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Would a developer please watch this?


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http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nnKYF_ZZQDE&feature=g-vrec&context=G28fb61aRVAAAAAAAAAQ He has many valid things and you should really really listen to him. Enjoy



- Chamber


I watched it he had a "few" valid points but overall i found him to be very whingy & whiny. He came across as typical of his generation where I want it & I want it now, thats also in referance to corrections that we all know need to be made. I accept that balance as with fixes in the game will take time, time he obviously wasnt willing to put into the game. His reference that warcraft pvp was balanced made me laugh......frost mages anyone?

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I watched it he had a "few" valid points but overall i found him to be very whingy & whiny. He came across as typical of his generation where I want it & I want it now, thats also in referance to corrections that we all know need to be made. I accept that balance as with fixes in the game will take time, time he obviously wasnt willing to put into the game. His reference that warcraft pvp was balanced made me laugh......frost mages anyone?


Frost mages aren't that strong, actually. Not sure why you would bring up frost mages as a proof that WoW was imbalanced? Frost mages are absolutely 100% balanced.

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You're comparing a game that has been out for years to a bran new MMO.


WoW was not nearly as polished as TOR was when it was released. Most of the classes are balanced. In wow most classes didn't have more than one viable spec till The Burning Crusade, and some even till Wrath.


You talk like you have played a lot of MMO's. How many of them were at release? Start comparing this game to that.


Yes there is a lot missing. Yes there are bugs. They will be fixed.


You said early on about higher gear not making you change your playstyle.

Why should it? You pick your playstyle by your spec and class, not your gear. Your spec is how you choose your gear.


Far as Ilum goes and how long you went on talking about it, it's a known thing of how much it sucks. You can't have a decent world pvp zone. Faction imbalances are always going to come into play.


Rated WZ's are in the works. WoW didn't even have battlegrounds for the first few months. Arenas didn't come out till the first x-pack. And I see how much you like those in your video, but they ruined a lot of balance in PvP and PvE. Now players needed to be balanced for small PvP, large PvP and PvE. And it wasn't really till near the end of TBC that they started getting that balance right. There's a reason 2v2 stopped giving the best rewards. They got tired of balancing it. You talk rather highly of it, but apparently don't realize how much hurt it did at first. I can only assume you didn't join the game till wrath or something.


If you wanted a healing challenge you probably picked the wrong class. I know Sorc/Sage have some short cooldown abilities and talent tree procs to use. You're also ignoring Supercharged Gas. That comes with a bit of utility and skill to use properly. It's a multi-use cooldown.

You talk about interrupts but have a talent that makes your shield ignore them while it's up. Again a skilled player would know when to do that as he/she needed.

You have a stealth detection ability.

You have a Pain Suppression type ability that reduces damage taken by 25% for 12 seconds. You could say it's less damage reduction. And I would say it's a longer duration.

You have a stun.

You have Death from Above. Come on now that ability is awesome and does a lot of damage.

I don't even have a 50 BH and I can already see everything you have.

And again, you're comparing a 7(or is it 8 now?) year old game to a fresh one. WoW didn't have much for abilities when it came out either. All a paladin did was one heal, bubble and stun. They did that till Cata.


Grats on finding that spamming windows open lags your game. Did I mention this is a new game? You Admitted to realizing this. Yet you rage so much about little things that you know will be fixed. It's a different engine, it's a newer engine. It's a more complicated engine. You're comparing a 2005 engine that has been modified to who knows what degree to a highly modified warcraft 3 engine. Which was probably crated in either 2000 or 2001(finished that is as the game released in 2002).


Why are you watching PvP tooltips? You have healthbars shown. Unless the target is very far away, which you should probably just click on them anyway.


DoT's interupted cast times in WoW as well. I believe this wasn't changed till half way through TBC. And while things are being triggered in PvP on this game the player has a beam of light that represents their faction to show what is going on. It was this way in the old Ilum, it is this way in the turret WZ(forget it's name).


Next part you talk about compared these two games.

Your example was comparing Windows 7 to the first OS made. Do you think WoW was the first MMO of this type? That crown belongs to EQ as far as I am aware. And there were other games of this type before MMO other than just EQ. There was AC, DAoC, Lineage. SWG was before WoW. And EQ2 was around the same time as WoW. Compare wow to EQ2 if you want. Far as I am aware EQ2 had a much smoother launch than WoW with much more content. WoW outshined it from it's easier combat system and fanbase.

That is why you cannot compare the two the way you are. Yes you can compare them but you need to look at the game as a whole. I think it's obvious you have not played WoW that long. late TBC/early Wrath at the earliest date. You missed a lot of bumps. That's ~4 years of polishing to get it where it is today. That you're comparing to a month and a half.


