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OP sage healing bug


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This thread was removed from the sage/sorcerer forum a long time ago in order to prevent healers using this method, but not for long! 1.2 will bring a change. So enjoy it while you can :)


Patch 1.2 Update: (little update to post force user relevance but better late then never)


SUCCESS!!!! Victory for non force using healers.(sage patch notes mirror sorcerer)


Conveyance no longer unintentionally allows its buff to be applied to more than one healing ability. Its effects have been slightly redesigned. It now increases the critical chance of Benevolence by 60% and reduces the Force cost of Deliverance by 30%.


This is replacing


Benevolence: Force cost reduced by 50%.

Deliverance: Activation time reduced by 1 second. x2 <----- etc

Healing Trance: Critical chance increased by 25%.

Salvation: Force cost reduced by 30%.


So not only did they fix the double application buff but they completely removed the reduced cast which made it the most ridiculously powerful heal ingame. Further more to balance out the new reduced cost, they are nerfing the consequence of force regen


Resplendence no longer removes the health cost from Noble Sacrifice.


This is a totally massive nerf to force healers(well the good players) and a victory for the other heal specs.





Original post


Conveyance which turns the games most powerful single target heal into a quick 1.5 second cast



If you spam cast the second deliverance fast enough you get two hasted casts for the price of one buff. The hasted cast triggers for a second time before the buff registers as already happened and fades.


Result 2x 1.5second casts of the games biggest nuke heal with near 100% crit chance.






BAM! (having major pvp fun with this bug, pulling some srs healing numbers when combined with force potency)





Video below shows the bug being repeated over and over.



Video below shows 400ms of artificual lag created via torrents, mouse over shows lag. 2 x1.5 second casts and a 3rd 2.5 second cast to clearly show the different time length on when the heals actually land. It shows the first 2 landing quick with the 3rd one taking 1 second longer.


Further more just to make it interesting I weaved force focus in for extra crit after gaining conveyance.



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Makes up for the horrible storyline.


Also its only fair because the other heal specs are heaps better then sage. Sage loses out in the HPS, cheap nuke heal, instant cast heal, aoe heal, resource management and negative effects of burning it departments.




pffff sorry couldn't say that with a straight face.

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video in fairly high quality compression to prove I can chain these events together.



I jump around a bit to show it wasn't being looped. But notice how the cd's line up so that once you cast 2x 1.5 sec Deliverence you can almost instantly reapply the Conveyance and start casting again.


This bug makes Deliverance essentially permanently 1.5 cast. That is Huge HPS and the only limiter would be Force, which has been proven to not be an issue once fully geared.





Have fun sages :)

Edited by Harower
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Video is broken but I know what you mean. You can do the same with the sorc healer as well. I think that the timer is set at 1.5 seconds so if you break the cast, you can still cast it again with the 1 second reduction as long as it is still in that 10 second window. However, if you have high alacraty (sp?) you can finish one and start the second before that 1.5 second time frame is up. Edited by HelinCarnate
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Video is broken but I know what you mean. You can do the same with the sorc healer as well. I think that the timer is set at 1.5 seconds so if you break the cast, you can still cast it again with the 1 second reduction as long as it is still in that 10 second window. However, if you have high alacraty (sp?) you can finish one and start the second before that 1.5 second time frame is up.


oh thanks, fixed it.



It is doable with zero aclarity and high aclarity. The video is of 1.5 second casts at zero aclarity. Ive been doing it in pvp all day havn't found a dps that can out burst 7-9k of healing every 2.8 seconds. (1.4 second cast as naked lvl 22 sage in wz)

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Yes it's been doing this forever. Well know benefit of playing a sage healer.


You can't be saying a bug is an intended benifit? You also can't be insinuating that being "OP" is nothing but a perk :p


Unless it originally was 2 stacks and bugged out for 3? I can't confirm this.



Btw you mean't "we all know the benefit"? Just so I'm sure we are on the same page.

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You can't be saying a bug is an intended benifit? You also can't be insinuating that being "OP" is nothing but a perk :p


Unless it originally was 2 stacks and bugged out for 3? I can't confirm this.



Btw you mean't "we all know the benefit"? Just so I'm sure we are on the same page.


shhhhh.... *wink*



(btw pretty sure he meant "well known benefit".


Now: shh!

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This guy forgot the first rule of sage club...


PS. This only works if you have high alteracity. If you have high alteracity you miss out on power crit and surge.


As of now it is the ONLY benifit to having any alteracity, as compared to the others it is a very weak stat for casters.

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Stop crying for nerfs. Over nerfing kills MMOs Smugglers and Opps have way better heal styles.


I must be tired, but I swear you just merged multiple sentences into one line.


Fixing a bug isn't a nerf, especially to a class that already beats the other healers in every aspect.


Well, unless you think style is important then well a nerf or bug fix shouldn't concern you.

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This guy forgot the first rule of sage club...


PS. This only works if you have high alteracity. If you have high alteracity you miss out on power crit and surge.


As of now it is the ONLY benifit to having any alteracity, as compared to the others it is a very weak stat for casters.


The video was of a lvl 24 sage with no alacrity doing it over and over. With the 1.5 second cast time. My sage actually :p


sooooo.... there goes that theory lol.

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This guy forgot the first rule of sage club...


PS. This only works if you have high alteracity. If you have high alteracity you miss out on power crit and surge.


As of now it is the ONLY benifit to having any alteracity, as compared to the others it is a very weak stat for casters.


