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Micro-transaction Shop. Yay or Nay?


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Wouldn't mind if none of the items had any impact on combat, exp/valor/legacy/etc gain... As long as it's purely cosmetic or minor utility (like fleet pass) I'm fine with it and I could even buy something.


The problem is (and this has happened in other games) after some months/years the publisher sees some profit opportunity/needs some cash boost and next thing you know there are this "fantastic opportunities" on the cash shop that allow you to buy stuff that will actually have impact on the game/give advantage over other players.

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Introducing a cash RMT shop of any kind will only promote the diversion of resources away from the actual game toward RMT. In other words, the game's quality will suffer as the internal focus shifts from developing intriguing content and maintaining a fun MMO to focusing all art assets on whatever trinkets you can sell on the cash shop.


In a sense, the game ceases to become a game and turns into a nickel and dime-ing money grab. :eek:

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store ruined lotro, it ruined swg, it always starts as just cosmetics and then when companies see how much they make off it it quickly becomes p2w in almost all cases . I know that they wont have my $15 a month anymore if they choose to introduce one at all.


how did the store ruin LoTR and SWG, I never bought more than a few costumes and house decoractions before I stopped.

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how did the store ruin LoTR and SWG, I never bought more than a few costumes and house decoractions before I stopped.


On LOTRO, you can buy powerful mounts, things to increase your stats. Quick travel. I really don't see much that is paying to win (I assume that is what P2W means...)

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Nay. I like players to have an equal footing. A lot of what motivates players is the.. barbie effect; trying to make your avatar look pretty. If the best vanity stuff is from micro-transactions, it takes away from the game imo. Put that stuff in as rewards for in game achievements (and not for both, because it's an immediate graphical representation of the achievement, to show off your pretty reward and lets people know you earned it).


Is this ridiculously superficial? Yeah, but then this is mmo vanity items we're talking about.

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Nay. I like players to have an equal footing. A lot of what motivates players is the.. barbie effect; trying to make your avatar look pretty. If the best vanity stuff is from micro-transactions, it takes away from the game imo. Put that stuff in as rewards for in game achievements (and not for both, because it's an immediate graphical representation of the achievement, to show off your pretty reward and lets people know you earned it).


Is this ridiculously superficial? Yeah, but then this is mmo vanity items we're talking about.


This is where I think a lot of Western MMOs fail. They bind the items to an account which blocks people that do not want to pay real money for the item from ever obtaining it. If they put in fluff items like costumes and vehicles I hope they allow people to sell or trade those items to other players (and bind them on use).


I love micro-transactions. It allows me to buy cute items which I know supports the company which in turn allows that company to produce more content.

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I've seen these mentioned in various threads with many different opinions, so let me ask the question.


Do you want a micro-transaction shop added to SWtoR? And Why?


I ask "why?" because I'm very much in favour of these kinds of shops and I'm not sure what people's objections are. I'd love to hear from the people who don't like them and find out why.


I should say I like them, so long as they don't offer anything you *need*. Just optional extras. Like the costume parts they sell in City of Heroes, or the different looking ships in Startrek online.


If there was a zone in the game you could only access if you bought a 'pass' item in the store, I wouldn't be in favour of that.


Special colour crystals

Different looking mounts

Maybe different style starships (Same ability as the originals, different look)

Special Companion appearances


I think I'd be fine with those and I would actually buy them.


This is probably all moot of course, all MMOs have these shops eventually and mugs like me become their customers, but I would like to understand the pros and cons before we get that far.


What do you think?


No. I am very much not in favor of Microtransactions. Anything available in game I want to be able to earn by playing the game not buying in addition to the monthly sub I pay.


And no I would not be happy with removing the monthly sub and just going to a microtransaction system. Those always end up selling items needed to remain competitive.

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I think micro transactions are a good idea.


You buy exactly what you want to buy ( no lumped together CE bundle ;) ), and pay for exactly what you want to pay for.


The funds from the transactions provide additional revenue to the developer, who can then use it to... develop more content for the game.




...minus the revenue of my monthly subscription, for the life of the game.

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People will mostly say nay, simple because any kind of fluff stuff they add , or service they add to the store *could be* for free.


Then again i for one dont care.


If it is added , mostly likely will have those services most people dont use regularly enough to have to spend a lot on ,or fluff stuff.


If it is not added then all that means the fluff stuff is all going directly into the game and that those services are for free since they are necessary on a MMO.

Edited by rzrknight
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MT is only acceptable if game goes F2P


Either you make your money through subscriptions OR Microtransactions




Thats my line in sand for any game by any maker.


The minute I have to pay a monthly subscription and then still have to pay a microtransaction on top of that (other then 1 yearly expansion) is the day I cancel account no matter how much I like the game or not.


Its a deal breaker.

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Only if SWTOR goes Free-to-play. Just like LOTRO.

If SWTOR is full subscription based then it should not have a micro-transaction shop at all. This is due to the fact that once the shop starts up the Jedi developers who initially put up cosmetic items that are off no consequence, soon get overrun by the Sith from Sales and Marketing.


The Sith will then put in content that people really want such as new areas, a better crystal, xp boosters, health boosters, that you will have to pay for on top of your subscription. The Sith know that the XP booster are especially addictive to the casual gamers (those who only have about a couple of hours a day to play on average.) Then they will slowly but surely take over your wallet and bank accounts.

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nay nay NAY


It just opens the door for them to start putting anything nice in the micro-transaction shop with the excuse "well it's not absolutely necessary for you to have this in order to play, so you don't HAVE to buy it". I already bought the game and pay a monthly fee. Micro-transactions are just a big fat rip off.

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nay nay NAY


It just opens the door for them to start putting anything nice in the micro-transaction shop with the excuse "well it's not absolutely necessary for you to have this in order to play, so you don't HAVE to buy it". I already bought the game and pay a monthly fee. Micro-transactions are just a big fat rip off.


They are a big fast investment.


What do you think companies do with all the money they make from cash shops? Exclusively produce content for future cash shop transactions or over all game development and content?


Don't be ignorant; do actual research.

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