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Vannila WoW vs SWTOR


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Actually I did... only problem I care to notice was the looting one.

I never had 1 single minute queue in wow.... cause I KNOW NOT TO JOIN FULL FKG SERVERS.


And I'm talking in the immersion and the world they offered.. NOT TECHNiCAL PROBLEMS.

Cause there my son.. wow wins anyway.


And at least they waited for my 31 days to be used before wanting my credit card.. diferent than the 30 days this guys offered and blocked acount 1 day after i bought the game, unless i enter a credit card.


this game is SLOPPY, made by SLOPPY coders, by no visionary DEV's.


Wait, so you mean you feel more immersed in a game because of the crap music (most of WoW music was poor especially compared to TOR's music and ended up getting muted for my own music selections) for a zone? You realize that life has no soundtrack, right? I could do with more music, but it certainly doesn't ruin immersion, perhaps you shouldn't space through mission dialog, and actually pay attention to what you say and do.


Let's not forget that with WotLK, WoW brought in Dalaran, a city that was home to the most powerful mages of Azeroth. So, when the Lich King rolled through, what did they do? They didn't fight (would have made sense), they didn't rescue the citizens of Lorderon (would have been a responsible action), no, they magically uprooted their city (rip off of the old Dragonlance RPG from AD&D) and flew it to Northrend. Why Northrend? Because you know, the Scourge wouldn't bother looking for them in their HOMELAND, and certainly not a short distance from ICE CROWN CITADEL, their CENTRAL BASE. And since it was floating it would protect them from all of those FROST WYRMS. AMIRITE?!


Sloppy complaints are sloppy. If you're going to be critical of one game in a comparison of two or more, you should at least be critical with all the games involved as to present a balanced argument. WoW's story doesn't even allow for immersion. The only part of that game that made me feel anything other than the rage of failure or the rush of long worked for success was the Brutusk quest at the Mor'shon Ramparts just South of Ashenvale. RIP, sweet Brutusk.


*EDIT* I will give you the day/night thing. It's not a deal breaker by any means (nor is it a high priority) but I'd love to travel Hoth at night and watch the twin suns set on Tatooine.

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Wait, so you mean you feel more immersed in a game because of the crap music (most of WoW music was poor especially compared to TOR's music and ended up getting muted for my own music selections) for a zone? You realize that life has no soundtrack, right? I could do with more music, but it certainly doesn't ruin immersion, perhaps you shouldn't space through mission dialog, and actually pay attention to what you say and do.


Let's not forget that with WotLK, WoW brought in Dalaran, a city that was home to the most powerful mages of Azeroth. So, when the Lich King rolled through, what did they do? They didn't fight (would have made sense), they didn't rescue the citizens of Lorderon (would have been a responsible action), no, they magically uprooted their city (rip off of the old Dragonlance RPG from AD&D) and flew it to Northrend. Why Northrend? Because you know, the Scourge wouldn't bother looking for them in their HOMELAND, and certainly not a short distance from ICE CROWN CITADEL, their CENTRAL BASE. And since it was floating it would protect them from all of those FROST WYRMS. AMIRITE?!


Sloppy complaints are sloppy. If you're going to be critical of one game in a comparison of two or more, you should at least be critical with all the games involved as to present a balanced argument. WoW's story doesn't even allow for immersion. The only part of that game that made me feel anything other than the rage of failure or the rush of long worked for success was the Brutusk quest at the Mor'shon Ramparts just South of Ashenvale. RIP, sweet Brutusk.


*EDIT* I will give you the day/night thing. It's not a deal breaker by any means (nor is it a high priority) but I'd love to travel Hoth at night and watch the twin suns set on Tatooine.


Not gonna lie. I kinda lol'd :D


Especially since the vast majority of WoW is ripped off of any and every fantasy tale out there. Doesn't mean I didn't enjoy my time in it, but I'm not deluding myself into believing that it was in any way a unique concept.

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Its easy to make wow feel like a connected world because its all on the same world.


True, but even plantes in SWTOR feel boxed, and why couldent they make more zones, connected, with different levels here for that matter?


I mean, town one + area outside it, clear, move to town to and area outside it, clear, etc etc.

For me it feels tedious and bulky.

