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Level 50 - Do you use any other companion than Doc?


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you can buy other classes pvp and pve gear from the vendors.


I geared out Kira in full pvp epics last night after saving 11 bags for the patch change, went with her to belsavis to do dailies and I actually died. I was being careless I suppose, but only because i'm used to being healed by Doc. fact is, we can't use any other companion without seriously hindering out ability to 'solo', because we have no way to heal up :( I wish we could spec our companions, i'd make kira / rusk both healers and use one of those, i'm just so sick of Doc and his goofy looking cape and hat.


Depending on your gear/spec, this isn't true. I only need Doc for soloing Champions or groups with 1 gold +2 silver elites. Everything else it's faster for me to use Rusk (his DPS seems the highest). I have no problems taking on groups with just 2 silver elites or 1 gold with Rusk. The healing provided from watchman is more than enough. I might have to meditate a bit after the fight, but that small downtime is made up for by the faster kill time. I have no problems with Scourge either but I prefer to kill things faster even though I take more damage.


For the record, my Rusk is geared in almost all crafted purples and some centurion. Scourge is in full Champions - so they are admittedly very well geared.

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I started using Kira as soon as I got her and kept her decently geared until I got Doc. At that point, I geared up Doc and my Sage friend who I run everything with geared up his Qyzen and we duo Heroic 4+ with very little difficulty and almost no downtime. In my opinion Doc outstrips the other healer companions I've used on alts, Mako and Elara by quite a bit.


Doc has been an excellent healer for us and I really don't miss Kira. I just finished Hoth and got Rusk and I might play around with him a little bit later. I'm really looking forward to getting Scourge though.

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