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Same-Gender [Flirt] Prompts


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I did shoot that skank on Ord Mantell who turned out to be Skavak's ringer. Corso hated that.




Choose female character -> Apply short hair and body type 1 -> Male name -> Flirt with men.


Choose male character -> Apply long hair and body type 1 -> Female Name -> Flirt with women.


Neccessary ingredients : Immmaginationnnn.

It's great that BioWare already accommodates Transgender play, but that's not the option I am asking for here. I am asking for some inclusiveness for same-gender [Flirt]s.


The body types look different. The faces look different. I play a male Smuggler, so I created a male avatar. I know his name, his history, his personality... and flirting with the ladies isn't part of it.


The issue doesn't arise on my Consular. He seldom sees the prompts to [Flirt]. My Smuggler cannot avoid them. I would not mind this, if I had other options out there. I don't, and I do mind it.

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I did shoot that skank on Ord Mantell who turned out to be Skavak's ringer. Corso hated that.


Well I'm a radical voluntaryist (irl), and because of that, that's how I role play most characters in games, so having someone just hit me (i.e. use force against me) and not being able to retaliate in kind would irritate me to no end.


If you've played the Jedi Knight story arc, on Alderaan when the security guards (police?) tried to arrest me for a murder I did not commit, I gladly and without regret chose the dark side option to literally kill them all.

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Well I'm a radical voluntaryist (irl), and because of that, that's how I role play most characters in games, so having someone just hit me (i.e. use force against me) and not being able to retaliate in kind would irritate me to no end.


If you've played the Jedi Knight story arc, on Alderaan when the security guards (police?) tried to arrest me for a murder I did not commit, I gladly and without regret chose the dark side option to literally kill them all.

I am having a hard time seeing the relation to the subject at hand.


How does the option to kill NPCs relate to an option to [Flirt] with NPCs of the same gender?

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I am having a hard time seeing the relation to the subject at hand.


How does the option to kill NPCs relate to an option to [Flirt] with NPCs of the same gender?


I was talking about them slapping you as a follow up to flirting (unsuccessfully).


You quoted me talking about that.


I assumed you were talking about that.



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I was talking about them slapping you as a follow up to flirting (unsuccessfully).


You quoted me talking about that.


I assumed you were talking about that.



I think that was someone else, but digging back a bit, I see it.


I think it's fine if flirts don't always work. And I said somewhere around page 3 or so that I think a same-gender [Flirt] ending in a bar fight would be funny.


A slap... okay, sure. I wouldn't think that worth shooting anyone over. My Smuggler's trigger finger isn't quite that itchy.

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A slap... okay, sure. I wouldn't think that worth shooting anyone over. My Smuggler's trigger finger isn't quite that itchy.




I don't think I'd shoot someone over a slap, either.


On the other hand, a slap is one of the classical methods of initiating a challenge to a duel.

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I don't think I'd shoot someone over a slap, either.


On the other hand, a slap is one of the classical methods of initiating a challenge to a duel.

Oooh! A duel would make a great cutscene. Blaster pistols at twenty paces, naturally. My Jedi would never put himself in that situation to begin with.


These are some good ideas for unexpected [Flirt] outcomes in general.

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Please for the love of all that is good, NO, I want an option to turn those off!


You want an option to turn that on, fine, but that is polarizing the game and you're asking for game resources to be pooled into already explored content just because you don't want to use Flirt options and use your imagination - that is just selfish.


And if you do get your wish and they waste their money implementing this, then I want an option not to see them, I don't want an option to hit on every male I see if my character is a male. That's right, I don't want the option, I want regular conversation options like they are running, for me - I wouldn't care at all what you would prefer to choose, but for me, I don't want to see that.


I don't want to accidentally hit on someone. I want normal, bro like interaction without being hammered with Flirt options just because someone needs it to feel accepted. That is another thing but enforcing it on others is not okay. It is as unfair to me as you perceive it unfair to you.


Bioware has long needed to separate these options into player preferences if they want to incorporate both. As it stands now, what the heck, use your imagination - we are playing a game not real life, you can use your imagination can't you? I do it all the time. These aren't real people, you perceive them and flesh them out yourself whether you think you do or not.


I hope they don't waste time with it and focus on actually building the game and stories they have currently, not polarizing it, goodness knows there are larger issues needing development attention and larger issues needing fixing. You wanna help the game? Use your imagination, turn the other cheek, etc etc. This isn't an emergency thing. It's not do or die. You get the picture. Learn some humility and put the needs of the game ahead of your own.

Edited by Dvander
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Greetings everyone!


We have had to remove some posts recently as they were not in compliance with our Rules of Conduct.


We do understand that this topic can sometimes lead to discussion regarding opinions that involve real-world political and religious discussion. Because those topics can be volatile in nature, we do ask that you do not discuss this on the forums and ask that your replies are on-topic and constructive as it relates to Star Wars™: The Old Republic™.