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Not gonna lie. I kinda lol'd :D


Especially since the vast majority of WoW is ripped off of any and every fantasy tale out there. Doesn't mean I didn't enjoy my time in it, but I'm not deluding myself into believing that it was in any way a unique concept.


The entire game has become one massive ripoff/parody of other things that we've already seen (Dalaran, Ted Nug and his cat Scratch Fever, Harrison Jones, etc), the story doesn't make sense (really, *** does the Horde care about Bran Bronzebeard's quest to discover the origins of the Dwarves. Shouldn't he just be KOS?). The parodies made me laugh at first, but when they continued it just made me feel sick to my stomach. The storylines being so broken by things like Bronzebeard (not to mention how annoying he was) was ridiculous. After a while I just got sick of the whole thing.


People complaining about 'fanboy-ism' from SW:TOR lovers never seem to acknowledge the 'fanyboy-isms' of all the bashers praising WoW. Both games have their faults, but so far TOR seems to have stuff that will be worked out, while WoW keeps delving down a path that will only increase it's faults IMO.

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The entire game has become one massive ripoff/parody of other things that we've already seen (Dalaran, Ted Nug and his cat Scratch Fever, Harrison Jones, etc), the story doesn't make sense (really, *** does the Horde care about Bran Bronzebeard's quest to discover the origins of the Dwarves. Shouldn't he just be KOS?). The parodies made me laugh at first, but when they continued it just made me feel sick to my stomach. The storylines being so broken by things like Bronzebeard (not to mention how annoying he was) was ridiculous. After a while I just got sick of the whole thing.


People complaining about 'fanboy-ism' from SW:TOR lovers never seem to acknowledge the 'fanyboy-isms' of all the bashers praising WoW. Both games have their faults, but so far TOR seems to have stuff that will be worked out, while WoW keeps delving down a path that will only increase it's faults IMO.


Yeah some of the parody stuff was fun for easter egg finds here and there (He Man and Skeletor battlemasters and ninja turtles in Dalaran made me chuckle).


I completely agree tho, this game is obviously not without faults, can use some polish here and there, a few tweaks and fixes, etc. But the route WoW has chosen... well, we'll just say I wasn't in a rush to go back before (oh grind another 5 levels identical to the previous 70/80/85? You bet I won't!), with the new "improvements" (new skill every 15 levels? w..t...f?), I'll be settling into the captain's chair on my ship, thanks.


Edit: Really? It censored w.t.f.?

Edited by Xaelis
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Yeah some of the parody stuff was fun for easter egg finds here and there (He Man and Skeletor battlemasters and ninja turtles in Dalaran made me chuckle).


I completely agree tho, this game is obviously not without faults, can use some polish here and there, a few tweaks and fixes, etc. But the route WoW has chosen... well, we'll just say I wasn't in a rush to go back before (oh grind another 5 levels identical to the previous 70/80/85? You bet I won't!), with the new "improvements" (new skill every 15 levels? w..t...f?), I'll be settling into the captain's chair on my ship, thanks.


Edit: Really? It censored w.t.f.?


lol @ w.t.f censor. Did the same thing in my earlier post, I get language filtering but acronyms, really?


Anyway, back on topic. When MoP was announced I officially cancelled my three month sub (ended late last month) and once my early release date came for TOR, I think I logged in to WoW once because my wife wanted me to help her do something. Adding a 'pokemon' sub game and kung-fu pandas (yes, I realize that they existed in Warcraft before the movie was released) was way too much for me to handle. Additionally, I really hate it when WoW ****s with my talents and the new system is more of a joke than a 'fix' to 'boring' talents (seriously, when did passive talents = boring by default? Sure active ones are more exciting, but I get excited for maxing out my +1/+2/+3% crit talents too!)

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hmm... I go to a lot of museums actually.. like once every 15 days. at sunday morning. :)


Anyway... No, swtor world feels dead and we have no reason to go back anywhere unless we need make some dailys or whatever useless thing you want.


And yes, farming consumables is boring if you feel you have to do it for hours and hours to raid. And never was important in vanilla wow.

But at least the "world" offered something.


We got the FLEET..... and dungeons in other side of green gates!




you obviously never played wow till TBC


rep farm was the only way to even raid (Attunements), hell you needed to farm rep to do dungeons (HC Keys) and people without flasks did not raid.




