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  • Location
    Red Deer, AB
  • Occupation
    DJ / Producer / Digital Multi-Media Artist
  1. At the very least, I think a statue at Organa castle of a princess with an astromech droid would be a fitting homage.
  2. LOL! I actually DO have that for a guildies ringtone
  3. Correct me if I am wrong here, but did Blizz not do similar to EQ? And I fully acknowledge that I could be wrong as I never played EQ
  4. I was seriously considering going back for a bit (my wife and I have played MMOs together for years, WoW is what finally got her into them because of her "cute little gnome") until news of MoP dropped. Killed any and all desire right there on the spot. Oh well, now she has a "cute little Twi'lek"
  5. Yeah some of the parody stuff was fun for easter egg finds here and there (He Man and Skeletor battlemasters and ninja turtles in Dalaran made me chuckle). I completely agree tho, this game is obviously not without faults, can use some polish here and there, a few tweaks and fixes, etc. But the route WoW has chosen... well, we'll just say I wasn't in a rush to go back before (oh grind another 5 levels identical to the previous 70/80/85? You bet I won't!), with the new "improvements" (new skill every 15 levels? w..t...f?), I'll be settling into the captain's chair on my ship, thanks. Edit: Really? It censored w.t.f.?
  6. Not gonna lie. I kinda lol'd Especially since the vast majority of WoW is ripped off of any and every fantasy tale out there. Doesn't mean I didn't enjoy my time in it, but I'm not deluding myself into believing that it was in any way a unique concept.
  7. Nice! Down the line, I would like to see that too. Or one MFer of a sandstorm roll in. I'm patient enough that I am content to wait for it to be patched in at a later date.
  8. QFT These WoW fanboys are out of control imo. It's like people expect that in a brand new, set-to-be-ever-evolving MMO, everything is going to be EXACTLY they way THEY want it right at release. Yeah sure, BW probably rushed release a little bit to hit the Xmas market. Whatever. Smart move financially? Probably. Never ending stream of whiners because it isn't a perfect SEVEN YEAR LATER WoW-clone? Get over it. The game JUST came out. Give BW a bloody break and let them work on it. EVERY game has bugs, folks. Move on to the next mission and worry about it later. Your pretty purple or daily commendation isn't going anywhere. No MMO is ever perfect. Why people assume this one is going to be is beyond me. Vanilla WoW was a damn joke compared to the level BW has attained with this game.
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