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Do You Like SWTOR In It's Current State? YES/NO


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This thread is false and now faulty and not correct. Fail at legit post.



Sad too...


My Answer is Yes and there is always in every PRODUCT room for improving things.


But this thread is a lie and false now so it doesn't matter.


Yeah I have to agree with this.....it's kinda lame that the OP skewed the numbers because more people didn't vote no





Still waiting on that proof backing up what you two just accused me of.


Oh wait, there isn't any proof? My tally is actually ridiculously accurate and I haven't skewed anything to any side whatsoever?



I'll take your silence as an apology.




To everyone else: The tallys are accurate and I worked hard to make them that way for a reason. That reason is so the total MEANS something to those who see it. I might be on the no side, but I have not added or subtracted votes that aren't there. I have spent hours and hours on this thread ensuring everything is as correct as possible. It will remain that way.


Carry on everyone.

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Just ignore them imho. I think what you are doing is awesome and it makes me sad that people are trying to bicker/derail in a thread that was made to help EA/Bioware to get a firm grasp on what is keeping customers or driving them away.


I am in no way trying to brown nose, but in light of all the recent negative comments implying corruption I felt like I needed to add my voice and tell you that many of us are grateful for this thread. Especially if it leads to changes for the betterment of all.


Apologies for the bad spelling/grammar as is is still before 8AM and I haven't had my tea. :p




I can agree there, they are doing a good job addressing problems but there are still a lot of major issues out there that need to be addressed, or are being fixed the wrong way. It has been getting better each week and they seem to be realising what needs to be fixed, but patch after patch its just full of little disappointments and continuation of bugs.


Example: Rataka Main hands. Took them a while to correct a few stats. - Has now been fixed yes, but has taken too long.


Example: Ilum daily quests (Imperial side atleast) Defending the shipment. Every day Im sure thousands if not hundreds of thousands of people do this, yet it has not been fixed.

Edited by Mysquine
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Just ignore them imho. I think what you are doing is awesome and it makes me sad that people are trying to bicker/derail in a thread that was made to help EA/Bioware to get a firm grasp on what is keeping customers or driving them away.


I am in no way trying to brown nose, but in light of all the recent negative comments implying corruption I felt like I needed to add my voice and tell you that many of us are grateful for this thread. Especially if it leads to changes for the betterment of all.


Apologies for the bad spelling/grammar as is is still before 8AM and I haven't had my tea. :p




Thank you, Amonthia. I appreciate the support. You have a friend in me.

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Just ignore them imho. I think what you are doing is awesome and it makes me sad that people are trying to bicker/derail in a thread that was made to help EA/Bioware to get a firm grasp on what is keeping customers or driving them away.


I am in no way trying to brown nose, but in light of all the recent negative comments implying corruption I felt like I needed to add my voice and tell you that many of us are grateful for this thread. Especially if it leads to changes for the betterment of all.


Apologies for the bad spelling/grammar as is is still before 8AM and I haven't had my tea. :p




I back that up 100%


More people should think like that, inbstead of bicker and spreading vicious acid everywhere.

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Funny that yesterday the previous totals weren't included, but this morning, they are. And you're still allowing people to vote again in this thread.


The is a little hobby for the OP and doom and gloomers.


Why they have nothing better to do with there life is beyond me.

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Just ignore them imho. I think what you are doing is awesome and it makes me sad that people are trying to bicker/derail in a thread that was made to help EA/Bioware to get a firm grasp on what is keeping customers or driving them away.


I am in no way trying to brown nose, but in light of all the recent negative comments implying corruption I felt like I needed to add my voice and tell you that many of us are grateful for this thread. Especially if it leads to changes for the betterment of all.


Apologies for the bad spelling/grammar as is is still before 8AM and I haven't had my tea. :p




You want to improve the game - email Bioware here: FeedbackSWTOR@SWTOR.com


OP is full of it, no one from Bioware contacted him and they don't care about this thread.

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The is a little hobby for the OP and doom and gloomers.


Why they have nothing better to do with there life is beyond me.




I'm trying to draw attention to the feelings of the players, (both positive and negative), in a meaningful way by spending lots of time on the behalf of all to do so via this thread.