As a reminder, the topic of the thread is:


First, this is not a discussion of the same-gender companion NPC romance opportunities which BioWare has said will be included as post-launch content....This is a suggestion that mission NPC [Flirt] prompts be offered from NPCs of the character's own gender.



We appreciate detailed, constructive feedback on why you might or might not enjoy this as a feature of the game or perhaps some further suggestions to improve this suggestion.


We hope this helps and look forward to your discussion!

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Please for the love of all that is good, NO, I want an option to turn those off!


You want an option to turn that on, fine, but that is polarizing the game and you're asking for game resources to be pooled into already explored content just because you don't want to use Flirt options and use your imagination - that is just selfish.


And if you do get your wish and they waste their money implementing this, then I want an option not to see them, I don't want an option to hit on every male I see if my character is a male. That's right, I don't want the option, I want regular conversation options like they are running, for me - I wouldn't care at all what you would prefer to choose, but for me, I don't want to see that.


I don't want to accidentally hit on someone. I want normal, bro like interaction without being hammered with Flirt options just because someone needs it to feel accepted. That is another thing but enforcing it on others is not okay. It is as unfair to me as you perceive it unfair to you.


Bioware has long needed to separate these options into player preferences if they want to incorporate both. As it stands now, what the heck, use your imagination - we are playing a game not real life, you can use your imagination can't you? I do it all the time. These aren't real people, you perceive them and flesh them out yourself whether you think you do or not.


I hope they don't waste time with it and focus on actually building the game and stories they have currently, not polarizing it, goodness knows there are larger issues needing development attention and larger issues needing fixing. You wanna help the game? Use your imagination, turn the other cheek, etc etc. This isn't an emergency thing. It's not do or die. You get the picture. Learn some humility and put the needs of the game ahead of your own.


Polarizing the game? That's just silly. Plus, the LGBT community and those who enjoy homosexual content want to be recognized as normal, as something that's acceptable. Furthermore, since same-sex options are being given to us (as promised by Bioware- go ahead, check it out), this game is going to be "polarized" anyway. If Jade Empire, Dragon Age, Mass Effect, and KOTOR didn't polarize the game, I HIGHLY doubt having them here would do the same.


As for resources, Bioware is HUGE. It's a company. Considering that there are thousands of people playing this game, each having paid sixty dollars (at least!) for their copy of the game PLUS fifteen dollars over three months (45 dollars total, if you needed the calculator like me, lol English majors~). And this is JUST from SWTOR! They are making money from other games and enterprises all the time. So no- homosexual content, like the flirting option, that is promised to us is not a "waste".

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Please for the love of all that is good, NO, I want an option to turn those off!


You want an option to turn that on, fine, but that is polarizing the game and you're asking for game resources to be pooled into already explored content just because you don't want to use Flirt options and use your imagination - that is just selfish.

Wanting some options in play already available to, enjoyed by and bragged about in /General by other players already is selfish?


I don't want to accidentally hit on someone. I want normal, bro like interaction without being hammered with Flirt options just because someone needs it to feel accepted. That is another thing but enforcing it on others is not okay. It is as unfair to me as you perceive it unfair to you.

Wait, what?


I don't see anything unfair in choosing non-flirt replies where I don't want to flirt. I am fine with that. I think the male Smuggler story has too many, and I don't like losing affection with Corso when I don't flirt, but I don't think it's unfair that I see options I don't want.


I think it unfair that these opposite-gender options are already there, while no same-gender options are.


If I can click past options I don't like, then I don't see how it is in any way unfair for you to do the same.


Bioware has long needed to separate these options into player preferences if they want to incorporate both.

But they don't need to accomodate player preference if they only include opposite-gender content, as they do at present?


Your concept of fairness seems a little skewed.


As it stands now, what the heck, use your imagination - we are playing a game not real life, you can use your imagination can't you? I do it all the time. These aren't real people, you perceive them and flesh them out yourself whether you think you do or not.

Then why are straight flirts in-game, if the writers did not feel they were a key element to directing one's story? And why should same-gender content be relegated to imagination, when opposite-gender content is not?


I hope they don't waste time with it and focus on actually building the game and stories they have currently, not polarizing it, goodness knows there are larger issues needing development attention and larger issues needing fixing. You wanna help the game? Use your imagination, turn the other cheek, etc etc. This isn't an emergency thing. It's not do or die. You get the picture. Learn some humility and put the needs of the game ahead of your own.

Whoa there.


Nowhere in this thread has anyone suggested that this is more important than debugging the game or fixing issues, or even that this is more important than other content.


You don't want to see it. I get that. But were it in game, you would have the same option to not flirt as we all do now. If you can't see that's fair and take it in stride, it is you who is polarizing the issue, not I.

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Definately need the flirt options, its so painful to see all these opportunities float by knowing you are missing something and the fact that numerous npcs come on to you regardless of being the same sex and giving you no option to reciprocate is just frustating Edited by Tenebram
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Nice! I hadn't even thought of that. My smuggler and trooper both must be incredibly smooth considering how every single time they flirt, it gets such a positive response. Getting smacked once in a while would be hilarious. :D


At least it's justified for the Agent to be so successful - it's explicitly stated that Agents are specifically trained in seduction techniques.

