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Official Q&A Thread for February 10th, 2012 Q&A Blog Post


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Back before launch, it was stated *by devs* that Sage/Sorcs would gain a damage bonus to their companions, the further they spec into their healing skill tree. I have been looking into this lately, but cannot find anything to confirm it. So the questions on my mind:


Is this still a feature in SWTOR?


If so, how does it work? Does the damage bonus increase for every individual point spent in the healing tree, or is there some other mechanic involved?


Do the other two healers, Scoundrel and Commando enjoy such a bonus?

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Are there currently any plans to link servers for Warzones and to implement an LFG tool? If Warzones are going to be linked, will we finally start getting matched at level 50 based on valor level? Edited by MeTwo
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Currently there are some animation problems on the republic side, were some of the Imperial mirror classes animations fires off quicker and sometimes deal instant damage compared to the Republic counter part.


Some off the classes that comes to mind are republic vs Bounty hunter and Jedi consular vs Sith Inquistior.


Is something in the works regarding this issue ?

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Will you consider implementing battlegroups so that we can do warzones with people across multiple servers?


I'm on the most populated server (Harbinger), and it still takes ages to queue for warzones. I can't imagine the torture they are feeling on the lower pop servers.

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Do you plan to implement a feature to allow the active companion to store craftable materials (scavenging metals etc.) in the cargo hold from anywhere? This to me seems no more unfair then the feature to send them off to sell low-quality items.
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Will it be possible to get set up for UI to be the same across characters with having to do the setup each time?



It is nice that I can switch computers have it remembers all my hotkey mappings but every time I create a new character I have to:


1) Show all quickbars

2) Map slots for r,t,g,b,v,f Alt+r,t,g,bv,f crtl+r, ....

3) Change show alignment.

4) You get the picture.



Thanks for you time.



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Can you shed some light on if there is anything planned to make the Gunslinger/Sniper more viable for competitive PvP?


The AC suffers from lack of mobility and weapon damage being heavily mitigated/blocked in two specs (Sharpshooter/Marksmanship and Saboteur/Engineering) and a complete lack of DoT protection in the other spec (Dirty Fighting/Lethality). Addressing these issues would go a long way to getting the AC from the "least played" position to a more formidable standing.

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Will it be possible in the future to socially interact with players/characters of the opposing faction? For those of us who have friends who may play on the other side, it's next to impossible to have any kind of contact. Would really like to be able to send mail/items to Alternate characters on the opposing side as well.
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The playable characters in this game are all so humanlike. I do not want to role-play a human! I was hoping i could play something more interesting like Gungan, Wookies or The Jawas. There are so many different species in the Star Wars universe to choose from!


So the question is: Why are there only humanlike playable characters and will we ever be able to play Gungan or Wookies? :confused:

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Alright since I made a boo boo on my last post let me rephrase this into one question.


1) When can we expect to see something along the lines as tailors in game?



(Tailor being to change the look of your character after the first time you create him or her and also able to possibly change the color of your armor ect =D )

Edited by KaitarFett
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What, if any, improvements should we look forward to seeing with in-game customer service?


As it stands, customer service representatives are obviously fluent in neither English nor gaming terminology, and most of their initial responses are so general that they ask for information that has already been provided.

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Why did you abandon your originally revealed vision of a "fully realized online world" that was to strike a balance between theme park and sandbox gaming, and give us an almost pure theme park single player RPG with a mini-game and cooperative online elements, rather than a true MMO RPG that had elements and environments to truly allow players to both experience the story and go "off the rails," when they needed a break from the story?
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