I have a headache. Whether it is from the new nasty DiskoDancer UI or arguing with people who try to attack me for reasons I don't quite get, I don't know. But I'm going to take a break. I will tally everything and update in a bit here.


Continue on.

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Still waiting on that proof backing up what you two just accused me of.


Oh wait, there isn't any proof? My tally is actually ridiculously accurate and I haven't skewed anything to any side whatsoever?



I'll take your silence as an apology.




To everyone else: The tallys are accurate and I worked hard to make them that way for a reason. That reason is so the total MEANS something to those who see it. I might be on the no side, but I have not added or subtracted votes that aren't there. I have spent hours and hours on this thread ensuring everything is as correct as possible. It will remain that way.


Carry on everyone.


Nope I just requested a mod to investigate it.....Don't know if they will or not but I have seen them call out bogus claims before.

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I'm trying to draw attention to the feelings of the players, (both positive and negative), in a meaningful way by spending lots of time on the behalf of all to do so via this thread.


I have a headache. Whether it is from the new nasty DiskoDancer UI or arguing with people who try to attack me for reasons I don't quite get, I don't know. But I'm going to take a break. I will tally everything and update in a bit here.


Continue on.


No you aren't. You constantly post negative things about the game including calling the developer monkeys in another thread.


I still call BS that someone from Bioware contacted you about this thread and said it would be sent up the chain of command. You simply like the attention and chance to spread more hate about the game and developers.

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Yes and No


Too many contemporary MMO functions not available (cross server que, mods, macro and useful endgame craft other than biochem), sparse population make world feel empty wastelands, PvP is fun but will lget boring soon without some love from devs.




Please give us a choice for warzone, I'm tired of running huttball 50% of the time...

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Nope I just requested a mod to investigate it.....Don't know if they will or not but I have seen them call out bogus claims before.




Alright. I have nothing to hide. Feel free to count yourself, should you want to do so. You'll need to start on thread #1 post #1, and make sure to weed out all the people trying to skew the poll, and figure out the people who are unclear or undecided in their answer because they didn't specifically say either way.


Should take you about 6 hours, if you triple-count everything like I did.


Get to it. Time is a-wasting.

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Alright. I have nothing to hide. Feel free to count yourself, should you want to do so. You'll need to start on thread #1 post #1, and make sure to weed out all the people trying to skew the poll, and figure out the people who are unclear or undecided in their answer because they didn't specifically say either way.


Should take you about 6 hours, if you triple-count everything like I did.


Get to it. Time is a-wasting.


I think you are telling the wrong person to "get to it" It's rude and uninviting.


Oh and for the record who contacted you to say that this list would be sent up the chain of command?...just want to do a little fact finding here. :)

Edited by Jett-Rinn
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I am still enjoying the game. However, there are things that are niggling away at my enjoyment that could eventually drive me back to that Game Which Shall Not Be Named.


Really there are three "biggies" and are all to do with UI.


> Bioware should allow macros and addons. Whether you want them to have access to combat statistics or not...let us mod our UI. No matter what you do with the UI it will never suit anyone. The only thing you CAN do to suit everyone is let us modify it. The current fiasco of the ever changing, ever-worsening ability cooldown indicators is plenty evidence that this needs to happen. The poeple that wrote Dominos and Bartender for WoW would have had this all sorted by now.


(Please note by macros I mean of the "this buttons does this ability with alt pressed, otherwise this other ability" or "this button casts on a mouseover target" type macro - not the gaming mouse/keyboard "press this button for a sequence of 40 IWIN moves")


> Bioware needs to add an appropriate healing UI. Although, allowing addons would also fix this.


> Bioware needs to add an improved grouping system so I don't have to skip FPs while level because I have limited time and don't want to spend it all on the fleet spamming /1 with LFG messages.


They fix these...and soon...and I'll be a subscriber for life. Or at least a few years.

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I haven't encountered any major bugs, so I no idea what everyone is complaining about. If you want more content then you need to wait. MMORPGs are huge games and if they added significantly more content than what is already available, then the game would come out in like 2015. The game is not buggy at all to me; I run it on high graphics with perfect framerates and no lag (even in heavily populated areas). And yes i have leveled to 50 so I've been around. SWTOR is not dull to me even then because I love pvp, HMs, and operations.


