor or Marauder drops, but at least 75% of the servers Empire population seems to be Sith Inquisitors or Marauders.


On my Commando most of drops I see are Trooper or Sage, but once again the vast majority of the population is Cammandos and Sages.


On my Powertech (who is on different server) most of drops I see are Sith Inquisitor or Sniper drops (I getting a abnormally large amount of Sniper Rifles), but once again this populations is SI and Sniper heavy.


Of course I could be wrong, but just my general look at what's dropping and whats playing.

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I do not know about raids, but the flashpoints have their loot percentages based upon the party.


For example if you solo BT, there is about 90% chance that you will get the loot for your class.


I would guess that raids will have similar system. Therefor if more then half of your raiders are Force users, I would not be surprized if the loot system dropped their items more often.

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Yeah, random sucks sometimes. I got a couple right away, but I am currently in a long dry spell. Won't complain too much though, Columni weapon was one I got.


I agree about the crystals though. I almost have enough crystals for a complete set, but only enough comms for 1 piece (almost 2).

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I have made up my mind, and I am absolutely convinced that drop rates are favoring force users. I have done roughly 50 - 55 hard mode flashpoints, and have seen a total of FOUR Bounty Hunter Columi tokens drop. With 4 classes, shouldn't I be seeing a percentage close to 25%, instead of 12%? Little bit of favortism since everybody and there brother rolled inquisitor or warrior? I think so...


Absolutely rediculous that I could have fully geared an inquisitor and a warrior 3 times over in the time it has taken me to get 3 pieces of columi tier gear.


Yet another reason I keep saying to myself... FIX YOUR GAME.


P.S. Why do I have 300 tionese crystals with 4 tionese commendations? FIX YOUR GAME


LOL - I am BH that runs with a lot of SIs and they complain there are way too many BH drops.


BTW, I have full Columi except for the belt.

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