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Offhand weapon - nothing but a +stat item?


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Why? Do we have the same utility as other ACs? No. Do we have the same versatility? No.


The only thing we can do is damage, so it is expected we are better at it than them.


DPS should NEVER be equal across the board as long as range and melee are not treated equally in fights. And in this game in particular, the gap between melee uptime and range uptime is enormous.


now youre bringing in other elements. utility and versatility arent dps, and utility isnt class-specific. hybrids and pures can both have utility, and can be balanced around that. versatility shouldnt be a balancing factor. i cant be a tank and a dps at the same time, so my ability to effectively do one OR the other shouldnt affect my usefulness in a battle when i am one, and not the other.


so balance around damage AND utility, buffing/nerfing one or the other to keep balance. but being a pure dps doesnt automatically entitle you to more dps. it entitles you to three different variations of the same job. thats what you picked the class for, right?

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There's been so many posts of this I thought they were put to rest...I hit as hard with my MH as some of my friends abilities do with some kind of one-handed item. THEN I get to add on whatever damage my OH done. So take merc slash for example I hit about 4300 crits no problem add another 700-1200 damage from my OH crit I'm hitting for an easy 5k. If they buffed our OH damage AT ALL it would put us over the top and make us OP when we're already pushing it, as Apoc said on here already I believe. Its a stat item sure but we hit for the same as other classes and this game has a decent balance right now IMO so nothing really has to change.
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when noobs don't get basic math


What the hell was that supposed to mean? I don't think you understood what she said at all. *WOOOOOSH*


There's nothing wrong with our OH weapon damage, please stop whining just for the sake of it....

Edited by Darkshadz
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I hit as hard with my MH as some of my friends abilities do with some kind of one-handed item. THEN I get to add on whatever damage my OH done. So take merc slash for example I hit about 4300 crits no problem add another 700-1200 damage from my OH crit I'm hitting for an easy 5k. .


This pretty much sums it up. OH attacks add roughly 10-20% damage to dual-wield ablities; however, OH attacks can miss, which is pretty much the only real reason for the accuracy stat in PvE.


Stats not affecting OH damage may present some issues with scaling in the future, but in its current state it works just fine. Any significant buff to OH damage right now would make us downright OP.

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when noobs don't get basic math


I have a degree in maths, it's not my comprehension of maths that is at fault here.


What you are saying:

Mainhand -> lots of DPS -> important

Offhand -> not so much DPS -> not important.


Thats just untrue as you still need to have a really nice offhand to maximize your damage. Fine it's not as important as your main hand, but if it was equally as important (both hands do less damage instead of one doing less) then you would be complaining even more as it's really hard to keep two lightsabers fully kitted out. Especially end game where it can take literally weeks to get your proper equipment.

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