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Change the Carnage tree to a STEALTH spec.


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Then we should give commandos and bounty hunters stealth too.


No, they wear heavy armor, have stuns, knockbacks, heals (merc), can tank and guard(powetech)but most importantly, 3 very viable talent trees (I have a merc as well).

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There's already 2 out of 8 classes like that. Why would we need three? Plus they'd have to destroy the Marauder as a whole in order to do that. A complete class overhaul from the ground up to prevent the off balance of that design.


The change over could be made through the Carnage tree. Give them stealth and a full on vanish further up in the tree, but make taking the stealth remove force charge, and make massacre a backstab. Doesn't sound very hard to me =/ The rest of our stuff is not imbalanced towards stealth. Scream, smash? Ravage? Lol. Choke could be turned into a full out stun, much like electrocution. It doesn't sound very hard to me, just a revamp of the individual tree; and I think it would be an interesting changeover from the traditional role of a warrior. Stealth warrior would be cool.


Something else they could consider is making Carnage a tanking tree, or a healing tree (aoe life steal perhaps?). They could do a lot of cool things with the tree, including making it a low damage, cc heavy tree as well.

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Lore wise Marauder is someone who jumps in the middle of the battlefield and causes havoc, not someone who sneaks around backstabbing unsuspecting folks. I agree with the above poster, just give us heavy armor. Edited by Thorlas
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If I wanted to be a rogue i'd play wow.






I will say, it would be cool to swap out the dual lightsabers for a double bladed saber, but other than that...i dont need a second assassin.

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1. Heavy armour would be a start.

2. Less reliance on procs (or up the dmg on them).

3. Unleash on a 1 min CD (talented), that provides immunity to snares,stuns,roots,mez, etc. for 5 secs.

4. Combine a few skills together, otherwise all marauders will have OOS/RSI in a year.




And this is a gripe on other classes. It feels like there is too much CC in this game, to the point where it isn't even skillfully used. People just use it for the sake of it.

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