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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Vannila WoW vs SWTOR


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WoW had night and day.


Music all the time.


Mobs patrolling.

Lots of crafting materials to farm... consumables. Made you walk in the world. Since herbs for many kind of potions, Felwood consumables in an awsome ambient music etc. You even had fish to get in the RL winter and summer etc

Dungeons... you had to move in the world, travel.. find enemies.

No silly loads.


SWTOR for me has:

Fight music that actually kicks in on a boss fight. Subjective fluff but I love it

Branching storyline. Jaesa Wilsaam from SW story. I loved it.

Orange gear. I can actually keep upgrading my gear through armor patches and mods.

Companions. Much better than any pet system I've seen as far as AI and customization.

Guss Tuno. He heals with his Jedi powers.

Dirty kick. Enough said...

A space mini game. Yes, it's a mini-game, not a full-on x-wing simulator. It's a fun mini-game.


SWTOR for me does not have:

Gnomes. Enough said...

Talking cows. Moo, are you happy now?

Trade Chat. global barrens

Completely useless talent trees. hi prot paladins, feral druids, balance druids

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WoW had night and day.


And environmental ambiance does exactly what for the gameplay? If WoW didn't have these things, it'd be the same as it is now, except without these things. It would play identically.

Music all the time.
Untrue, you had to turn on "music loop" to have music on all the time, else it would be intermittent.


Mobs patrolling.
Were they patrolling for a reason or just walking back and forth? Why SHOULD the mobs move?

Lots of crafting materials to farm... consumables.
Have you missed the thousands of resource nodes all over the planets?

Made you walk in the world. Since herbs for many kind of potions, Felwood consumables in an awsome ambient music etc. You even had fish to get in the RL winter and summer etc

Dungeons... you had to move in the world, travel.. find enemies.

You need to reform these sentences, they're terrible and it's hard to tell what you're getting at.

No silly loads.

Define "silly loads". WoW had loads anytime you switched continents, or went into an instance. Less loads that SWTOR? Sure, but it's not like SWTOR's loads are overly long.

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swtor forgot that ppl get used to somethings as standards


ppl are not going out and buying a car that doesnt have power steering / power brakes / am radio. so why does swtor expect us to enjoy a game with a poor chat system / auction house to name a few....


everquest has the best chat system. u can default a chat that only gets trumped by group chat - i defaulted guild - and when u hit r to reply to a tell. u could hit tab to scroll to anyone that sent u a tell since u logged on


it has zone wide chat - general was serverwide and u could even send cross server tells

also they added voice chat for raids and groups


they should look into it


auction house should have its own interface to u can custom it to your needs - u can in wow


a good chat system and good auction house are considered standards for any online game so why did swtor not use them?


i would like to see a post on other standards that swtor should add


That's about the only thing I miss from everquest. Well, I lie. There are somethings I miss. The velious days for example. EC Tunnel. The community was AMAZZZING. I mean, people had what they called camp checks. Which meant, when you went into a zone for the sake of grinding/farming, people often shouted out "CC" which obviously meant camp check. With that, people would say where they were camping mobs so no one came over and interfered and stole from them. This rule was followed unless you wanted to be permanently blacklisted. **** like that = good community and I doubt we'll ever see it again. Mostly because EQ was made up of 95% older, more mature players due to the learning curve of that game. WoW really brought about the age of the prepubescents. 99% of those young kids would never make it out of the starter zone in EQ. Why? Because you had no hand-holding. You needed to get to an npc? Oh, well we're just gonna drop you in this huge zone and expect you to use your brain, and explore till you find him. No hints. Nothing. Loved it.

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Actually I did... only problem I care to notice was the looting one.

I never had 1 single minute queue in wow.... cause I KNOW NOT TO JOIN FULL FKG SERVERS.


And I'm talking in the immersion and the world they offered.. NOT TECHNiCAL PROBLEMS.

Cause there my son.. wow wins anyway.


