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For all people that miss the old SWG


SWGEMU is a project dedicated to revive the original SWG.


Go check it out i guess




You think anybody wants to play a game where it's controlled by kids as GM's, giving there friends benefits and abusing there GM abilities if they dislike you or dont like what you say.


GO and let it die.

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SWG was a great test bed for core concepts in MMO's especially the social aspect of MMO's. I believe there are alot of systems in the game that were broke (Pre-CU), but the concept of proffession based advancement over level advancement was very original compared to all the other roller coaster level grinds that are in all MMO's these days. The crafting system was second to none unless you were lazy. Space combat was also second to none in an MMO that wasn't really created around a space element. Player housing has not been replicated in any other MMO which help make the game feel like a real alternat life in a virtual world. The sandbox enviroment had endless possiblities on all the planets which unfortunately was severly under developed.

In closing I will say SWG pre-CU was and still is the best and truest MMO ever made, to bad the developement team chenged to much and never got to finish what they started before they did the CU. The developement team created a great game then destroyed it to make the loud minority happy. SWTOR will never be a true MMO because SWTOR is not massive by any stretch of the imagination.

Heres to hoping for SWG2 in another 3 or 4 years, which will happen as lucas arts sees how bad this game is. SWTOR should have been a single player game with no monthly.

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SWTOR will never be a true MMO because SWTOR is not massive by any stretch of the imagination.

Heres to hoping for SWG2 in another 3 or 4 years, which will happen as lucas arts sees how bad this game is. SWTOR should have been a single player game with no monthly.


100000000% agree.

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SWG was a great test bed for core concepts in MMO's especially the social aspect of MMO's. I believe there are alot of systems in the game that were broke (Pre-CU), but the concept of proffession based advancement over level advancement was very original compared to all the other roller coaster level grinds that are in all MMO's these days. The crafting system was second to none unless you were lazy. Space combat was also second to none in an MMO that wasn't really created around a space element. Player housing has not been replicated in any other MMO which help make the game feel like a real alternat life in a virtual world. The sandbox enviroment had endless possiblities on all the planets which unfortunately was severly under developed.

In closing I will say SWG pre-CU was and still is the best and truest MMO ever made, to bad the developement team chenged to much and never got to finish what they started before they did the CU. The developement team created a great game then destroyed it to make the loud minority happy. SWTOR will never be a true MMO because SWTOR is not massive by any stretch of the imagination.

Heres to hoping for SWG2 in another 3 or 4 years, which will happen as lucas arts sees how bad this game is. SWTOR should have been a single player game with no monthly.


Space was after CU...




All players did in SWG was sit around and do nothing, no one ever did questing or PvP. You do realize the reason they closed SWG was becuase it was doomed in numbers and SWTOR has 1.2 million subscribers and the most successful launch of alll time for MMOs. This game is better than SWG by tons, the only think I would like from SWG was the player driven economy. Everything else was just wasted space..



The Customization and the fact that it was Star Wars was the only reason it sold Okay.

Edited by BrandonSM
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Space was after CU...




All players did in SWG was sit around and do nothing, no one ever did questing or PvP. You do realize the reason they closed SWG was becuase it was doomed in numbers and SWTOR has 1.2 million subscribers and the most successful launch of alll time for MMOs. This game is better than SWG by tons, the only think I would like from SWG was the player driven economy. Everything else was just wasted space..



The Customization and the fact that it was Star Wars was the only reason it sold Okay.


"no one ever did PvP"... you just made me laugh.

Edited by Kistosa
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Space was after CU....


All players did in SWG was sit around and do nothing, no one ever did questing or PvP. You do realize the reason they closed SWG was becuase it was doomed in numbers and SWTOR has 1.2 million subscribers and the most successful launch of alll time for MMOs. This game is better than SWG by tons, the only think I would like from SWG was the player driven economy. Everything else was just wasted space..

The Customization and the fact that it was Star Wars was the only reason it sold Okay.


I kmow it was after CU but it was pre NGE which is what killed the game completely.

SWG had alot of PVP when i played, there were always battles at the spaceports so im not sure when you played. It closed because of the NGE which killed the game in a slow lingering death. Im not sure in what ways SWTOR is way better than pre-cu or pre-nge SWG besides the story and voice acting, besides that there is almost no PVP in this game, the crafting system sucks, the economy sucks, there is no real social aspect in this game, the space element is a joke, the planets are nice looking but small, and there is nothing in this game that massive. But everyone has a right to their opinion and i respect yours, i just dont share it.

