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I, for one, think Ilum is GREAT and innovative.


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Whoever it was at the senior level dev meeting that proposed the current way Ilum works is a damn genius and deserves a raise. Whoever it was, and everyone who agreed with him understands that players want a pvp in which not only involves action, strategy, and innovation, but that we also prefer competing against one another. Clicking armaments and cruising around on a speeder is an amazing way to encourage community and rewards in an MMO.


30 blue rockets a day for an amazing chance to win an item is an amazing way to showcase this AAA MMO and it's innovative lock on what players truly want; that is the search and race to blue rockets. This is PVP at it's finest, no other developer of no other game has done it any better. The blue rocket concept will set the bar for years, if not decades to come, because it is new, innovative, and let's be honest, downright EXCITING.


But Ilum is not just about blue rockets, because of the amazing hero engine, players have the added challenge of dealing with great mechanics that involves careful thinking when a base is captured. Some call them lag spikes, I call it working as intended. When an enemy player is killed, when 40 or so gang up on them, it really makes you feel like you are a hero in the star wars universe. I remember the time obiwan and 50 other jedi swarmed one droid and they all simultaneously beat him down and saved the galaxy. This is true Star Wars, in a way only bioware could make it. Lucas be damned, this is the way it was meant to be.


10/10 bioware. world pvp is perfect, well done. I dream about blue rockets because it blows my mind how great and innovative your world pvp system is. I would pay $50/mo for this masterpiece, truly.

Edited by einsoff
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I agree but that is only that Ilum is not controlled by one side all the time on my server.


The whole concept of PVP is flawed in that the guy with better gear is pretty much always going to get better gear and dominate the other side.


So the undergeared side (Republic) is forever going to be undergeared and stomped on.


Look at WOW and Wintergrasp, what a disaster in concept. Sounds fun but in fact is just bad.


People do not like Gear equalization as then TALENT would be your only PVP proof not gear.


I do not see any fix in sight and PVP in SWTOR is just as messed up as WoW.


Great PVP is equal players going at it and bad PVP is one side OP and easy mode kills.

Edited by Metalmac
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i admit getting a huge rush when i approach a blue missile, especially when one of my comrades dismounts and tries to take it before me. it kills me just watching our status meters go up, and sometimes the race is close! the best part is when you win, and you get to /laugh at your ally. Edited by Darth_Gao_Gao
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i admit getting a huge rush when i approach a blue missile, especially when one of my comrades dismounts and tries to take it before me. it kills me just watching our status meters go up, and sometimes the race is close! the best part is when you win, and you get to /laugh at your ally.


excellent post! I agree! My heart rate flies up when this happens!

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Putting the crates in the center was the cherry on the **** sundae. All it did was guarantee the zerg of players on the side with the faction imbalance would all be there.


If there were no crates, people would be far more distributed across the map, giving smaller groups of people a chance at picking each other off. Four people cannot challenge the zerg.


And they just ignore the objectives since they are meaningless. Only the center objective matters.


I hope whoever designed this never works on a video game again.

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Its just sad that the same devs that worked on RvR for DAoC and were part of what made the PvP in WAR good have somehow turned out this mess.


I mean Daimon Schubert is with BWA here, that guy did PvP dev for Shadowbane. They have some of the best PvP minds in the business working for them and this is the bucket of crap they came up with as a PvP end game.


Its just astonishing. Its like they all got paid to eat donuts and not strain themselves too much on the PvP side of things cause some dill hole in a suit somewhere wants to ensure the player base validates the 150 million dollar expense for all the VO work in PvE.


Heres a freaking memo BW, PvE isn't the reason people STILL PLAY DAoC. And you should know that because there are people in your office that can show you the numbers.

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Putting the crates in the center was the cherry on the **** sundae. All it did was guarantee the zerg of players on the side with the faction imbalance would all be there.


If there were no crates, people would be far more distributed across the map, giving smaller groups of people a chance at picking each other off. Four people cannot challenge the zerg.


And they just ignore the objectives since they are meaningless. Only the center objective matters.


I hope whoever designed this never works on a video game again.


On subject here, there should only be 5 crates per assault area and they should have longer respawn timers.


This would force players to range around the map searching for crates that are available and enforce more Rep vs Imp action at various assault points, rather than focusing a zerg on one spot and making the rest of the Ilum PvP objectives more or less pointless.

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Its just sad that the same devs that worked on RvR for DAoC and were part of what made the PvP in WAR good have somehow turned out this mess.


I mean Daimon Schubert is with BWA here, that guy did PvP dev for Shadowbane. They have some of the best PvP minds in the business working for them and this is the bucket of crap they came up with as a PvP end game.


