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How do you get the heal medals?


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I heard it is possible to get the 2.5k/5k heal medals in Warzone with Payback.

I have around 15k health, but remember reading that it was possible. Was it only possible with buff stacking which has been nerfed, or is it still possible?


Also, I do notice the healing debuff (trauma or something). Any hint?


It's actually fairly easy to get. If you pop a Power Adrenal/Power Relic/Bloodthirst and then hit Unleash you're guaranteed the 2.5k, and if it crits you easily get the 5k also.


Then there's the out of combat Water that people have mentioned. At the start of a match you can sit in a fire trap and take damage without being incombat. Pop the water and you instantly get the heal medals.

Edited by Ridisi
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The more this spreads out, the sooner it will get nerfed/fixed/removed. Getting 2 healing Medals this easily (and even 75k healone) as non-healing ACs is not working as intended obviously.


And it is not about the medals only...reccing after a fight without wasting time channeling the healing ability it is clearly an advantage.

Edited by atreyuz
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And it is not about the medals only...reccing after a fight without wasting time channeling the healing ability it is clearly an advantage.


this part wont change, they may take away the medals, but they put the water in there for a reason, plus anyone can get it, plus its out of combat only so all it does (aside from the medals) is save you a few seconds channeling

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plus its out of combat only so all it does (aside from the medals) is save you a few seconds channeling


It is a bit more than that, many times I have finished a fight and used the Water just before I get jumped on by another enemy...now If I couldnt rec those 6k hp instant I would have had to fight with way less HPs.

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It is a bit more than that, many times I have finished a fight and used the Water just before I get jumped on by another enemy...now If I couldnt rec those 6k hp instant I would have had to fight with way less HPs.


i know, its saved my a** as well, but it works just as well for everyone else


the only reason BW would have to nerf it (disable its use in pvp) would be because the people that dont spend the 8 minutes getting it complain about it not being fair because they dont have it


so maybe i retract my earlier statement that a nerf to it wont happen, caving to complainers is a great pasttime of mmo devs i think


but it shouldnt need to be changed

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Shouldnt and wont are 2 different things.


Really, if people dont know then dont say. Dont let more people know about it than is needed otherwise every second person will be doing it and Marauders will again be at the medal disadvantage and even a game disadvantage.

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i know, its saved my a** as well, but it works just as well for everyone else


the only reason BW would have to nerf it (disable its use in pvp) would be because the people that dont spend the 8 minutes getting it complain about it not being fair because they dont have it


so maybe i retract my earlier statement that a nerf to it wont happen, caving to complainers is a great pasttime of mmo devs i think


but it shouldnt need to be changed


After you have a 1on1 with an assassin or operative that vanishes, drinks and opens up on you again, while you are in combat with someone across half the map, please visit us again and let us know if your opinion changed :)

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After you have a 1on1 with an assassin or operative that vanishes, drinks and opens up on you again, while you are in combat with someone across half the map, please visit us again and let us know if your opinion changed :)


Then i pop a cd too and keep on killing them :)


While getting healing medals is nice, i'd rather the water fixed and our medal situation addressed properly(for example, the suggestion of medals exclusive to the dps-only classes sounds workable)

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After you have a 1on1 with an assassin or operative that vanishes, drinks and opens up on you again, while you are in combat with someone across half the map, please visit us again and let us know if your opinion changed :)


You cant use a drink right after a vanish, even on an Assassin. If they had time to use one, you did to.

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i know, its saved my a** as well, but it works just as well for everyone else


the only reason BW would have to nerf it (disable its use in pvp) would be because the people that dont spend the 8 minutes getting it complain about it not being fair because they dont have it


so maybe i retract my earlier statement that a nerf to it wont happen, caving to complainers is a great pasttime of mmo devs i think


but it shouldnt need to be changed


Bw will nerf it but only because healers will complain that DPS are getting 3 medals that should only be theirs and that they already get few medals bla bla bla.

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Does their vanish remove them from combat instantly?


Yes. Assassins(my guild leader in particular) can vanish, hit water, and continue the fight, being stealthed for only gcd it takes to hit the water.

Edited by Sayc
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Seriously, stop talking about it and enjoy it while it lasts. The more people know about, the sooner devs catch wind and nerf it to oblivion. You can squeeze extra 2-3 medals? Great. But why go and share with everyone just so you get those medals removed in nearest patch? You like shooting yourself in the foot so much?


If someone asks, tell them that it's via talent in Rage tree and send PM but don't discuss the water on open forum. Just let this thread fall down (like I should have before I wrote this post) and hope that the situation lasts.

Edited by gibmachine
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Didn't know people could use the water in Warzones, I always play healers, :) huh, learn something everyday.



Didn't know people couldn't see this is the way to get it nerf like they did for Medpacks 'healing'.


This is the only way to increase uptime battle for Warriors as we don't have any heal whatsoever.


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They can nerf it as long as they will give us medals to compensate lack of healing/taunting.


My proposal: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=2514802#post2514802

I agree, when I see Merc/Powertechs, Juggs, Assassins, sorcs, op... well nearly ALL AC, able to throw a Guard and an aoe taunt for an easy 3 medals, or just bubbling people and throwing heals (as Sorc you can play heal or dps and get some medals anyway, or as Op) ...


As Marauders we get nothing fancy like that. And I see Mercs/PowerTechs outdamaging me often. Plus they get an easy 3 medals by nearly doing nothing.


This "you-shouldn't-talk-about-thingie-if-you'd-have-half-a-braincell" is the only way to be a bit competitive, and it's not like it's restricted to marauders...



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Shut up. You know the more you spread it the quicker they are going to nerf it, right?:mad:


The more you say stuff like this, the more they're going to nerf it.



So just speak up, it's called "Pure Shockfrozen Water" and it's legit. As long as medals are not getting reworked, this item better stay in the game, because it's the only way Marauders can reasonably keep up with Medals in Warzones.

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