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Darth Jadus Bugged - Spoilers


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The game should never have been released with this bug in nor the similar bug for the BH. These were the two classes I found most attractive and played them both. Now I can not be bothered to play this game any more because your bug tracking and resolving is obviously not an important factor to you, lets see if your income is!


really bro? that far,.... games fun, and a few bugs can be resolved. I understand you have a right to talk with your wallet. However, I would choose better reasons to excersise that option.

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What a freaking joke this game is.. I have some minor lag issues.. enough to jack up interupts in pvp.. It makes this fight a freaking nightmare.

Seriously considering unsub'ing...



I ran into this bug yesterday, but never saw any threads on it until now.



It is pretty hilarious that people are getting so upset.


"I cant just press F and turret my way through this fight! unsub!"



seriously, there are some valid reasons for some people to unsub. This is hardly one of them.

If you cant figure out how to pull him off the platform, or los him, then the whole game must be agony for you anyways


This fight cost me 1 death until i figured out an easier way to do it. interupts and health pots will make your 2nd attempt your last.

Edited by Redial
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I was so frustrated with this part of the story arch I just about uninstalled.... in hindsight, perhaps I should have.


Like a fool I tried and tried.... then sent a bug in, came here and see this has been a known issue for how long?


This is absolutely pathetic. My character is stuck here, and I can't get past the second half of the battle (after you kill him the first time, he has some sort of continual whirlwind he puts your companion in, and then death fields you for half your health.)


Asking for this to be fixed is stupid... it is assinine, and should have been done months ago.




I just has a response from customer service on Jadus being un-targetable. They asked me to be more specific.



Edited by Krozis
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My character is stuck here, and I can't get past the second half of the battle (after you kill him the first time, he has some sort of continual whirlwind he puts your companion in, and then death fields you for half your health.)




You should be able to leave the instance and reset the quest. Go back and do it again, but be nice and side with him. I don't believe there is any lightside gain. The story plot doesn't change. except they'll refer to you now as the hand of Jadus. The alternative to fighting him is much easier.

Move along, this is not the Darth you want to fight, The mouthy annoying one is more satisfying to kill.

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Here is how I beat it.


Each time I had to pull him, I put my companion on passive, then walked up to him and shot him with a poison dart as soon as he began to attack. I then ran off the steps, and let my companion attack him.


When he began casting his channeled ability, I simply LOS him with dozens of consoles. I would interrupt his other abilities though. I kept poisoning him, and hitting him with melee (Operative) attacks. I never once had to heal myself, and other than phase 1, my companion never died.


Each phase I just did that to pull him and avoid his strong channeled ability. I was curious what it'd do, but never stuck around to see.

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Oh this got me so pissed. I had to bring my Sorcerer friend along so he could push him off the ledge and I could attack. My work-a-round is to get my companion to go and attack, then return to passive to where I stand, which is LOS'ing the boss. From there I got Jadus off the ledge and could attack as usual.
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You should be able to leave the instance and reset the quest. Go back and do it again, but be nice and side with him. I don't believe there is any lightside gain. The story plot doesn't change. except they'll refer to you now as the hand of Jadus. The alternative to fighting him is much easier.

Move along, this is not the Darth you want to fight, The mouthy annoying one is more satisfying to kill.


You're joking right?


No way will I bow or befriend this Darth. To be forced to in order to get past a known bug that has been out there for months is ludicrous.


Bottom line is that this is not prioritized to be fixed. I sit in defect review boards everyday, and understand well the process, and BW has made the judgement that they have bigger bugs to address. Customer Service is left to try and deal with a bug that won't be fixed anytime soon, and so you get disingenuous statements like "this is at a high priority".


I have had two gamebreaking bugs in the game to date, this one and another one where my main (my IA is my 2nd character) was stuck in a dialogue box on the bridge of my ship for over a week. In both cases, I could get no response from CS at all.


the lack of response is my biggest gripe with BW. I have never played an MMO, and I have played several, with a CS this poor, and that includes SWG, and they were abysmal

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I didn't have any problems with this battle. I brought along a bounty hunter friend and we crushed Jadus.


This is an online game, you can ask the community for help. No need to rage quit ;).


I did in fact bring along a BH friend to help too. But you and I must disagree whether this is suffiecient to quit over. I still regret not cancelling my account before it renewed automatically; which as it turned out happened the next day and is for 6 months.


It's not so much that this by itself so bad, but was the last straw for me.

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This fight was ridiculously hard for a class quest... I wiped about 25 times by myself..

then asked a friend they were about 10 lvls lower than me..