Next thing you talk about is PvP gear. Again you are comparing it wrong. The dailies are like your 2nd level of PvP currency in WoW (forget it's name, been a while). You get warzone comm for WZ fights. you can turn those comm(800ish of them) to get champion bag. So yes you can grind gear all you want. To get the T1.3 you cannot, just like in wow.

Although you made this video before 1.1.2 was announced. They are helping balance the grind.




Please please please try to remember this is not WoW. Stop comparing them. You even stated near the end that you tried another game(Aion I think it was) and couldn't do it. But this one you could.

But this is not WoW. They are not Rift. They're not coping 90% of what WoW does. If I wanted to play WoW I would. They realize this.


I hope the devs see my last line before they watch your video that states everything they already know and are working to fix or adjust.


Dev's, Ignore this video.

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Frost mages aren't that strong, actually. Not sure why you would bring up frost mages as a proof that WoW was imbalanced? Frost mages are absolutely 100% balanced.


There's a reason their PvE damage was a joke past MC/BWL. And that was only because most if not all of the mobs were immune to fire. (And arcane was a joke for a very long time) They started to get it right in Wrath at least, but still couldn't manage it. At least when I quit(before Firelands).

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i got a lil over a min into his video and all could hear was WAMP WAMP WAMP IM SUCH A LOSER really if you dont like the game dont cry about it in a video just stop playing it no one really cares what you think of it lets all be honest here we play games because we want to not because we have to so you can go play another game unless your just that starved for attention from strangers im not being a dick im just being realistic here like me or hate me im gonna tell you how it is
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I watched it he had a "few" valid points but overall i found him to be very whingy & whiny. He came across as typical of his generation where I want it & I want it now, thats also in referance to corrections that we all know need to be made. I accept that balance as with fixes in the game will take time, time he obviously wasnt willing to put into the game. His reference that warcraft pvp was balanced made me laugh......frost mages anyone?


i think he's talking more about the battlegrounds or the pvp arenas more than the classes. and the skills of the classes, no the balance of each class.

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You're comparing a game that has been out for years to a bran new MMO.


WoW was not nearly as polished as TOR was when it was released. Most of the classes are balanced. In wow most classes didn't have more than one viable spec till The Burning Crusade, and some even till Wrath.


You talk like you have played a lot of MMO's. How many of them were at release? Start comparing this game to that.


Yes there is a lot missing. Yes there are bugs. They will be fixed.


You said early on about higher gear not making you change your playstyle.

Why should it? You pick your playstyle by your spec and class, not your gear. Your spec is how you choose your gear.


Far as Ilum goes and how long you went on talking about it, it's a known thing of how much it sucks. You can't have a decent world pvp zone. Faction imbalances are always going to come into play.


Rated WZ's are in the works. WoW didn't even have battlegrounds for the first few months. Arenas didn't come out till the first x-pack. And I see how much you like those in your video, but they ruined a lot of balance in PvP and PvE. Now players needed to be balanced for small PvP, large PvP and PvE. And it wasn't really till near the end of TBC that they started getting that balance right. There's a reason 2v2 stopped giving the best rewards. They got tired of balancing it. You talk rather highly of it, but apparently don't realize how much hurt it did at first. I can only assume you didn't join the game till wrath or something.


If you wanted a healing challenge you probably picked the wrong class. I know Sorc/Sage have some short cooldown abilities and talent tree procs to use. You're also ignoring Supercharged Gas. That comes with a bit of utility and skill to use properly. It's a multi-use cooldown.

You talk about interrupts but have a talent that makes your shield ignore them while it's up. Again a skilled player would know when to do that as he/she needed.

You have a stealth detection ability.

You have a Pain Suppression type ability that reduces damage taken by 25% for 12 seconds. You could say it's less damage reduction. And I would say it's a longer duration.

You have a stun.

You have Death from Above. Come on now that ability is awesome and does a lot of damage.

I don't even have a 50 BH and I can already see everything you have.

And again, you're comparing a 7(or is it 8 now?) year old game to a fresh one. WoW didn't have much for abilities when it came out either. All a paladin did was one heal, bubble and stun. They did that till Cata.


Grats on finding that spamming windows open lags your game. Did I mention this is a new game? You Admitted to realizing this. Yet you rage so much about little things that you know will be fixed. It's a different engine, it's a newer engine. It's a more complicated engine. You're comparing a 2005 engine that has been modified to who knows what degree to a highly modified warcraft 3 engine. Which was probably crated in either 2000 or 2001(finished that is as the game released in 2002).


Why are you watching PvP tooltips? You have healthbars shown. Unless the target is very far away, which you should probably just click on them anyway.


