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Official Q&A Thread for February 10th, 2012 Q&A Blog Post


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Are you going to implement directional tab targeting into the game?


The current implementation of tab targeting is not ideal for many situations, especially PvP. It will actually target someone behind you, instead of in front of you, because they are the closest target. It would be nice to have a targeting system where it will target the person you are currently facing, aiming towards, like many other MMO's have implemented currently.

Edited by Missnlink
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Hello Developers! i'd like to talk about PvP, I've noticed PvP is imo not getting the attention is deserves. Is there anything you will add to PvP that will make it different from any other games that have this same PvP style? also i've noticed pvp doesn't give much legacy experience towards someone who PvE's imo it seems unfair that people that PvE can get ridiculious experience over someone who just PvP's, will we see this fixed? or tweaked for us PvPers?
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Wondering if we could get an update on the changes to the removed "Unify color to chest piece" option that was in beta? Will we see more vivid customization options, such as a more rich appearance system? And is there any idea on when we may be seeing this? Thanks!
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Are you aware that some classes get more medals then the other class are able for example Tanks such as Guardian and Shadow....and if you are aware of that are you gonna do anything to balance so that all classes can get at least approximately the same amount of medals?
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While they might still be far away in the live development cycle, are mini-games (pazaak, pod races etc.) currently on the so called "wall of crazy"? Do you think they'll just stay "crazy" of there is a possibility to see them in-game, someday? Edited by Luca
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When can we expect server to server transitions? Some servers seem like ghost towns while others are reasonably populated.


Is it something that has been brought up among you guys as an option?

Or is it something you've decided to completely stay away from?

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When will Healers get equivalent medal rewards in PVP to Damage dealers?


For Example, right now If I am speced Damage (Merc BH) I will receive between 5 and 10 medals depending on the game. In the same game providing healing support only you will receive only 3 maybe 4 if your lucky (2.5k heal, 5k heal, 75k heailing, 300k healing).


Since medals = Valor and commendations this just doesn't seem fair.

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The gunslinger/sniper and sentinel/marauder are the only classes that are strictly bound to do only dps. The sentinel does have the ability to heal the group moderately through Juyo form's burns.

Do you have any plans for improving the gunslinger/sniper to have more group utility besides just dps?

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Will the roleplaying community get anything? There are alot of cantinas I love that..but I would love the idea of actually sitting in some of the sofas in the future. Edited by Citus
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After seeing the various boss fights in operations, it's clear that there are certain fights that require one tank while other require two (at least in 8mans). To me, it almost seems like that operations are designed with a duel spec system in mind but we don't have word on when/if we are getting one.


My question is how do the operations designers expect our off tanks to handle these fights? As tank spec'd players don't pull a lot of dps, are they expected to respec between fights or be carried by the other operation members?

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