Its a solid YES for me and I think everyone needs to stop complaining about tiny bugs that rarely happen, complaints that are standard mmo fare that aren't even considered "problems" in the first, and get more involved in the very EXISTENT end game that I so much enjoy.


On a side note if you don't like the game fine, but way to many people are complaining about things that aren't problems

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You want to improve the game - email Bioware here: FeedbackSWTOR@SWTOR.com


OP is full of it, no one from Bioware contacted him and they don't care about this thread.



I think you are telling the wrong person to "get to it" It's rude and uninviting.


Oh and for the record who contacted you to say that this list would be sent up the chain of command?...just want to do a little fact finding here. :)


This is what I received.




Jett, Drewser, I'm not trying to deceive you guys, or anyone at all. I WILL admit that I'm in a bad mood because my sage isn't so playable because of the UI changes, so I wasn't quite so nice as I could have been to either of you or on other areas of the forum. For this I apologize. If it helps you to know, I haven't slept for nearly 35 hours because I'm not feeling well, which compounds my bad mood. I wish you both well, and I hope that SWTOR will be helped along as a result of this thread which was the intent of it all. Else I would not have spent 15 hours on it.


Lets go back to the more pleasant state this thread was in a few pages back. Continue on simply posting opinions and yes/no answers. Thank you.

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Seems like a loaded question.. If I say yes.. then it implies I think TOR should keep going in the direction it has been..

If I say no, then it begs the question.. why am I still playing?


So I guess OP is going to force me to be a douche and not give a clear answer.


I like the game in its current state, but there are a lot of things that need to be improved/fixed (and soon) for me to keep liking it.


The question is not do you want the game to succeed or fail. Its are you happy with the current state of the game. I think everyone that has posted yes or no want this game to be great, or else we wouldnt care about it and just quit. When we stay here and complain about all the problems it actually helps the game improve instead of us just quitting and not saying a word.


Its not that we dont think any MMO would be bug free or have some problems but the fact that it has so many glaring issues that should have been apparent to Bioware before the game was even released.


To say this game is great as is saying to Bioware dont change one thing. How would that fix any problems.


As for anyone that is complaining that the OP is bias because he didnt include previous totals because he wants the game to fail. Well I didnt look but I know I am unhappy with the game as is and was one person who told him he should add the others votes from the previous thread. So leaving out or including the old votes does not show how someone feels about the game so your arguements have no backing.

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This is what I received.




Jett, Drewser, I'm not trying to deceive you guys, or anyone at all. I WILL admit that I'm in a bad mood because my sage isn't so playable because of the UI changes, so I wasn't quite so nice as I could have been to either of you or on other areas of the forum. For this I apologize. If it helps you to know, I haven't slept for nearly 35 hours because I'm not feeling well, which compounds my bad mood. I wish you both well, and I hope that SWTOR will be helped along as a result of this thread which was the intent of it all. Else I would not have spent 15 hours on it.


Lets go back to the more pleasant state this thread was in a few pages back. Continue on simply posting opinions and yes/no answers. Thank you.


No it's cool man....however if you're sick I can't fathom why you are hanging out on the forums....but whatever. Also you really need to be clear here...that was a Mod saying that threads like this are "often sent up" not that this is being looked at by the devs. Confusion like that tends to bring sincerity into question.


Also when you feel better do a complete recount......I think your admitted lack of sleep and Illness isn't the best venue for accuracy.


Hope you feel better.

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No it's cool man....however if you're sick I can't fathom why you are hanging out on the forums....but whatever. Also you really need to be clear here...that was a Mod saying that threads like this are "often sent up" not that this is being looked at by the devs. Confusion like that tends to bring sincerity into question.


Also when you feel better do a complete recount......I think your admitted lack of sleep and Illness isn't the best venue for accuracy.


Hope you feel better.


I'm glad you are polite. I blame the new patch for the fighting. :p


I'll get on in a bit and do the tally, per request.

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