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Yes please! I would love to see this implemented.


The [Flirt] option can be a huge part of how you play your character. Look at the Smuggler or IA stories. I find it's the lack of s/s flirt options that's keeping me from playing certain classes more than the lack of romance options with companions.


I don't expect a positive response every time I flirt. Actually, it's rather boring when you know you're going to get a positive reception and I think a range of reactions would be far more fun.


There's actually *one* instance we've seen a [Flirt] backfire;

the start of the bonus series on Alderaan when you speak with Lt Ross.


My guildie's male trooper was smartly put back in his place when he attempted such an approach.

Playing a femtroop myself I wasn't given the option (nor for Sgt Jaxo, sad panda)

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My guildie's male trooper was smartly put back in his place when he attempted such an approach. Playing a femtroop myself I wasn't given the option (nor for Sgt Jaxo, sad panda)


That reminds me of something. All the flirts I've seen are directed at young & attractive NPCs.


I rolled a Jedi Consular who had an old-man look to him, and when he was talking to his master, they looked the same age. I would have loved for some old-person flirts there.

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To be honest this is why I can't play a Male character. I like romances in game to add something to the story, but I don't want to flirt with females. Ever.


I got so sick of waiting for SGRA that I kinda had a "screw it" moment with my Inquisitor. He slept with some chick who was all over me. BUT I wrecked her little spirit after the little event. Told her I couldn't stand being around her or something. :D


It's sad, though. It's not exactly how I wanted my character to play out. He's a romantic. Ish...

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You want an option to turn that on, fine, but that is polarizing the game and you're asking for game resources to be pooled into already explored content just because you don't want to use Flirt options and use your imagination - that is just selfish.


Wait, who is the selfish one here? :confused: I don't PvP, I wouldn't care if PvP had never been added to the game, but I'm not going to go search out PvP threads and call the people asking for fixes to the PvP content selfish just because I don't agree with them. That would just be, well, selfish.


And a "fix" is exactly what this is. All this content should have been in the game since launch. We are only asking for the game to be fixed so as not to exclude people from fully experiencing the game.

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I disagree that people should be able to toggle same-gender NPC flirts on or off. Nobody is forcing players to flirt. Just don't pick options you don't like.


It's really quite simple.


Not every NPC is gonna need a flirt option and on top of that, not every NPC needs to be bi or gay. There are gonna be people out there you can't bend, no matter how much you want to. There are also going to be gay people out there that if you're playing a straight character, you won't want/need to hit on. Deal with it! :cool:


Also, I'm asking for these options both as a lgbt-identified individual and as a roleplayer. I've played Bioware games for the straight romance because I felt certain characters were straight. It's fun to pretend! Not every gay person has to want to play straight characters and vice versa. I never play male characters, but there are women out there who do really enjoy playing as men. At no point did I require the option to play as male to be toggled off. Sometimes, I play asexual characters. I just don't pick the flirts! I don't need them turned off!


Including same-gender flirts increases the options for all players, gay or straight. Increasing options does not eliminate anyone's freedom to not pursue them. The only reason people who want to play gay characters are upset by all the opposite-sex Flirts in-game is because they know that they won't encounter same-sex flirt options.


I hope all the homophobic comments on this thread are by trolls but I'm pretty used to being disappointed by humanity, so I'll live either way.

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I really don't know why they've determined that this game must have no more than 3 conversation options, ever. What use is a wheel with only one side?


Why can't the [Flirt] options go on the unused left-hand side of the conversation wheel? That way if you never wanted to flirt, you'd still have all 3 of the base-line response routes. Then on the other side, you could have plenty of space to either have Flirts (or other interactions).


Doing something like that would somewhat distance the Flirts from normal conversations, but would also not 'get in the way' of those same normal/regular conversations, and would never be 'forced' on anyone. They're off to the side, over there, your choice if you want to or not. If you didn't want to flirt, you wouldn't be forced to choose from whatever remaining non-Flirt conversation options were left... because they would ALL be left.



As a female, I've been one of the ones irritated to see my husband's character get more Flirts than I've ever seen. Especially when I started my Smuggler imagining her to be an outrageous flirt! Yet she (yes, even though she is a Smuggler) seems to seldom get a chance to, even though I'd love to flirt with BOTH genders. Note: 'Flirt' does NOT mean 'have sex with'. I'd be just as tickled if the target of my Flirt did nothing more than get flustered and attempt to totally ignore my Flirt, but stammer a bit before continuing with whatever speech they were giving me! Just something to liven up and personalize the conversations a bit more. 'Flirt' means 'flirt'. Showing an interest in someone, 'checking to see if this might be going someplace', at the MOST. And 'going someplace' doesn't mean 'where's the nearest bedroom?', unless you've been hanging out at a bar with the specific intention of finding someone to drag to the nearest bedroom. (But I wouldn't call that 'flirting'.)

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