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anytips for sith mara in pvp?


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Depends on if he goes Marauder or Juggernaut. If Marauder then yea Re-roll.


Because he obviously didnt say mara.


And there is many things you need to know about marauders. First of all, I have 27 keybinds that I use EVERY GAME. Even for someone whos been keybinding for over 6 years, its a lot. My point here is that all the abilities you see in your spellbook, you use them. Try to time your cloak of pain that it will at very least last 15sec. Saber ward is a 3min cd, that means you should use it around 4 times per game. Try to always have a little bit of left over rage for interupt and kill. You are squishy, act as so. Pick the fights you know the have a chance, and vanish before being "OH NO" to make them drop/change target, your undying rage is your oh no( use below or around 20% health). Use vicious throw. Also, ahhni and rage are the best for PvP, Rage arguably easier (less squishy and less stuff to worry about really), but I prefer ahnni.


Just tried to throw out a few things I see a lot of people doing wrong.


Remember, MOST OF YOUR ABILITIES ARE USEFUL and have relatively short CD's.

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Practise.... Alot. Marauders are easy to play, but very hard to master. But those few that do master it are unstoppable.


Sentinel/Marauders are hands down the strongest melee class present in my opinion. But to play the class to its fullest require alot of practice (And good gear, pve or pvp). To put things into perspective, I have pretty much all abilities keybinded and use them regurarely except for maybe a handful.


Defensive cd's: undying rage, sabre ward and cloak of pain. Learn when and how to use them.


Camouflage, same here.


Deadly throw, use it. Read what secondary effect it does and you'll understand.


Positioning, one thing that alot of people neglect to consider is how you position yourself in combat. Especially against knockback classes. Example, you force charge a sorceror/sage on a ledge in huttball. Immediatly position yourself so that his knockback wont screw you. If possible have your back against a wall or object that will stop your air travel.


Also dont charge if you dont have too. If you can reach a target in reasonable time without charge, do it.


Honestly, those on the forums that say sentinels / marauders are bad. Are either a) Bad players who cant make it work or B) Never been up against a skilled one.

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Because he obviously didnt say mara.


And there is many things you need to know about marauders. First of all, I have 27 keybinds that I use EVERY GAME. Even for someone whos been keybinding for over 6 years, its a lot. My point here is that all the abilities you see in your spellbook, you use them. Try to time your cloak of pain that it will at very least last 15sec. Saber ward is a 3min cd, that means you should use it around 4 times per game. Try to always have a little bit of left over rage for interupt and kill. You are squishy, act as so. Pick the fights you know the have a chance, and vanish before being "OH NO" to make them drop/change target, your undying rage is your oh no( use below or around 20% health). Use vicious throw. Also, ahhni and rage are the best for PvP, Rage arguably easier (less squishy and less stuff to worry about really), but I prefer ahnni.


Just tried to throw out a few things I see a lot of people doing wrong.


Remember, MOST OF YOUR ABILITIES ARE USEFUL and have relatively short CD's.


with all that being said, and true, it wont happen overnight. the marauder is the hardest mmo class ive ever played (7 level 85s in WoW). It will take time, but when you beat someone, youll know its cause you were a better player, not because your class is a one button wonder.

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I love seeing people tell Marauders / Sentinels they're a bad AC. Easily one of the best if played right.


They can be but Marauders just aren't good all around utility characters, Some War Zones and against some classes they have extreme vulnerabilities.


Ranged DPS using Cover is a nightmare in Huttball for example, you have no distance closer Force Charge can't be used against targets in cover. If you do run in, they use their knock back to kick you off the ledge and you are back to square one. They have no Knock Back of their own either, so you can't reverse the table on them. Juggs at least get a push.


The only Self Heal spec for Marauders (Anni)is better than some of their other specs but, it relies on Critted Bleeds and the amount healed is minimal. They have good sustained DPS true, but survivability still isn't on par with many ranged DPS classes.


Rage Spec Marauders are all Burst, and broken game mechanics make this easily avoidable. I will say I like Rage Spec Marauders over Annihilation personally I find that careful management of Rage and Cool downs lets me put opponents on a defensive quite quickly, but it does have a huge weakness to classes with High damage mitigation like the bubble runners or Tank Spec classes with Guard on them. With Bubble Runners my two huge bursts in a rotation only comes out to about 1.5 as their bubble eats most of the damage from one, the other, their damage mitigation is simply insane.


They are much more complicated to manage. If he's wanting to go in and be extremely effective in PvP out the gate there are much better choices than spending time learning all the timing and Rage/CD management needed to play a SW well.


They are extremely weak until after lvl 35 or so compared to other classes. All our really useful Spec benefits are kinda high up the tree, meaning those which we will rely on to ensure we dish out max DPS, until then they are kind of mediocre.


I say Re-roll, yea depending on what you want, if it's instant effectiveness go with another class. If you want to nuances of learning a vastly more complex class, comparatively, the sure go with a SW, especially if you like the complex route go with a Marauder.

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TBH, so far I seen only one Sentinel that delivered... Bloody 99% of them are awful, 1% is almost retardedly difficult.


That one good Sentinel often runs in a premade and is well supported, he is a huge pain in the *** when sustained well.


I am quite convinced that Maras deliver the biggest bang for a support buck in a premade.

Edited by Gaidax
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