Instance attunement refers to the process of gaining permanent access to an


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lol @ w.t.f censor. Did the same thing in my earlier post, I get language filtering but acronyms, really?


Anyway, back on topic. When MoP was announced I officially cancelled my three month sub (ended late last month) and once my early release date came for TOR, I think I logged in to WoW once because my wife wanted me to help her do something. Adding a 'pokemon' sub game and kung-fu pandas (yes, I realize that they existed in Warcraft before the movie was released) was way too much for me to handle. Additionally, I really hate it when WoW ****s with my talents and the new system is more of a joke than a 'fix' to 'boring' talents (seriously, when did passive talents = boring by default? Sure active ones are more exciting, but I get excited for maxing out my +1/+2/+3% crit talents too!)



I was seriously considering going back for a bit (my wife and I have played MMOs together for years, WoW is what finally got her into them because of her "cute little gnome") until news of MoP dropped. Killed any and all desire right there on the spot.


Oh well, now she has a "cute little Twi'lek" :)

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People complaining about 'fanboy-ism' from SW:TOR lovers never seem to acknowledge the 'fanyboy-isms' of all the bashers praising WoW. Both games have their faults, but so far TOR seems to have stuff that will be worked out, while WoW keeps delving down a path that will only increase it's faults IMO.
Part of my problem with TOR is that BW basically took up the same design philosophies which began festering in Blizzard, eventually producing the crap that was BC onwards.


And most zones had a story, but it was often pretty easy to overlook it.

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Part of my problem with TOR is that BW basically took up the same design philosophies which began festering in Blizzard, eventually producing the crap that was BC onwards.


And most zones had a story, but it was often pretty easy to overlook it.


Correct me if I am wrong here, but did Blizz not do similar to EQ?

And I fully acknowledge that I could be wrong as I never played EQ

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Well if you compare a crappy modern car to a Ford T-Model.. yeah, the modern car wins.


Doesn't make it a good car tho.


SW:ToR doesn't stand a chance against WoW if it comes to features, balance, content, customer support or even replay-factor. And i am NOT a WoW fan.


If this game wasn't about Star Wars the numbers would look different, too.


6 months from now the subs will look a lot different. At least half the people i know who started this game bought 6 month subs, no one of them plays anymore.

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Part of my problem with TOR is that BW basically took up the same design philosophies which began festering in Blizzard, eventually producing the crap that was BC onwards.


And most zones had a story, but it was often pretty easy to overlook it.


I don't seem rampant easter egg style goofiness every where I go like I did with WoW. I don't see completely non-sense story lines (some are at worst questionable but not outside the realm of possibility). I'm hoping (time will tell, and so far not enough time has passed) that we wont see constant talent overhauls, or FoTM scenarios. Time will tell though, but so far I like the path that BW is taking this.


I'd like to know which philosophies you're talking about specifically. Because the ones that bothered me the most in WoW don't exist yet here and BW has said multiple times that they wont be bringing too many real world references into the game.

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I like the fact that 90% of the people commenting on "facts" of WoW and their opinion on it, has most likely not played Vanilla WoW, at least not past level 10. If you got to 60 in a months time of its release, you either literally did not have a life or missed out of enjoying the game.


EQ2 was cool. As well as the previous MMO's and the Asian grind MMOs. When WoW came out, it was new, and it exploded, because it was fun to play. You enjoyed it. What I mean is how it plays. How your character moves, does skills, ect. It had that certain something, that catered to more than just the people that liked MMOs. Plus, it was Warcraft, and its Blizzard, so yeah, it was a great product. I myself, took about 4-5 months to level to 60. I wanted to enjoy the content, the quests, the areas.


So over the years, in order to make the game more fun and get a larger sub base, they essentially followed the gaming trend. Now with this larger sub base, more people see end content (it was hard in Vanilla, mainly because of 40 mans, getting people good enough for the content (AQ/Naxx post BWL was a joke)). Expansions came, and in order to keep their subs, they slowly made endgame content easier, so that people that weren't really good, would stay.


And now, that endgame is the BASE of what everyone thinks about a game. Level to max level in a weeks time, ignoring all the fun content, get geared by mindlessly doing dailies or grinds to get gear for heroics, then after you beat all the "endgame" you complain there isn't enough content in the game, that everything is old now after 2 MONTHS. Come on dude, you serious?