Its just astonishing. Its like they all got paid to eat donuts and not strain themselves too much on the PvP side of things cause some dill hole in a suit somewhere wants to ensure the player base validates the 150 million dollar expense for all the VO work in PvE.


Heres a freaking memo BW, PvE isn't the reason people STILL PLAY DAoC. And you should know that because there are people in your office that can show you the numbers.


It smacks of poor "vision" from the top. I can just imagine these talented people raising objections in a design meeting and getting a "This is how it will be" smackdown. "I have decided this will be how Resolve will operate."


Probably from Gabe.

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Sorry but as long as the numbers and gear is equal then Ilum is really cool and fun.


Once one side is over geared or has more numbers the fun goes out the window.


You see, that's the thing - it's not Ilum. Get 20 people on each side in an empty field on Hoth and you'd have just as much fun.


There is nothing SPECIFICALLY about Ilum that makes open world PvP better. ILUM is not fun. It is poorly designed from top to bottom.

Edited by EternalFinality
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Whoever it was at the senior level dev meeting that proposed the current way Ilum works is a damn genius and deserves a raise. Whoever it was, and everyone who agreed with him understands that players want a pvp in which not only involves action, strategy, and innovation, but that we also prefer competing against one another. Clicking armaments and cruising around on a speeder is an amazing way to encourage community and rewards in an MMO.


30 blue rockets a day for an amazing chance to win an item is an amazing way to showcase this AAA MMO and it's innovative lock on what players truly want; that is the search and race to blue rockets. This is PVP at it's finest, no other developer of no other game has done it any better. The blue rocket concept will set the bar for years, if not decades to come, because it is new, innovative, and let's be honest, downright EXCITING.


But Ilum is not just about blue rockets, because of the amazing hero engine, players have the added challenge of dealing with great mechanics that involves careful thinking when a base is captured. Some call them lag spikes, I call it working as intended. When an enemy player is killed, when 40 or so gang up on them, it really makes you feel like you are a hero in the star wars universe. I remember the time obiwan and 50 other jedi swarmed one droid and they all simultaneously beat him down and saved the galaxy. This is true Star Wars, in a way only bioware could make it. Lucas be damned, this is the way it was meant to be.


10/10 bioware. world pvp is perfect, well done. I dream about blue rockets because it blows my mind how great and innovative your world pvp system is. I would pay $50/mo for this masterpiece, truly.

Hell yes! From destroying enemy war machines to collect randomly spawning missiles in blue boxes was a very cool change, because you train your body both ways: run around like a headless chicken and lift heavy missiles. Before it was only lifting rocket launcher so your training was not balanced.


Your saga has begun!!11

Edited by PalawaJoko
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Whoever it was at the senior level dev meeting that proposed the current way Ilum works is a damn genius and deserves a raise. Whoever it was, and everyone who agreed with him understands that players want a pvp in which not only involves action, strategy, and innovation, but that we also prefer competing against one another. Clicking armaments and cruising around on a speeder is an amazing way to encourage community and rewards in an MMO.


30 blue rockets a day for an amazing chance to win an item is an amazing way to showcase this AAA MMO and it's innovative lock on what players truly want; that is the search and race to blue rockets. This is PVP at it's finest, no other developer of no other game has done it any better. The blue rocket concept will set the bar for years, if not decades to come, because it is new, innovative, and let's be honest, downright EXCITING.


But Ilum is not just about blue rockets, because of the amazing hero engine, players have the added challenge of dealing with great mechanics that involves careful thinking when a base is captured. Some call them lag spikes, I call it working as intended. When an enemy player is killed, when 40 or so gang up on them, it really makes you feel like you are a hero in the star wars universe. I remember the time obiwan and 50 other jedi swarmed one droid and they all simultaneously beat him down and saved the galaxy. This is true Star Wars, in a way only bioware could make it. Lucas be damned, this is the way it was meant to be.


10/10 bioware. world pvp is perfect, well done. I dream about blue rockets because it blows my mind how great and innovative your world pvp system is. I would pay $50/mo for this masterpiece, truly.


Obviously I can't argue with you thinking its great. But its about as innovative as farming. And I don't mean farming valor or items, but actual agriculture. Growing things and tilling soil and implements and such.


Innovative? Its a hunk of ice with some objectives tossed in the middle and its been done in other games. I can't tell if you're stupid or you don't know what 'innovative' means. Oh wait.

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Obviously I can't argue with you thinking its great. But its about as innovative as farming. And I don't mean farming valor or items, but actual agriculture. Growing things and tilling soil and implements and such.


Innovative? Its a hunk of ice with some objectives tossed in the middle and its been done in other games. I can't tell if you're stupid or you don't know what 'innovative' means. Oh wait.


calling me stupid...lol. sarcasm detector is broked, sir.

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