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Malgus and Jadus are superior to every other sith lord in SWTOR


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After seeing most of the class stories on youtube and having played the IA story line till the end i can say with certainty that no sith lord, no dark council member is worth a dime compared to Darth Malgus and Darth Jadus.


The voice acting, the plot, their inner motives.. they are just above this usual Dark Council internal struggles crap. Baras? Thanaton? Oh pls..

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Baras holds his own thanks to excellent VA and by sheer amount of brains he shows throughout the SW story.


Thanaton on the other hand is... ugh.


But yeah, between his VA, motives and

how his actins ultimately positively affect the empire in patches to come

Malgus is quite awesome and Jadus is a masterpiece. His scheming, VA and plot he started are all masterpiece. WIsh Jadus was more universal instead of "available" only for IA cause this is basically how I envision a Dark Council member. Only Marr is comparable from what I've seen and that's because he is somewhat of a mystery and we haven't seen much of him. I hope that he gains more spotlight in future.

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Jadus is one of my absolute favorite Sith Lords. Unlike most other agents, I hear, my Sniper

joined his cause. Rather than "taking the cowards way out", my Sniper, as an alien, was seduced by Jadus's extremism mostly because of how he did not care about race or anything as long as they could produce results. He respected Jadus and went to his side because he actually agreed with his Lord. Becoming the Hand was only fitting (that and he's quite bloodthirsty.)

Edited by Zerixkun
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