Together we wiped a total of 16 times on this fight our eventual tactic was to have me heal, my friends pet tank (Khemval), and us pulling him all the way to the hallway right in front of our respawn point so we could run back 1 at a time quickly and keep the fight going till he died..

I switched to DPS because of this fight... I figured I wouldn't be able to do any of the further storyline in healing spec if this fight was just a taste of what was to come.



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I killed him at lvl 32 as sniper. I took alot of frustration and angry emails to BW but eventually i made it. Just be quick on those silencing abilities and let kaliyo take the hits. poison, dart, sunder armor etc.


I got so angry bout the LoS thing i didnt play for like a month but when i came back it was np :S

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Wow this quest is the worst experience I've had in this game, by far.


What a shame, 'cause I was enjoying the storyline. What a way to squash my enthusiasm. And you've known about this bugged-up frakfest for months now, devs? Utter shame.


And here's a big fat digitus medius right at you for not fixing this (very essential quest) in a timely fashion. Mind-boggling.

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Wow this quest is the worst experience I've had in this game, by far.


What a shame, 'cause I was enjoying the storyline. What a way to squash my enthusiasm. And you've known about this bugged-up frakfest for months now, devs? Utter shame.


And here's a big fat digitus medius right at you for not fixing this (very essential quest) in a timely fashion. Mind-boggling.


Seriously, until they fix this quest, and it looks like they are really taking their time with it for some reason, but until they fix it the best thing to do is get someone who is level 50 and bring them along.


Every patch I check the patch notes to see if this has been looked at and the only thing I ever noticed was that they looked at a very similar quest in the Smuggler class quest called "The Lightspring" and on that quest they just gave it the "easy button" fix which is a real shame...

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Seriously, until they fix this quest, and it looks like they are really taking their time with it for some reason, but until they fix it the best thing to do is get someone who is level 50 and bring them along.


Every patch I check the patch notes to see if this has been looked at and the only thing I ever noticed was that they looked at a very similar quest in the Smuggler class quest called "The Lightspring" and on that quest they just gave it the "easy button" fix which is a real shame...


Ah yes, Lightspring. Nothing like this one; probably the hardest fight I had in the game so far. When you died at Lightspring it booted you outside the entrance of the cave, and all the mobs respawned. The first time I died there there were the bodies of about six other smugglers laying around me at the same time.


It took several, okay, many, tries to beat. It is the only fight where I popped my heroic moment at the start of the final boss fight, and the CD had expired long before the end of the fight. Used about a dozen medpacs during the course of the last boss fight.


I agree, best thing is to take someone with you before you do this quest.

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It happened to me too. The first time I killed him no problem, the second time I couldn't see him and died. I basically just got up to him to the point where I could hit him and cover pulsed him off, I just kept doing that and killed him with only one death
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If I want to play a sniper, why should I have to change the way a sniper fights?

Sure some of the work arounds work and some people are better at it than others, but that has nothing to do with the bug.

I want to take cover then unload on whatever target I choose.

The "dances" you have to do for "Bosses" has always been weird for me, but they are in the game.

So, bring a friend or do the work around or don't play an IA because the Devs have no intention of fixing this.

Just my opinion.

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I finally completed this quest with the help of a Lvl 50 tank. The target didnt even dent him..


Yes, the target did bug twice! We knocked him down to low health and he would just sit on the bridge with a electrical sphere around him.. If you interacted with him, he would say "You have not won yet!", or something similiar. If that happens to you and you don't get a signal from Watcher2 to hit a second objective, you will not be able to target him at all..


The first time, I had to get a service ticket processed to reset it; the button provided on the quest log would not work. This took a day.


The second time, we had to leave the ship and reset the quest. By the time I finally got the help from a level 50, the quest was gray.. Not one of my favorite experiences.


My recommendation to anyone spec'd full medic would also be to bring help.. preferably a geared level 50 with alot of patience and some spare time. I can see now why folks that are claiming it was simple are saying that.. They were fortunate enough to have help (or were very pvp savy) and the quest did not bug out.

Edited by Rockflint
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....I highly doubt the majority of agents have trouble finishing this quest solo...level 50's certainly not necessary.


I did it as a level 31 sniper no issue.


1) get up in his face and knife him


2) run down the stairs and setup up cover around the computers


3) interrupt that big cast...rotation would be distraction, then debilitate, then distraction, then flashbang, then distraction...


4) Do it again 3 more times


5) profit!

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