And at least they waited for my 31 days to be used before wanting my credit card.. diferent than the 30 days this guys offered and blocked acount 1 day after i bought the game, unless i enter a credit card.


this game is SLOPPY, made by SLOPPY coders, by no visionary DEV's.

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WoW had night and day.


Music all the time.


Mobs patrolling.

Lots of crafting materials to farm... consumables. Made you walk in the world. Since herbs for many kind of potions, Felwood consumables in an awsome ambient music etc. You even had fish to get in the RL winter and summer etc

Dungeons... you had to move in the world, travel.. find enemies.

No silly loads.



Actually, weather effects were NOT in at release, they were introduced with a later patch.


Music isn't normally playing all the time either, they simply have an option that allows you to permaloop music. Are you really REALLY missing THAT option?


Critters... I don't know what I could care less about.


Patrolling mobs... I hadn't even noticed that most mobs don't patrol in SWTOR. You're right, they don't. I personally don't care.


Ah the crafting grind. Well, if you are missing that grind then find something else to grind. SWTOR has lore objects. Have you found ALL ingame lore objects yet? At least that's more interesting that grinding crafting materials...

I will agree with you in one point, however. That grind really made people go out into the world. You are correct in that. Bioware should do something to encourage that more.


Travelling to dungeons... wow, I don't remember when I last travelled to a dungeon in WoW. I agree it had a nice touch, but it was very inconvenient which is why it was abolished. I personally thought it was fine. SWTOR isn't as instant as modern WoW is, though. We have a mission briefing and for some dungeons you have to travel around the Imperial/Republic fleet to different ships to get to the entrance.


Load screens are annoying, yes.

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WoW sucked at release.


I quit after my first month of WoW, only came back 6 months later because some RL friends were playing it. (and it was much improved).


Let me give you a taste of someone who was there when WoW first released:


(log in)

(wait in queue of 1165 people for 2 hours)

(finally get in the game)

*Warning, server is going down for a brief emergency maintenance in 10 minutes!*

(get booted off in 10 minutes)

(server is down for 2 hours)

(log back on)

(play for maybe 30 minutes before your character randomly disconnects)

(get stuck in another 2 hour queue of 1000+ people)


Yeah...that was TERRIBLY fun.


Not to mention it was far buggier than SWTOR was/is.


Face it: the reason why people liked WoW so much was because, for a lot of people, it was their first MMORPG.


SWTOR is now here, and it's better, so get over it, or go back to your "better" game and wonder why it sucks so much more now.

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Looking at my WoW account history from 2004, I was credited 17 days of free play, due to poor performance, crashing, and server downtime. During the first year (most from the first two months).


17 days worth of time lost the devs felt they were obliged to replace because their game was unplayable.


I have not had an unplayable day since launch of SWTOR.

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Vanilla wow also had:


Unneccisarily meandering flight paths long enough to cause one to log out due to being AFK.


Boat rides that would randomly dump one 3 miles deep in the fatigue zone.


One (1) end game dungeon.


Bored 50s wiping out entire lowbie quest hubs just to cause grief.


Horrible, horrible pvp balancing. (Although I personally loved when my 2h mace would chain-proc wind fury.)


Crafting that was almost entirely pointless.

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Well, hi, there is a suggestion forum and tons of feedback options. But hey, come play forum warrior in general. Now, we know why WoW wants pokeman and pandas. You can have night and day on your panda and play pokeman warrior.
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SWTOR for me has:

Fight music that actually kicks in on a boss fight. Subjective fluff but I love it

Branching storyline. Jaesa Wilsaam from SW story. I loved it.

Orange gear. I can actually keep upgrading my gear through armor patches and mods.

Companions. Much better than any pet system I've seen as far as AI and customization.

Guss Tuno. He heals with his Jedi powers.

Dirty kick. Enough said...

A space mini game. Yes, it's a mini-game, not a full-on x-wing simulator. It's a fun mini-game.


SWTOR for me does not have:

Gnomes. Enough said...

Talking cows. Moo, are you happy now?