This is the bad mindset that we have now. I suggest if there isn't enough content in this game, go try a class you haven't made yet, and get into the story. Explore areas that certain quests don't put you on track of, you might find something or see something you think is cool.


Finally, if you already have all classes on both sides max leveled, with all quests completed and everything done, I suggest you might need to get some help. Seriously.

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Well if you compare a crappy modern car to a Ford T-Model.. yeah, the modern car wins.


Doesn't make it a good car tho.


SW:ToR doesn't stand a chance against WoW if it comes to features, balance, content, customer support or even replay-factor. And i am NOT a WoW fan.


If this game wasn't about Star Wars the numbers would look different, too.


6 months from now the subs will look a lot different. At least half the people i know who started this game bought 6 month subs, no one of them plays anymore.


As far as content goes, there never really is much in WoW at the same time, even to this date.

Most of the time new content comes out, it makes previous content obsolete.


As for Balance... what balance? they are tweaking and tuning even to this day.

It is something i think every MMO will be playing with their entire lifespan.


Customer service, well i can't go against that one, Blizzard does have a good and fast responsive time when it comes to help you need being stuck or items missing, or whatever it may be.


WoW does not have replay factor though.

Every single quest (apart from maybe 4-5 per class) are exactly the same, wether you play a hunter or a shaman.

Atleast SWTOR offers different stories per class which actually makes replayability much more interesting then any other MMO i have played before.



Now don't get me wrong, i'm not saying SWTOR is the best thing ever created, but it does do a lot of good, the game has extremely high potential, but it's up to the Developers what they will do with that potential.


don't forget, we're not even 2 month's in, there is a lot still coming in the upcoming month's, and a lot of unfinished work that is being finished as we speak.


All we can do is hope for the best, i know i do at least.

Edited by XionoraSoulfire
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You can't compare vanilla wow to swtor, you can only compare Cata WoW to swtor, why? Because the current market is the only thing that matters.

For example: If I released a cell phone right would you compare it to the first iphone that came out, or the the iphone 4s, regardless if it is my first phone release or not. I bet everyone would compare it with the phones out on the market right now and not from 7 years ago.


If anything swtor should be way better then wow because wow is 7 years old.

so stop comparing things that are from different time. By your logic the Xbox 360 is way better then the PS3 because you can only compare the Xbox 360 to the PS2 because Microsoft has only had 2 system iterations while Sony has had 3 (PS 1, 2, and 3 vs. xbox and xbox 360).


Compare your game, tech, etc to the market and not to the dawn of time.


It's not fair to compare SWTOR to an expansion of WoW. It's just silly and stupid.


Yes SWTOR lacks what a lot of people likes call 'standard features' and yes the end-game is flawed, but honestly, Cataclysm is an EXPANSION on an already established game. Blizzard didn't have to create and entirely new world, classes, talents etc. - the game was already there.


Imagine how SWTOR will be when the first expansion hits IF, and only IF, BW manages to fix the various bugs, class fixed/inbalance and raid/FP difficulty + the missing 'standard features'.


They'll be able to launch an expansion equal to Cataclysm.


It's IMO more fair to compare SWTOR launch to Rift and GW2 (when it releases).

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Well if you compare a crappy modern car to a Ford T-Model.. yeah, the modern car wins.


Doesn't make it a good car tho.


SW:ToR doesn't stand a chance against WoW if it comes to features, balance, content, customer support or even replay-factor. And i am NOT a WoW fan.


If this game wasn't about Star Wars the numbers would look different, too.


6 months from now the subs will look a lot different. At least half the people i know who started this game bought 6 month subs, no one of them plays anymore.


No offense, but if I rolled an Alliance hunter, then rolled an Alliance paladin, only like three quests will be different in my leveling experience which kills any replay factor for me. There are no nuances in NPC interactions based on race in WoW either which kills replay factor too.


TOR at least has a minimum of two dialog options available for every NPC mission interaction that can affect how a quest is completed, LS/DS points, and affection levels of companions. 15% of the quests are class based (number taken from an old dev post), companions can offer up side missions to complete (and since every base class has unique companions as does each faction that gives you 8 different options multiplied by five companions gives you 40 different variations), you can level by questing, flashpoint, space missions, PvP, or exploration. In WoW you can level through farming mats (kill me now), dungeons (stay in a capitol and get XP!), PvP (what?! I forgot to turn off XP and now I'm too high for my bracket?! FML), exploration (DING! I flew over a zone and didn't have to risk combat or anything!).


