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Darth Jadus Bugged - Spoilers


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Did anyone else have a huge amount of trouble with this fight?


The fight itself is difficult, but during the second and third phase my sniper kept getting "Cannot See Target" errors no matter where I stood. If I walked right up to him, he wouldn't react for about five seconds, and once he started hitting me, I could only fire back if I was lucky enough to be standing in a very specific, unknown location right next to him. Made no difference if I was in or out of cover.


As you might imagine, this makes the fight nearly impossible as a sniper. I ended up having to recruit a lvl 37 friend to do the fight for me, while I ran around frantically mashing attack buttons, trying to get something to register.


The first phase seemed to work fine from a mechanical perspective - it was just the second and third phases that were broken for me.


So - anyone else having this problem? Jadus is a hard enough fight as it is, without this going on.

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Hello all,


We know encountering this issue is frustrating since it affects gameplay and completion of the quest-line. This is an issue we know about and according to the Known Issues thread in the Customer Service forum, it is on the list of high-priority issues.


This list of known issues was last updated on: January 26th, 2012


  • For the Imperial Agent Class mission “Defender of the Empire,” players may be unable to heal companions and may receive the error “Cannot see target” when attempting to defeat the final boss.
    Workaround: Players must get very close to the boss for abilities to work as intended.


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Pulling him off of the platform also worked. Put Kaliyo on passive so that she doesn't pull Argo while you are up there and proximity pull him to the lower level.


Note: you can also use the computer terminals to LOS him when he starts chain-CCing your companion.


Yeah, the strategy I was using before the fight bugged was just running around the room breaking LOS and putting DOTs and white damage on him.


A pretty cheese tactic, but then, so is having to kill a guy three times. :D

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Pulling him off of the platform also worked. Put Kaliyo on passive so that she doesn't pull Argo while you are up there and proximity pull him to the lower level.


Note: you can also use the computer terminals to LOS him when he starts chain-CCing your companion.


Yeah, this is exactly what I did. I put a bug report in as well, but in the end this worked for me. The first phase of the fight was the hardest, because he really pounds you and there's no real way to defend against it except interrupting his cast times. I ended up using a Presence stim to boost Kaliyo so she would stop folding so quickly, giving me a little more time to burn Jadus down.


Oddly enough, this is one of those fights where being in melee range is actually beneficial. Since we only have the 1 ranged interrupt, being in melee range allows you to use Debilitate and Cover Pulse to interrupt cast times as well, which helps immensely with surviving the fight.


Keep in mind, this is from the PoV of a Sniper.

Edited by Greyfeld
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Hello all,


We know encountering this issue is frustrating since it affects gameplay and completion of the quest-line. This is an issue we know about and according to the Known Issues thread in the Customer Service forum, it is on the list of high-priority issues.





The game should never have been released with this bug in nor the similar bug for the BH. These were the two classes I found most attractive and played them both. Now I can not be bothered to play this game any more because your bug tracking and resolving is obviously not an important factor to you, lets see if your income is!

Edited by Cristari
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This issue is seriously giving me heartburn. Why can't they just move him!!!!?


Can you bring others into this quest with you? And once you are there, can you leave and get back to the fleet?


GRRRR!!! fix this NOW!



Edit...this quest is worse than I thought. I killed him, undid some console and i have to kill him again? Did they just ignore the coding on this quest? Pathetic.:mad:



edit 2: Stupid quest.........Can you guys waste more of my time that I am wasting playing this game?



Died 20 times. This game is no fun. I'll give it a day then I will cancel my account.

Edited by Xaephod
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This issue is seriously giving me heartburn. Why can't they just move him!!!!?


Can you bring others into this quest with you? And once you are there, can you leave and get back to the fleet?


GRRRR!!! fix this NOW!



Edit...this quest is worse than I thought. I killed him, undid some console and i have to kill him again? Did they just ignore the coding on this quest? Pathetic.:mad:



edit 2: Stupid quest.........Can you guys waste more of my time that I am wasting playing this game?



Died 20 times. This game is no fun. I'll give it a day then I will cancel my account.



I was having the same LOS issues with Jadus and Kaliyo. Seeing as I'm a healer specced OP, this is truly frustrating. And then to find out that this is a known issue that still hasn't been addressed since release...wow Bioware. And by addressed, I mean fixed in a timely manner.


This isn't some backwater planet side quest involving some renegade droids; this is a pivotal class quest that must be completed in order to further the story.


What gives here?

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My progress through the Old Republic's story mode has ceased because of this issue -- I seriously cannot believe that it has been around for so long given the fact that the game comes down literally every week for maintenance. The length of time that this bug has existed is surprising.
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Yeah, I submitted a bug during the weekend and replied that they knew about the issue though there is no fix at this stage


What you have to do is try as much as you can to melee or use your skill next to him. Once he aggroed, run out/go down from the stage and shoot him there. Worked alright for me. Just use your quick shot (forgot what it's called) while running around the consoles

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Yep, this happened to me as well. I call it the "I have to practically make out with them to kill them" bug. And it happens all the time. YES, this bug happens frequently, not just with this fight. I have to close the program and restart it and who knows when it will happen again.
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The game should never have been released with this bug in nor the similar bug for the BH. These were the two classes I found most attractive and played them both. Now I can not be bothered to play this game any more because your bug tracking and resolving is obviously not an important factor to you, lets see if your income is!