Trade Chat. global barrens

Completely useless talent trees. hi prot paladins, feral druids, balance druids


Well said. And agree.


Why has it come down to people actually MAKING UP SH&T to hate on this game? I am starting to think the WoW Fanboys are actually feeling quite threatened by SWTOR. No other reason makes sense. I left WoW because it become BORING AS HELL! This game is EXTREMELY fun and FRESH. I plan to here a long time.


P.S The OP DID NOT!! Play vanilla WoW, because WoW's launch was to be quite frank a CLUSTER ****!

Edited by Sireene
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Vanilla wow also had:


Boat rides that would randomly dump one 3 miles deep in the fatigue zone.


haha I had forgotten about that one. That bug existed for a LONG time as well. Nothing like hopping on a boat and going afk only to come back in the middle of the ocean dead of fatigue.

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At least you have operations to do. Vanilla wow didn't ship with raids.


Not to mention you had to grind out a lot of levels in-between zones because there just weren't enough quests (lol, how pathetic.)


It shipped with Onyxia and Molten Core. They were just actually challenging and people had to gear up in dungeons. They weren't cleared by fresh 60s in greens.

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I'm glad to see some people can look back at wow and see it wasn't perfect, but they made it into something great when they were given the time; I have the faith Bioware can do the same with TOR. Does it have problems? God yes, are they game breaking? Not really. So I'm playing and growing my guild while I wait for Bioware to surprise me.
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I had a pentium 4, 500MB of RAM, ~250k DSL modem, and 10GB HD, and a GeForce 4 ti-4800. Back in 2004. WoW, when released, was heralded as the most stable, playable, content packed MMO in history. Do realize, that just a couple months back, there was another MMO game released in which players couldn't log on for weeks on end.


Flash forward to 2012, my computer has hundreds of times more processing power, memory, faster HD read speed, a graphic card that does laps around my old one, and internet connection that's 100 times faster. Not only has personal computing gone up leaps and bounds, so did server capacity, stability. I mean, the phone I have in my hands have better brain than my 2004 WoW gaming rig.


Trying to compare now and then without accounting for the massive surge in computing power is silly. A stable MMO launch should be status quo. We're not in 2004 anymore, and SWTOR isn't the only recently launched MMO that had a smoother launch then WoW did back in 2004.


And to those saying people ran out of things to do in Vanilla wow after a month...yea, let's get a bit more creative in the lies. WoW had so much do to not only in gaming content (quests, dungeons, crafting, exploration), but it had an unbelievable amount of Wold PvP. Little note - it was because there was so much PvP going on that hampered many people's leveling experience that led to blizzard creating honor system, then soon after dishonor, and then battlegrounds. SWTOR doesn't even come close. Not even close enough to see with a binocular.

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Molten Core got patched in a month after release and Onyxia after that. Neither were in for release.


No, they weren't. They were both in at release. It takes about 10 seconds of googling to figure this out.

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A month after release in vanilla WoW, there was also absolutely nothing to do.


UBRS maybe and farming people near Southshore, which I know a million people will claim was the greatest event ever, but it just wasn't.


You never played WOW at Vanilla did you? It took ages to hit 50, a right old grind, not like now when you can hit 80 in a fortnight.

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No, they weren't. They were both in at release. It takes about 10 seconds of googling to figure this out.


I know, I just did that, and I'm pretty astonished, since I played WoW at release and neither was in at the time. I can see what WoWWiki says. It's mistaken.

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I know, I just did that, and I'm pretty astonished, since I played WoW at release and neither was in at the time. I can see what WoWWiki says. It's mistaken.


Ya, they and everyone else is mistaken but you are correct.

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I know, I just did that, and I'm pretty astonished, since I played WoW at release and neither was in at the time. I can see what WoWWiki says. It's mistaken.


And you know what, fine, let's assume that it's true. That would still put Vanilla WoW vs SWTOR where?


We have more than one raid and one instanced boss. There's more than three max level instances. By a long shot.


So it's pretty moot. The content here still dwarfs vanilla WoW by a wide margin.

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