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Anyone using Rage spec for PvE?


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>Level 50 SW Marauder Rage PvE - Unsuscribed - lack of: X server LFD - appearance customization - +Travel between planets has too much steps - Stupid crystals restrictions based on alignment.

I'll be back for chapter IV.


>Level 50 SW Marauder Rage PvE - Unsuscribed


>Level 50 Marauder Unsuscribed




Why are you even here?

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I have two questions, first: What does the bottom line of this patch notes thread say?




Hemorrhage: Now increases damage dealt by bleed effects by 5% per point.

Bleedout: Now correctly modifies critical damage dealt by bleed effects.

Changes to Hemorrhage and Bleedout result in an overall increase in Damage Per Second.


Second: Who do you believe? A designer with access to concrete numbers OR an irritated gamer with a theory on how damage is calculated?

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I have two questions, first: What does the bottom line of this patch notes thread say?




Hemorrhage: Now increases damage dealt by bleed effects by 5% per point.

Bleedout: Now correctly modifies critical damage dealt by bleed effects.

Changes to Hemorrhage and Bleedout result in an overall increase in Damage Per Second.


Second: Who do you believe? A designer with access to concrete numbers OR an irritated gamer with a theory on how damage is calculated?


Exactly. It very well may end up being a nerf, but as of now, I'll hold my judgement and see what happens...

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it all boils down to 1 question


is bleedout an additive bonus to surge? or a multiplicative bonus to total damage if you crit?


the former would make the change a nerf, the latter a buff


taking bioware at its word that it is a buff is better than making assumption that we know the formulas they use to calculate damage better than they do

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Yeah..as much as I love rage, I don't think it's well suited for PvE, big numbers are amazing to watch but heres the issues I observed while playing.



1. aggro issues with Aoe Smash


2. By smash being an Aoe that means I have to watch cc and can't always using even further losing my dps.


I guess I'll just have to wait until the next patch for anni to be more viable for pvp so I don't have to switch back and fourth..even though rage makes me happy.

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All i can bring for now is anecdotal evidence, aka personal observance.

oh, i also dont give a toss about PvP.


I lvled as carnage, and only issue i had until lvl 30 was L2P, wich i did and i had no problems.


At lvl 42, i changed to Ani to check it out, did 10 20 mobs timed em tried rotations ofc checking here for "proven" rotations etc.


Tried carnage, it was better for my lvling atleast, an i didn`t like the ani`s rotations, to damn boring.


so lvled to 50 as carnage, started HMs as carnage, after i got everything full item ranking 124, i started having issues whit to much aggro on bosses.

But i read a thread about a full battlemaster marauder saying carnage>400k dmg in WZ

ani>480k in WZs and rage>580k in WZs.


At this time i hat rakata helmet columni chest and rest 124 items.


he seamed convincing and i tried rage my self, and tried dailys and it was a breeze, didnt have to use quinn anymore, just poped vette and every thing was twice as fast.


Doing HMs i have to use force camo every damn CD nearly i pull aggro left right and center.

and my crits nearly trippled, and normal hits gained from 300 to 500 in damage.


normals i take out 90% HP in 1 smash, and normal crits on smash for me is 3.9k.

pummle i got a 7.4k crit on and kick is a normal 4.5 crits on, way more than i got on carnage.


all i can say that to me rage seamed a HELL of alot of a damage increase over carnage, i won`t even bother whit ani as i didn`t like it at all.


ofc al lthis is just personal observation, but i persuaded 2 of my guild mates doign rage, and so far 1 of them loved it and stil uses it (was about a week ago) the other i conviced last night, yet to hear from him, but im sure he will as well notice the same dmg increase as i did.


oh i got 350 hours on my marauder so far.

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Bottom line, Rage sacrifices pure single target DPS for AOE damage and added survivability. If you are in a raid group, this exchange is not necessary. You need as much single target DPS as possible to prevent enraging bosses which is the biggest threat at the most crucial time.
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Rage is really bad for PvE. This is coming from someone who runs as Rage. I do well in PvP which is why I am speced this way, but I I have tried some PvE, and it is AWFUL. I pull aggro on everything as soon as I Smash, and I don't have enough sustained DPS to prevent enraging. Rage is for pure burst. If a fight lasts more than 30 seconds, Rage basicly sits there and twiddles its thumbs.
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Rage is really bad for PvE. This is coming from someone who runs as Rage. I do well in PvP which is why I am speced this way, but I I have tried some PvE, and it is AWFUL. I pull aggro on everything as soon as I Smash, and I don't have enough sustained DPS to prevent enraging. Rage is for pure burst. If a fight lasts more than 30 seconds, Rage basicly sits there and twiddles its thumbs.


The two post above mine are, more or less, what people need to know.

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The two post above mine are, more or less, what people need to know.


I agree completely, I was just wondering if anyone was actually running rage as viable option which I don't even believe it stands a ground outside of pvp. So I believe the question has been answered xD

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I'm running Rage build due to the AoE which is a blast while soloing, but yeah it slows you down in Flashpoints if things needs to be CC'ed. But clearing trash pulls in one smash sure is fun, going to hold on to this spec for now as I find it way more fun to play with.


But if you want high single target dps with added healing Annihilation is the way to go, I just hated the spec for soloing.

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As much as I hate to agree with Hizoka it's pretty much true. Using Rage in PvE for current content is like using a cardboard axe to chop down a tree. The only time Rage will be good in PvE is when there is a raid encounter that requires a disgusting amount of AoE throughout the fight.


How do you know you were "world 7th" in clearing 16 man nightmare content.


I guess you are world 7th among the guilds that thought it was a big enough accomplishment to let the world know.


Plenty of guilds have cleared 16 man NM and not reported it or spammed people with it or really even cared about doing something that easy.

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Been lurking around here for awhile and just wanted to throw my experience in on here since I feel I've had a lot of success with rage in PVE. I'm geared pretty well with mostly champ lvl pvp gear. I'm not saying it's the best spec, as I don't think there is 1 (why else have 3 trees) but the way I play it works out very well for me and my teams in HM's and OPs.


First thing is just being able to judge smash's range which is pretty easy once you do it enough, but more important than that seems to be your party makeup and how you attack mobs.


For an example. I often do HM's with a soc DD an assassin tank and which ever healer we can find. So lets say we're fighting some mobs and there is 1 elite and 3 strongs behind him. Assassin runs and and grabs hate. I'll jump at the elite mob and hit him with force crush and battering assault. While this is going on the SOR is casting force storm on the strong mobs stunning or slowing (in the case of "stong" mobs here, slowing) them down right in time for my smash to finish them off, then we all fight the elite, rinse repeat. With our gear there usually isn't a need to CC mobs anymore. When we do have to it's really not that hard to aim smash for a single target. CCing the mobs furthest away from the other ones isn't that hard either, and is something every party should be doing anyway.


Fighting this way mobs don't usually last past the 2nd smash and if they do I could just berserk but don't normally have too.


As far as rage not buffing a team enough, I'd say keeping predation on 100% of the time in a raid or HM is a pretty useful party buff and makes time fly by. Its something that I barely see any mauraders doing on my server and it makes me sad. Makes bosses that pull the team in so much easier to escape from too. Also I would argue that when your fighting in this way a big AOE is a pretty useful team attack, don't know why people keep putting it out there as a detriment.


Again not saying it's the best, in fact if I had the option I'd have 2 mauraders in my ops at all times one with each spec so I could get predation 100% and the team heal, but I fly through ops HM's and pvp all the time like this and love it.

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