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Marrying Companion vs Marrying a Player in game


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A few quick questions regarding "Marrying" companions:



  • Any Benefits or Penalties to marrying a companion?
  • My RL wife was interested in marrying me in game (guess she isnt bored of me)...but if I marry my companion, does anyone know if that will block me from marrying her? Or do I essentially get a harem or will I have to "divorce" my companion?


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Now this is an interesting dilemma. I do not think the system recognizes any marriages really. Your class story certainly does not reflect it. I think it is just something between you and your companion in their story. That being said, you have the option to tell your companion no.


If you marry your wife in game, there is no benefit or detriment, same as marrying your companion. Personally though, I would go with the wife... less wife aggro that way. It would have to be an RP wedding, as there is no known mechanic for actually "marrying" someone. Heck Rift just added something after a year.

Edited by Scandana
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My JK married Kira (uhh I think) was a bit convoluted. But it has absolutely no effect on your character or companion.


My last conversation with Kira was asking her to marry me and I guess we got married. Like I said it wasn't very clear. That was the last quest she had @ max affection and level 50. It just kind of ends and nothing more.


I'm fairly certain they plan on expanding this area.


Some games have added marriage/heritage systems. The legacy system looks promising and might lead to being able to marry others. Really just too soon to tell.

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Ugh, the marriage system is such a joke...the final straw, so to speak. I had, like, 5 real intimate conversations with Elara, helped her with a few problems ( and by 'help' I mean I click an option, get a black screen, then watch her magically return from her solo adventure ) and suddenly I'm getting marriage options?


Way to make me feel connected to my potential spouse, Bioware.


But yeah, in short, if there's the option to marry other players I'd take that over NPCs any day. It would be a real, actual commitment from an RP standpoint. Hell, at 10k affection Elara won't even TALK to me anymore.

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Can you marry other players officially in game? I know my wife would also be interested in this.


I don't think its in game yet...but I do remember seeing they had plans for it...I would just hate to block myself from this by marrying a companion for the XP which seems to be the only reason to do so.

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I don't think its in game yet...but I do remember seeing they had plans for it...I would just hate to block myself from this by marrying a companion for the XP which seems to be the only reason to do so.


Indeed, especially if marriage to other players could include things like sharing legacy name and other legacy benefits.

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You can marry a companion what? :confused:


Yeah, the romanceable ones, as you close in on 10k affection, the option to marry them comes up. It really does not do anything, and they don't really say much or act different afterwards. It's just a nice story twist. The funniest is Kaliyo's proposal... she just asks for a ring, to keep men from hitting on her.

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A few quick questions regarding "Marrying" companions:


  • Any Benefits or Penalties to marrying a companion?
  • My RL wife was interested in marrying me in game (guess she isnt bored of me)...but if I marry my companion, does anyone know if that will block me from marrying her? Or do I essentially get a harem or will I have to "divorce" my companion?


I'm pretty sure the downsides are more prevalent.. I mean once you split up, they take half your credits and gear.

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  • 2 months later...
I would want nothing more than to marry my wife in-game, I have absolutely no attraction to other females, let alone some virtual ones. She is gonna be BA as hell and will be with me every step of the way, I don't give a flip if all my romancable companions just flaked out on me. I under stand that we prolly shouldn't get benefits from someone else grinding their char, then marrying you. But to me, it's way worth it. I married her because she's the "one", even in my mind, you know? I want that in every aspect of my life, I think a few of you guys with wives can feel me on that one eh? Edited by Captahearn
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