This is the second time I've read something this in the last five minutes, and I disagree. I think alacrity is actually more important for a Sage Seer than crit. It tremendously increases the efficacy of Healing trance, which, in turn, means that you regenerate force more quickly with higher alacrity, even as you spend it more quickly.


In a PvP environment, alacrity becomes even more important, as it enables you to quickly burst heal and cc multiple targets.

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This is the second time I've read something this in the last five minutes, and I disagree. I think alacrity is actually more important for a Sage Seer than crit. It tremendously increases the efficacy of Healing trance, which, in turn, means that you regenerate force more quickly with higher alacrity, even as you spend it more quickly.


In a PvP environment, alacrity becomes even more important, as it enables you to quickly burst heal and cc multiple targets.




I agree with his valuing of haste being so low in this game as it doesn't affect GCD and because this game seems to have some horrible tethering to animations.



Either way you don't need alacrity to be able to do this OP bug. I would know I have been doing it non stop.

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you are using something you know is a bug to gain an advantage over other players?

I believe that is called exploiting and I hope you get banned for it.

Just because there is a bug in a game does not mean you have to use it to gain advantage, I hope the ban is permanant foul cheat.

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you are using something you know is a bug to gain an advantage over other players?

I believe that is called exploiting and I hope you get banned for it.

Just because there is a bug in a game does not mean you have to use it to gain advantage, I hope the ban is permanant foul cheat.


No, you're wrong. It's not an exploit; it happens as a matter of course. You hit whatever button your Rejuve is keyed to (e.g. "2"), then you spam Deliverance (e.g. "4"). Regardless of whether this bug occurs or not, your playstyle doesn't change. It's not something you're doing outside of your normal play.


What are you saying, that I'm exploiting if I spam Deliverance after Rejuve?

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you are using something you know is a bug to gain an advantage over other players?

I believe that is called exploiting and I hope you get banned for it.

Just because there is a bug in a game does not mean you have to use it to gain advantage, I hope the ban is permanant foul cheat.


no, what he is doing is pointing out a bug that needs to get fixed.

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Stop crying for nerfs. Over nerfing kills MMOs Smugglers and Opps have way better heal styles.


Really? I'm not even going to bother explaining how wrong you are. Just go on the Op/Scoundrel forums and you'll see loads of threads about the weakness of these styles.


Go on, you might learn something from it.


PLUS, Sorc/Sage gets better DPS when specced to heal than Op/Scoundrel does when specced to heal.

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This game calculated the benefits / modifiers of buffs once the damage / heal / effect lands. This seems to give a bit of discrepancy on the effectiveness of buffs depending on what the buff does.


When should modifiers apply? To the start of a cast and subsequent result of this action or at the very end? This is where it gets inconsistent with SWTOR. Buffs that affect the end result of a cast fade mid cast when the buff fades. This is unique to SWTOR


For example cost reduction and damage / healing / crit modifiers will not apply to the cast you already started but the buff faded on. To me this is very very weird. I don't think it works like this in other mmo's. I know 100% it doesn't work like this in wow.


Therefore buffs that apply to the start of a cast are effective for there entire duration(cast modifiers). Where as the charged cell buff of troopers ( 15 sec long ) is only effective for around 13 seconds, less then the tooltip states. Most buffs are giving less effective uptime then stated because of this.


Why does this game do it this way? well it seems the fact this consular / inquisitor buff bug exists is why this game is running on a very delayed non-reactive. Because the game can't handle a more proactive buffing system.


This games horrible connection to animation and inbuilt ability delay in the engine is why this bug exists. I'm not sure what Bioware could do to fix this as it seems to be a pretty inbuilt design flaw of the game engine itself and the way buffs are handled. An example of this is aoe damage not doing anything till the animation lands on them. In wow the damage would already be accurately represented in the combat log and thus any modifiers could be accurately applied.


I am really concerned on how this games combat log is going to turn out when every action waits on animation completion(or at least some weird animation connection) and talent / buff modifiers have such muddled disconnection with ability use.


I hate to quote wow, but damage shows up in the combat log way before any animation hits you or visual affect occurs. Wow treats the game as a text based combat encounter then converts it to visual effect. It isn't always 100% accurate but the combat log in wow does have a pretty good representation of second by second recount as they should be.


This game seems to treat events as physical events causing a text based reaction. Thus we can take advantage of the games complete unresponsiveness to increase MASSIVE amounts of HPS for consular / inquisitor.




(apologies for mentioning wow so much)

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Stop crying for nerfs. Over nerfing kills MMOs Smugglers and Opps have way better heal styles.


Good luck with that.There have been a lot of good things nerfed because of people trying to control how others play.I think more time would be better spent fixing bugs like the problem with not being able to use skills but that is just me.

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This happens with Sorcerers as well.


It affects more combinations of spells, not just two large heals back-to-back. The buff affects the first ability you use (correctly), and if the second ability queued is Dark Infusion (or the Sage equiv), the buff will also shorten the activation time of it (incorrectly).


I have nothing nice to say to anyone calling this an exploit. It's unavoidable, unless you don't use Dark Infusion whatsoever, which isn't an option. When your tank is about to go down, you usually heal them with the largest heal available. You can't just say, "Well, I'd love to save you, but my buff isn't working properly, thus it will improperly affect my next two heals... So you're just gonna have to die..." that's just ridiculous, and anyone expecting that to happen is also ridiculous.


It's not an exploit, it's a bug.

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