WoW maybe a model T, but TOR isn't exactly a beat up rusted out Pinto either. Statistically speaking the people you know are such a small sample size that they are completely irrelevant to the game as a whole (also, half of what? two? six? twenty?)


If you want to roleplay in a world where story doesn't matter nor does it make sense, then sure, TOR isn't for you. If you want to play a game where one class will always under perform at end game vs all others (PvE or PvP) then yes, TOR isn't for you. Features and content will continuously be added to TOR just like it is in WoW, so if you can't wait what? two months for new content? Then no MMO is for you.

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As far as content goes, there never really is much in WoW at the same time, even to this date.

Most of the time new content comes out, it makes previous content obsolete.


As for Balance... what balance? they are tweaking and tuning even to this day.

It is something i think every MMO will be playing with their entire lifespan.


Customer service, well i can't go against that one, Blizzard does have a good and fast responsive time when it comes to help you need being stuck or items missing, or whatever it may be.


WoW does not have replay factor though.

Every single quest (apart from maybe 4-5 per class) are exactly the same, wether you play a hunter or a shaman.

Atleast SWTOR offers different stories per class which actually makes replayability much more interesting then any other MMO i have played before.



Now don't get me wrong, i'm not saying SWTOR is the best thing ever created, but it does do a lot of good, the game has extremely high potential, but it's up to the Developers what they will do with that potential.


don't forget, we're not even 2 month's in, there is a lot still coming in the upcoming month's, and a lot of unfinished work that is being finished as we speak.


All we can do is hope for the best, i know i do at least.


You are right about this. The issue, however, is apparently that the end-game PVE in WoW is much harder than in SWTOR and that people can actually compete in Arena PVP fights.


It might not necessarily have MORE end-game content, it's just more polished and lasts longer.


People needs something competitiv to do, when they're not raiding and Arena fights are good for this.

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You are right about this. The issue, however, is apparently that the end-game PVE in WoW is much harder than in SWTOR and that people can actually compete in Arena PVP fights.


It might not necessarily have MORE end-game content, it's just more polished and lasts longer.


People needs something competitiv to do, when they're not raiding and Arena fights are good for this.


It is hard to come up with durable "end-game" content that does not involve PvP, Raiding, or doing Dailies though.

Perhaps someone innovative will come along in the developer team, and blow our minds away with something completely new, but almost everything has been done already so one can only hope i suppose.

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WoW had night and day.


Music all the time.


Mobs patrolling.

Lots of crafting materials to farm... consumables. Made you walk in the world. Since herbs for many kind of potions, Felwood consumables in an awsome ambient music etc. You even had fish to get in the RL winter and summer etc

Dungeons... you had to move in the world, travel.. find enemies.

No silly loads.


Well wow didnt had much. But it had immersion with bad graphics but with good colour, music and ambients.


SWTOR got nothing of this in 2012 and it still fails at other "simple" important stuff.... like good coding.


I bet Bioware started to dev this game by making story and maps. Then added the rest.

A sloppy combat system, sloppy world, sloppy weather... sloppy wild life. Sloppy NPC's.

Crap travel system.


This game is inferior to vanilla wow... just got better graphics.


No.. I don't play wow for many years. I'm just comparing 2 diferent vanilla flavours and I think I prefer the original version.


After reading some of the replies. I would like to say "YOU JUST GOT SERVED"

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I know, I just did that, and I'm pretty astonished, since I played WoW at release and neither was in at the time. I can see what WoWWiki says. It's mistaken.


They were in at launch, however you weren't able to go into them until they were fixed 2 months later. Not many people cared because no one really had that many 60's to even raid with at that point.

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It is hard to come up with durable "end-game" content that does not involve PvP, Raiding, or doing Dailies though.

Perhaps someone innovative will come along in the developer team, and blow our minds away with something completely new, but almost everything has been done already so one can only hope i suppose.


They'll most likely not come up with something original, but I can easily see them implement space combat/PVP similar to SWG in the first expansion.


Hopefully they'll also add multiplayer on the current space combat mini-game and add Arena Fights similar to WoW.


That should be enough (if correctly implemented) to satisfy most.

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