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Congratulations, on the worst launch concept ever!


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Brilliant idea! Staggering the launch by pre-order date, much after the fact! Now almost all my guild is in and playing without me, their guild leader.


I guess I was too busy wasting my time beta testing the game to pre-order right away, not that I was told that it would make a difference how soon I would be able to access the game.


Months of work organizing a guild, including a whole prelaunch program wasted because you damned idiots decided to make the launch unfair and not let everyone in at the same time.


The game isn't even close to a finished or stable product.


Take this game and this launch and shove it up your arse.



your only pissed off cause you did not use the pre-order code in time. get over yourself. you would rather jump ahead of those who actually did do what was requires. I bet your one of those who cut ahead of the line at the shopping mall too.


If you did not enter the pre-order code in time then blame yourself.

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it isnt launch day until the game is released......last time i heard it was still the 20th. so stop crying. :mad::mad::mad:


I seriously have to laugh at all the people arguing that this isn't launch because Bioware tells them that it isn't.


This is a MMO.


Launch is whenever the first person creates the first character in the game that is not going to be deleted.


Saying that customers shouldn't feel left out because the game hasn't "launched" yet is ridiculous.

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Brilliant idea! Staggering the launch by pre-order date, much after the fact! Now almost all my guild is in and playing without me, their guild leader.


I guess I was too busy wasting my time beta testing the game to pre-order right away, not that I was told that it would make a difference how soon I would be able to access the game.


Months of work organizing a guild, including a whole prelaunch program wasted because you damned idiots decided to make the launch unfair and not let everyone in at the same time.


The game isn't even close to a finished or stable product.


Take this game and this launch and shove it up your arse.



LoL dude..



:wea_14:BLAM [ur FACE goes here]


Quit complaining and try to be happy

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Brilliant idea! Staggering the launch by pre-order date, much after the fact! Now almost all my guild is in and playing without me, their guild leader.


I guess I was too busy wasting my time beta testing the game to pre-order right away, not that I was told that it would make a difference how soon I would be able to access the game.


Months of work organizing a guild, including a whole prelaunch program wasted because you damned idiots decided to make the launch unfair and not let everyone in at the same time.


The game isn't even close to a finished or stable product.


Take this game and this launch and shove it up your arse.


How will your guild feel that you made a rage post and disgraced the entire guild by your behavior? I wouldn't follow a GL that couldn't control themself.

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Brilliant idea! Staggering the launch by pre-order date, much after the fact! Now almost all my guild is in and playing without me, their guild leader.


I guess I was too busy wasting my time beta testing the game to pre-order right away, not that I was told that it would make a difference how soon I would be able to access the game.


Months of work organizing a guild, including a whole prelaunch program wasted because you damned idiots decided to make the launch unfair and not let everyone in at the same time.


The game isn't even close to a finished or stable product.


Take this game and this launch and shove it up your arse.



If BioWare had done the reverse, opened the floodgates and had servers crashing, huge queues, you'd be right back here on the forums with a post entitled "Congratulations, on the worst launch concept ever!".


You can't please all people, and that's fine since most people are morons.



Not to mention that this is not launch. If you'd like to complain because there are issues on the 20th, then by all means. Until then, stop whining like a spoiled brat and wait your turn like EVERYONE ELSE.

Edited by Strongfort
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I seriously have to laugh at all the people arguing that this isn't launch because Bioware tells them that it isn't.


This is a MMO.


Launch is whenever the first person creates the first character in the game that is not going to be deleted.


Saying that customers shouldn't feel left out because the game hasn't "launched" yet is ridiculous.


So the fact that the official release date is 12/20 means nothing to you? This is called early start for a reason...meaning it is BEFORE the release.

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If BioWare had done the reverse, opened the floodgates and had servers crashing, huge queues, you'd be right back here on the forums with a post entitled "Congratulations, on the worst launch concept ever!".


You can't please all people, and that's find since most people are morons.



Not to mention that this is not launch. If you'd like to complain because there are issues on the 20th, then by all means. Until then, stop whining like a spoiled brat and wait your turn like EVERYONE ELSE.