DoT's interupted cast times in WoW as well. I believe this wasn't changed till half way through TBC. And while things are being triggered in PvP on this game the player has a beam of light that represents their faction to show what is going on. It was this way in the old Ilum, it is this way in the turret WZ(forget it's name).


Next part you talk about compared these two games.

Your example was comparing Windows 7 to the first OS made. Do you think WoW was the first MMO of this type? That crown belongs to EQ as far as I am aware. And there were other games of this type before MMO other than just EQ. There was AC, DAoC, Lineage. SWG was before WoW. And EQ2 was around the same time as WoW. Compare wow to EQ2 if you want. Far as I am aware EQ2 had a much smoother launch than WoW with much more content. WoW outshined it from it's easier combat system and fanbase.

That is why you cannot compare the two the way you are. Yes you can compare them but you need to look at the game as a whole. I think it's obvious you have not played WoW that long. late TBC/early Wrath at the earliest date. You missed a lot of bumps. That's ~4 years of polishing to get it where it is today. That you're comparing to a month and a half.


Next thing you talk about is PvP gear. Again you are comparing it wrong. The dailies are like your 2nd level of PvP currency in WoW (forget it's name, been a while). You get warzone comm for WZ fights. you can turn those comm(800ish of them) to get champion bag. So yes you can grind gear all you want. To get the T1.3 you cannot, just like in wow.

Although you made this video before 1.1.2 was announced. They are helping balance the grind.




Please please please try to remember this is not WoW. Stop comparing them. You even stated near the end that you tried another game(Aion I think it was) and couldn't do it. But this one you could.

But this is not WoW. They are not Rift. They're not coping 90% of what WoW does. If I wanted to play WoW I would. They realize this.


I hope the devs see my last line before they watch your video that states everything they already know and are working to fix or adjust.


Dev's, Ignore this video.


dude well stated. i just got the game and after watching that video, it made me a little skeptic. but this pretty much reassured me.

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dude well stated. i just got the game and after watching that video, it made me a little skeptic. but this pretty much reassured me.


Glad to help. Even Rift, which from what I hear had an incredibly rough launch made itself playable. I wasn't there for the launch so I cannot talk from experience.



If the game is bugging you as much as the guy in that video, then feel free to take a break. Or only play a little at a time. People who play MMO's suffocate themselves with them far too much.

Current shortcuts on my desktop from top to bottom:

Sanctum. FPS+Tower Defense. Fun game, funner with more people.


Sacred 2. Haven't played it in a while, helps fill that Diablo gap.

Battlefield 3. Awesome as hell game.

Witcher 2. Not far in it yet. Love the first. Stopped when BF3 came out. May finish it to slow down my SWTOR progress.

D3Beta. Fun to check out after patches. By no means a full game or trilling experience after you level to cap(13) so many times.

Hunted The Demon's Forge - Garbage multilayer kills it for me. Game isn't bad as a whole, but good luck connecting to someone outside of LAN or 3rd party program that 'create' a LAN like connection.

Vincidtus. My favorite thing to run to when I want a break from MMO's. Such a great combat system and I highly recommend it to anyone. It is F2P as well.

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Ok I couldn't get past when he said the game is buggy and you have a hard time finding a bug in WoW. He's going to say a game that is less than 2 MONTHS old should be as bug free as a 7year old game.


Whiners they make the world go around.

SWTOR was 6 years in development, they could have found and fixed at least a few bugs before the release of the game. RIFT didn't crashed once on me, not even in beta, SWTOR did so many times.

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SWTOR was 6 years in development, they could have found and fixed at least a few bugs before the release of the game. RIFT didn't crashed once on me, not even in beta, SWTOR did so many times.


They did find a few bugs, actually. But they don't have the same player scale as they do when a game launches.


That being said, SWTOR has only crashed twice for me, but I run multiple programs at the same time which can severely impact performance/stability.

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This video is pathetic. He just compares it to WoW the whole time. He doesn't like knock-backs in PvP? It's a really poorly put together video and he has no strong arguments. He cries from being knock-backed or stunned too much in the game "every stun is like 4 secs" no its not. This guy should play another class with more knock-backs or respec his merc to have a knock-back that he gets from the dps talent tree.


Overall too much "WoW does this..." crap and not realizing that the PvP combat in SWTOR is 10 times more dynamic than anything Blizzard ever did in PvP. Knock-backs, grappling effects, leaps, rescue...these are amazing mechanics that this poor fool has no respect for.


In the end guys like this need to stop comparing it to WoW and stop his complaining. He can't even say Ilum properly...so sad.

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This guy in the video clearly still loves WoW, unlike the rest of us who have been bored with it for a looooong time.


He is not judging this game unbiasly at all he just says "WoW is the greatest thing since slice bread" a million times.

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