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What exactly does MVP do?


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At first I thought it was a way for people on your team to stroke someones epeen. But I have been told it actually rewards stuff for getting MVP. So my question is what do you get if anything. Thank You. Edited by Endlessday
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At first I thought it was a way for people on your team to stroke someones epeen. But I have been told it actually rewards stuff for getting MVP. So my question is what do you get if anything. Thank You.


From what I have noticed...


50 to 150 extra Valor per vote.


Edit: If memory serves me correctly you no longer get credit for MVP votes unless you also make a MVP vote. One of my tank friends frequently gets 3 to 4 votes per match but he wasn't voting for a MVP so he lost thousands of bonus Valor as a result of it.

Edited by Saviorofcamelot
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You may find it difficult to get MVP unless you're a healer.

A lot of players recognize the fact that healers generally get fewer medals than other roles if they are healing for most of the match, and thus vote for a healer to offset the discrepancy.


Hopefully this will be addressed by BW soon so healers have a wider range of medal opportunities

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I vote for healers if they heal me or if they do more healing and there damage is low. Cuz then they have been helping the team. Thats what mvp is for. To reward those that actually do stuff.


I frequently get the top of the leaderboards as a tank, because I constantly guard the ball carrier or even the objective itself. I get around 1600 valor and 105 commendations each match if we win.

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