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Just finsih my fight with

Sith Emperor

few hours ago. It's one(if not the 1st) of the most broken fight I ever have in my gaming history. I already know that they force me to use T7, which is suck because I use Kira the whole time.


Even if I have Kira with me, I still think that this SOLO boss fight is still to ridiculously hard. With gear I got from Corelia, T7 got kill by Emporer ELITE clone within several second. My Jedi guardian mange to get him to 75% before he spawn his clone again.


It was a hopeless fight. I don't think I could win on my own. I read about the pillar technique but it did not go well for me. I try it few more time but no luck.


But then I kill him with one saber throw.


I have no idea how I did it. He just on his throne while I saber throw at him. One saber throw and he's dead.


While I felt relieve, I felt my sense of victory was rob from me.


I defeat Sith Emporer because of BUG?


What an undramatic ending for me.


May the bug be with you, my friend.


Bioware really need to fix this.

Edited by Noviru
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Lol good old kite and push off the stairs. Anti-climactic. Or run around the pillar.


Well, let me rephrase: Jedi Sentinel-style. No push off possible. Pillar Humping was about the only choice.


I just opted for "bring a fracking healer and stop wasting time"

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That was one of the easiest fights I ever did.



I'm not sure what everyone does differently, but I could not open the loot chest to upgrade T7, so most of the gear he had on was from the low 30's range. All I did was turn off T7's high threat attacks and put him in dps mode. I took the brunt of the damage, popped valorous call when it came time, t& died stayed focused on Emperor and bam.


Ignore his clones and go just for the Emperor and by th time you kill him, pop Guarded by the Force if need be or Saber Ward.


Just out last the bugger.

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I was caught off guard by the fight at first.


But after the first death, I went ahead and changed strategies.

I let T7 Tank the emp while I killed the illusions. The illusions can be one shotted by your basic saber strike.

Then I taunted off T7 and DPS'd him down. When the illusions were spawned again, I let T7 go back to tanking while I one shotted the illusions.


That pretty much made the fight a joke. I was kind of disappointed afterwards.

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My solution may not work unless you have a lot of friends (and it sort of takes a lot of the challenge out too).


My RL friends and I like to do class stories together since we play different classes, and let's just say that I "hired havoc squad" to help me defeat the emperor.


Having my trooper friend with me made the boss fight too easy.

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I really don't know why everyone is complaining about how hard the fight is. I thought it was laughably easy, and I haven't upgraded T7's gear since lvl ~20.


If anything it should be harder,

it's the freaking emperor ffs...

ok, it's not really the emperor himself but I'd still expect his avatar to be tougher



At least make it so that when he summons his clones you lose your target.. it would make the cloning thing seem a bit more important to watch out for in the fight.

Edited by mozzlol
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