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I hate to say this but I'm so sick of SWG talk. SWG failed - yes even pre NCU/NGE because alot of players left it for wow. You left them with no choice but to try and change to get their players back. If it were so great you all wouldn't have left in mass to join wow. That was why swg failed and NGE/NCU was just a result of that. Honestly, SWG was getting bad before NCU. Hardly anyone could run it when it was brand new. It was the first mmo to use Hardware shading and most video cards that normal people could afford coudln't even run it. Even with a high end system it didn't run well. It was made "Future Proof" so much that it wasn't playable in the present.


What truly ruined SWG was a handful of people - one guild mainly who had the developers ears. I remember them and many of us were vocal about opposing their "Ideas" for the direction of the game. They were a large guild, maybe one of the largest and the developers listened to them and as a result we got the NGE. But that was only after everyone left for wow.


The first thing SWG did wrong was Player cities. At first there were only supposed to be a few cities that people could control but it escalated and the developers then decided to let everyone build everywhere. Tatooine went from a thriving desert with hostiles everywhere and turned into a barren ghost town due to buildings everywhere. You could drive around for hours and never find a single mob because everyone's stupid buildings destroyed the spawn points. It was so lame driving for hours only to find someones shack with some darth vader armor in it. And after those players left their crappy shacks were still there. Players ruined that great game by abandoning it yet continue to talk as if it was the golden egg of mmos. It wasn't so great that you all could refrain from leaving it for wow. After player cities and rage of wookies hit I personally didn't care much for it and was happy to leave for wow. Sandbox + SOE = Failure.


Everyone seems to forget buying an expansion only for it to be given to everyone for free a couple of months later. SOE and a dying player based killed SWG. Even without all of that I doubt it would have been that huge.

Edited by DarthBubba
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I hate to say this but I'm so sick of SWG talk. SWG failed - yes even pre NCU/NGE because all of you players who so loved that game left it for wow.



Speak for yourself, i didnt leave the game until NGE and i never played WoW.

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I hate to say this but I'm so sick of SWG talk. SWG failed - yes even pre NCU/NGE because all of you players who so loved that game left it for wow.



Speak for yourself, i didnt leave the game until NGE and i never played WoW.


Changed up my wording. Your'e right I shouldn't speak for everyone. Alot of people left and it's a shame the game was ruined as a result. I forget that there are some people who stuck with it no matter what. Personally it wasn't worth it for me but I do understand that not everyone felt as I do. I apologize.

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Changed up my wording. Your'e right I shouldn't speak for everyone. Alot of people left and it's a shame the game was ruined as a result. I forget that there are some people who stuck with it no matter what. Personally it wasn't worth it for me but I do understand that not everyone felt as I do. I apologize.


Glad to see some people on these boards still have respect for others opinions, glad you clearified.

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I just woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. Actually thinking about it I guess I liked SWG more than I realized. If I hadn't I wouldn't be so upset over its ruin : (


Ya its sad they ruined that game but it is what it is and i just wish game developers would use what they did right in the game and incorperate into a new MMO but they just want to replicate WoW, oh well what can we do, just hope that one day SWG2 will be made and done right.

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Space was after CU...




All players did in SWG was sit around and do nothing, no one ever did questing or PvP. You do realize the reason they closed SWG was becuase it was doomed in numbers and SWTOR has 1.2 million subscribers and the most successful launch of alll time for MMOs. This game is better than SWG by tons, the only think I would like from SWG was the player driven economy. Everything else was just wasted space..



The Customization and the fact that it was Star Wars was the only reason it sold Okay.



Umm... Wow... No one ever pvped? Did you even play?

Edited by Ramios
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Umm... Wow. Please make yourself look more silly... I really enjoy a good laugh.


No one ever pvped? Did you even play?


Sorry but PvP in SWG was derp to the max.


Of course, all OWPvP focused games I wouldn't even consider PvP.

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I'd love to play SWG again, BUT


1: it would have to dump the freely placable player building and adopt what Vanguard did, Plots in large groups where player cities could be built so you don't have houses all over.

2: it would have to be CU2, pre NGE. or maybe CU2, with the more advanced weapon vs Armor of the launch version

3: it would need a slight graphics update.

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