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Questions about Miraluka and Force Sight


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Hey, I'm still studying up on my Star Wars lore, and the Wookieepedia didn't have a lot of this information, so I was hoping someone here could help me out.



-Is it Miraluka or Miralukas for plural? "The Miraluka" or "The Miralukas"? Proper English grammar implies the former, but...


-Just how well can Miraluka see? Can they read text? Considering their Force Sight is so evolved that they no longer need normal eyes, I assume it's pretty good.


-Do Miraluka see forward, like humans, or in a radius around them?


-The Wookieepedia says that the Force Sight Miraluka employ "greatly increases their reflexes". How?


-Can Force Sight be interrupted? Can a Miraluka be rendered "blind", so to speak?


-Do Miraluka still see in their sleep, or does Force Sight require conscious focus?

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Ok, Milakukia is for the singular and plural term, And the Miralukan are born with the innate ability of force sight, it is why 99% of the populous are force sensitive. Their eye sight have no limits, they can see from 5 yards to thousands of light-years away, it all simply depends on the Miralukans connectivity and mastery of the force, and YES Miralukan can be blinded, if placed in a force devoid area or Zone a Miralukan is blinded, think of it like a beserker on Gears of War Three. They have to use their mundane senses to see and move. Edited by DarthPuckett
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I'd like to add to that question...


-Does Force Sight allow you to see holographic projections...


-Computer terminal screens...(Which I would assume the answer would be yes because my Miraluka has been able to do so in game.)


-Printed words on a page...


-Tattoos... (which I would assume to be no because they're colorblind)


Also, is it something that grows stronger as you progress further down the jedi road?


And what is the color that they see in? Is it shades of blue? Would sith see in shades of red? or is it just black and white with light intensities?

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-Is it Miraluka or Miralukas for plural? "The Miraluka" or "The Miralukas"? Proper English grammar implies the former, but...


Singular: Miraluka. "A Miraluka just walked past."

Plural: Miraluka. "Several Miraluka just walked past."

Adjective: Miralukan. "The mask is a Miralukan thing."


-Just how well can Miraluka see? Can they read text? Considering their Force Sight is so evolved that they no longer need normal eyes, I assume it's pretty good.


I don't believe they could read text on a computer screen, so gave them a Braile-like written language. For a physical hardcopy, such as paper printout, they may be able to read it by detecting the difference between the ink and paper through the Force.


-Do Miraluka see forward, like humans, or in a radius around them?


Force Perception is likely to be 360 degrees, though it may be "stronger" in a particular arc on which the Miraluka is focused, rendering the rest of their perception as a sort of "peripheral vision."


-The Wookieepedia says that the Force Sight Miraluka employ "greatly increases their reflexes". How?


Jedi/Sith block and deflect blaster bolts by sensing the incoming attack through the Force before it actually happens, so that by the time the bolt reaches them, they have already moved to block it. Miralukan Force Perception works the same way. It's also explaining why the WotC d20 games gave Miraluka a +2 species bonus to their Dexterity score.


-Can Force Sight be interrupted? Can a Miraluka be rendered "blind", so to speak?


Not typically. It is continuously functioning, and such an ingrained part of how a Miralukan's biology works that it cannot normally be "addled." However, things which interfere with Force use, such as ysalamiri, will blind a Miraluka.


-Do Miraluka still see in their sleep, or does Force Sight require conscious focus?


If they do, it would be in the same fashion that you "hear" while you're asleep.


-Does Force Sight allow you to see holographic projections...


No. Though in my interpretation, it does allow you to "see" the energy of the hologram, so you know that it's active and roughly the volume it's taking up.


-Computer terminal screens...(Which I would assume the answer would be yes because my Miraluka has been able to do so in game.)


Not really, though again, you can tell that the screen is active, and is displaying something.


-Printed words on a page...


At the risk of sounding like a MythBuster, I'm going to call that plausible. The differences between substances appear to be apparent to a Miraluka's perception, and so they could 'read' by telling the difference between ink and paper.


-Tattoos... (which I would assume to be no because they're colorblind)


They don't see color the way a sighted species would, but they can probably 'see' the different colors and qualities of ink as distinct from the skin and each other.


Also, is it something that grows stronger as you progress further down the jedi road?


Not for a Miraluka, I'm sure, though they can probably develop other abilities to tune in with their Force Sight to make them even more perceptive. For "ordinary" Force-Sensitives, mastering the kind of sight a Miraluka takes for granted could take a lifetime of study and practice.


And what is the color that they see in? Is it shades of blue? Would sith see in shades of red? or is it just black and white with light intensities?


It's not sight, so it's not color. They simply do not perceive the physical world in a way that can easily be equated with the way a sighted person does. Talking about colors and shades and light and dark are, at best, crude parallels.

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Hey, I'm still studying up on my Star Wars lore, and the Wookieepedia didn't have a lot of this information, so I was hoping someone here could help me out.



-Is it Miraluka or Miralukas for plural? "The Miraluka" or "The Miralukas"? Proper English grammar implies the former, but... It's Miraluka for both singular and plural


-Just how well can Miraluka see? Can they read text? Considering their Force Sight is so evolved that they no longer need normal eyes, I assume it's pretty good. They can see better than humans. Their vision is essentially 360 degrees and has more detail than human sight. They "see" the Force, and the Force permeates all things. They can even see color... though "blue" isn't blue to them, they can tell that there is a difference between an object that is blue and an object that is green and they recognize which is which. And yes, they can read text (the ink is separate from the paper).