This argument is nullified by the fact that the stress test (which was really a hype preorder building demo) invited insane amounts of people at the same time on a peak time (a holiday weekend).



There wouldn't have been crashes if they had continued invites from the 13th after the peak times.

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The game isn't even close to a finished or stable product.




It IS a stable game, there has been no reported lag from the official Bioware team. And the "official" game has not been launched yet... What this is, is EARLY ACESS... And the reason they are letting people in, in waves, is that they don't want the servers collapsing because of thousands of people all joining at once and the whole login server crashes.

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Ok couple of things.


1.) Talk about pre-ording have been going on since well before July 21st and the fact the sooner you pre-order and register the more early access time you would get. Staggered entry was always planned.


So since you were too busy playing a "free" game...I mean beta and didn't think to or decide to pre-order till close of the beta program its all Biowares fault you are specifically being slighted, being a guild leader and all, from getting access within the first 2 days. Wow self important much?


2.) Yes you were playing the launch client during beta and it is identical to the client used right now...flawed, buggy, unfinished /end sarcasm. What you obviously don't understand is that there were several clients being tested and worked on but we never saw a finished client in beta. Even those that tested after Thanksgiving in the "Launch beta" client (devs even came out and said it wasn't the final client the closing days). There were a couple different testing groups...the general testers, weekend testers, and a special invite group that worked on the candidate clients of the beta clients. In house they were using a different client that would eventually be the launch one....a master client if you will.


So far here in early access the client is very stable and bugs that plagued most of the beta clients have been resolved. Graphics are sharper, game play is smoother. MMO's are never "finished".



Sour grapes is what this thread is. Waaaaa I didn't pre-order and a guild leader and now I can't play with my guild mates. What makes you more special than others that pre-ordered before you and run guilds? You admitted yourself that you played beta but didn't bother to pre-order till later. Get up from your computer, go to the bathroom. Look into the mirror and slap yourself. The person in the mirror is the only one you have to blame.

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I guess I was too busy wasting my time beta testing the game to pre-order right away,


Most epic failed excuse for not pre-ordering when you should have. Actually I kinda feel sorry for your guild members that you're their guild leader.

Edited by Asuka
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Brilliant idea! Staggering the launch by pre-order date, much after the fact! Now almost all my guild is in and playing without me, their guild leader.


I guess I was too busy wasting my time beta testing the game to pre-order right away, not that I was told that it would make a difference how soon I would be able to access the game.


Months of work organizing a guild, including a whole prelaunch program wasted because you damned idiots decided to make the launch unfair and not let everyone in at the same time.


The game isn't even close to a finished or stable product.


Take this game and this launch and shove it up your arse.


Sounds like your guild needs a more responsible guild leader.

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Brilliant idea! Staggering the launch by pre-order date, much after the fact! Now almost all my guild is in and playing without me, their guild leader.


I guess I was too busy wasting my time beta testing the game to pre-order right away, not that I was told that it would make a difference how soon I would be able to access the game.


Months of work organizing a guild, including a whole prelaunch program wasted because you damned idiots decided to make the launch unfair and not let everyone in at the same time.


The game isn't even close to a finished or stable product.


Take this game and this launch and shove it up your arse.


QQ much


I Would hate to be in your guild

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oh cause i am tired of seeing such posts about no one telling you.


this is a pic from the on-site pre-order info releashed on july 21 (the date when preorders started):




it says it quite clearly (even in a seperate paragraph):




hahaha I love watching noobs get owned on the forums.



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oh cause i am tired of seeing such posts about no one telling you.


this is a pic from the on-site pre-order info releashed on july 21 (the date when preorders started):




it says it quite clearly (even in a seperate paragraph):




You're my hero. :-) And to the OP thanks for all the hyperbole. Without people like you the internet would be nothing. :-)

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Most epic failed excuse for not pre-ordering when you should have. Actually I kinda feel sorry for your guild members that you're their guild leader.


Hes not the one using razor products, a true gamer knows they break in less than 1 month of solid play

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