The more I think about it, the more I'm convinced that the too-early release wasn't something that BioWare pushed for as much as Lucas/LucasFilm and affiliates did. Surely, it's no coincidence that there are constant ads on TV for the upcoming release of Episode 1 in 3D.

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Once you realize the problem with this encounter, it is actually really easy (and I am far from a good player). Put Kaliyo on Passive, run up to Jadus's side, Debilitate for the 3 second stun, run away and active Evasion to get some range in relative safety and run down to the left or right down the small stairwell. Get up against the console and take cover/crouch. As soon as you see him at the top of the stairs, press Ctrl-1 to get Kaliyo to attack, start your general rotation, and use your interrupts (including Flashbang, Cover Pulse and if you're specced into it, the Ambush with knockback) on his long casts. If you're out of interrupts, run around the console so he stops casting and starts to follow you.

That doesn't mean they don't need to fix it, of course. This is a workaround, and not a real solution for a class that's supposed to combat at range.

Edited by Elladan
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This mission forced me to join a guild, make some friends and get another guild member (43 BH) to help me take Jadus OUT. Thanks to my guild mate Issa'ru!


Congrats to the folks that figured it out on their own. This mission is still bugged, it should be challenging, but not involve 30 to 50K in armor repairs. It did challenge me to get more social and join a great guild (Blood Legion) - so a net gain for me. :rolleyes:

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Did it this weekend. Wiped twice, first to the OMG Cannot See target panic, second time I worked out a tactic to beat it, after that every kill was smooth.


I sent in Vector, put up my shield which would be anough to pull aggro and have Jadus run towards me, put up Corrosive Dart and then just kite him around using LoS to keep incoming dmg low, heal/medpack if needed and interrupt Jadus' heals.


But yea, the bug makes it unnecessarily harder than it should be, but a welcome challenge. It's my first time dieing on the class quest, besides an "elevator bug" on Nar Shadaa.

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Yeah I got this bug too and put in a report.


I beat him through tinkering around (when it says "cannot see target" he usually can't attack you either, so it's not as nightmarishly difficult as some people would imply, even if it sucks.)


I think I pulled him off the elevated platform or something, somehow got him in a position where we were able to fight again. I'd use the fella's advice about drawing him off the platform with a knife-stun.

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Did this quest last night. (3 feb 2012). The LOS issue is very annoying.


I managed it with some trouble, mind you that I actually am not a sniper, I am a healer and this is for all the green-goo casters out there. It went like this.



I chose her. She is more beefy. :)


There are some vertically placed purple screens pretty close to where Jadus is. 3 of them on each side of the main "pathway". I stood there and let Kaliyo attack Jadus. That might take a min thanks due the LOS issue, but it does work. When aggro'd, I called Kaliyo back to me and made sure I fought Jadus around the purple screens.


Suddenly LOS is an advantage.

During Jadus' every cast, you can take advantage and try to put in some damage before dissapearing around the corner. You can also use this moment to heal up, your choice. Use debilitate as an opening to do added dps without having to worry about Kaliyo's health. Flashbang can be used to stop Jadus in his tracks and allow for a moment of healing up.


I suppose these purple screens will work for any class.

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Very annoying indeed. I still haven't been able to get this one done right so basically stalled out. After something like 10 tries and many blown stim/medpac uses wondering what the heck I was doing wrong, I find out it is bugged. Lovely.
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Man I thought they should have fixed this bug by now!!! I think it's a known issue since release (or even beta). I've seen similar posts dated back in last December!


I went to Jadus fight at lvl 32 (same lvl as Jadus), run into "can't see target issue", and got wiped god only know how many times, blow so much money on repair, finally decided to go do Nar Shadaar bonus quest, lvl up to 33, come back, got beaten again. Move on to Taris ahead of the story quest, totally ruined the narrative, level up 35, came back barely make it out of the fight.


This bug has been on the "high priority" list for weeks! I'm also in the gaming industry, and I know how bug list works, either the "high priority" is simply just there for show, or you guys doesn't take thing seriously. I've always been a loyal fan of Bioware, and this has become outrageous!


the tactics mentioned in the post works for me, I beat Jadus with Vecter. Send him out to get Jadus move down from the platform, use a lot of disrupt and stun, anything that can stop him from use force power, you won't really do a lot of damage, just let vector chop him off, and use whatever power you get to use before Jadus catch up on you.


The worst part is you have to fight this guy 3 times, and every time he recovers to full health.


Anyway, either out level him 3 level and come back, or bring a buddy... wish you good luck.

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If you can drag him off, knock him back off, etc... that works too. The problem is, usually in the time it takes to do this, he does a significant amount of damage.


I literally had to stack on top of him just to be able to hit him. Even then, I kept getting the message. Eventually I wound up bring a friend, who managed to drag him off the dias, and he went down... although he winds up right back where he was for phase 2 and 3.



Great design.

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