-Do Miraluka see forward, like humans, or in a radius around them? 360 degrees. Objects do not block line of "sight" unless they are force-resistant (cotorsis)


-The Wookieepedia says that the Force Sight Miraluka employ "greatly increases their reflexes". How? Because they can see behind them, and the incredible detail of their sight allows them to notice more, which in turn allows them to react more easily.


-Can Force Sight be interrupted? Can a Miraluka be rendered "blind", so to speak? Yes, if something is Force-resistant. Cortosis will block the ability to see "through" and object made of it. The Vong are naturally "Force-dead" so they can't be sensed by Miraluka.


-Do Miraluka still see in their sleep, or does Force Sight require conscious focus? It's just like humans... it's extremely difficult to sleep with your eyes open due to constant new info coming in (though is possible). It's similar with Miraluka. They would have to reduce the information coming in to sleep... which translates to either reducing the field of their "vision" or shutting it down completely when they sleep.


Hope that helps. :cool:


P.S. Much of the Wookiepedia info on Miraluka is wrong (which isn't surprising, since a lot of articles in wookiepedia are wrong).

Edited by Sai-to
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Hey, I'm still studying up on my Star Wars lore, and the Wookieepedia didn't have a lot of this information, so I was hoping someone here could help me out.



-Is it Miraluka or Miralukas for plural? "The Miraluka" or "The Miralukas"? Proper English grammar implies the former, but... It's Miraluka for both singular and plural


-Just how well can Miraluka see? Can they read text? Considering their Force Sight is so evolved that they no longer need normal eyes, I assume it's pretty good. They can see better than humans. Their vision is essentially 360 degrees and has more detail than human sight. They "see" the Force, and the Force permeates all things. They can even see color... though "blue" isn't blue to them, they can tell that there is a difference between an object that is blue and an object that is green and they recognize which is which. And yes, they can read text (the ink is separate from the paper).


-Do Miraluka see forward, like humans, or in a radius around them? 360 degrees. Objects do not block line of "sight" unless they are force-resistant (cotorsis)


-The Wookieepedia says that the Force Sight Miraluka employ "greatly increases their reflexes". How? Because they can see behind them, and the incredible detail of their sight allows them to notice more, which in turn allows them to react more easily.


-Can Force Sight be interrupted? Can a Miraluka be rendered "blind", so to speak? Yes, if something is Force-resistant. Cortosis will block the ability to see "through" and object made of it. The Vong are naturally "Force-dead" so they can't be sensed by Miraluka.


-Do Miraluka still see in their sleep, or does Force Sight require conscious focus? It's just like humans... it's extremely difficult to sleep with your eyes open due to constant new info coming in (though is possible). It's similar with Miraluka. They would have to reduce the information coming in to sleep... which translates to either reducing the field of their "vision" or shutting it down completely when they sleep.


Hope that helps. :cool:


P.S. Much of the Wookiepedia info on Miraluka is wrong (which isn't surprising, since a lot of articles in wookiepedia are wrong).



type kotor 2 force sight in google imigas there was a miraluka visas i think:confused: you could select and in first person vieuw you saw how she saw ;)



That's a very poor representation. They could not accurately represent how Miraluka "see" in the game, due to the complexity of it and the ability to sense everything in a 360 degree radius.

Edited by Sai-to
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Hope that helps. :cool:


P.S. Much of the Wookiepedia info on Miraluka is wrong (which isn't surprising, since a lot of articles in wookiepedia are wrong).






That's a very poor representation. They could not accurately represent how Miraluka "see" in the game, due to the complexity of it and the ability to sense everything in a 360 degree radius.


I submit again, a page from one of the KOTOR comics in regards to how Force Sight works for Miraluka since I know the KOTOR 2 Force Sight is tainted by human sight.


http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y96/VoxTheHero/blz09-10.jpg look at the panel on the right

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Even so, that's a visual representation of what is, in essence, a non-visual phenomena.


It's like trying to visualize what tracking someone by smell would be like, or what echolocation would be like. The Daredevil movie did an excellent approximation, but in the end, that's all it is, an approximation.

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I submit again, a page from one of the KOTOR comics in regards to how Force Sight works for Miraluka since I know the KOTOR 2 Force Sight is tainted by human sight.


http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y96/VoxTheHero/blz09-10.jpg look at the panel on the right






Even so, that's a visual representation of what is, in essence, a non-visual phenomena.


It's like trying to visualize what tracking someone by smell would be like, or what echolocation would be like. The Daredevil movie did an excellent approximation, but in the end, that's all it is, an approximation.



The comic book suffers the exact same problem as Kotor did with being unable to adequately represent the Force Sight ability.

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I would tend to think that Miraluka could see things like details of a computer keyboard or solid surfaces simply by way of the difference and displacement of the midichlorians present in all life, ie: microscopic life-forms. Bacteria, viruses, etc surround us daily and even in clean rooms it takes a lot to sterilize a given place. We all move though a sea of them daily with no effect, but to a Miraluka I'd imagine that they'd see such as a overriding "fill" of ...well...whathaveyou...that is broken and divided by walls, switches, etc. Even by details of a person's wardrobe.


Letters on a screen? I don't know about that...but honestly, it isn't beyond the realm of possibility. Miraluka merely evolved in an environment that led to evolution foregoing physical eyes, but that doesn't speak at all to whether or not they still retain a visual cortex in their brains. Should they retain such, it's entirely possible that they could be able to link their force sensitive perception to filter through said cortex and thus allow them to read text, watch a holo-movie, etc.

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