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Vannila WoW vs SWTOR


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WoW had night and day.


Music all the time.


Mobs patrolling.

Lots of crafting materials to farm... consumables. Made you walk in the world. Since herbs for many kind of potions, Felwood consumables in an awsome ambient music etc. You even had fish to get in the RL winter and summer etc

Dungeons... you had to move in the world, travel.. find enemies.

No silly loads.


Well wow didnt had much. But it had immersion with bad graphics but with good colour, music and ambients.


SWTOR got nothing of this in 2012 and it still fails at other "simple" important stuff.... like good coding.


I bet Bioware started to dev this game by making story and maps. Then added the rest.

A sloppy combat system, sloppy world, sloppy weather... sloppy wild life. Sloppy NPC's.

Crap travel system.


This game is inferior to vanilla wow... just got better graphics.


No.. I don't play wow for many years. I'm just comparing 2 diferent vanilla flavours and I think I prefer the original version.

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All of that is your opinion, many people couldn't care less about day/night and weather differences and it really doesn't make the quality of the game.


I don't really get what you mean by sloppy this, sloppy that, could you please include reasons you think they are sloppy? Instead of just saying they are with no evidence.

Edited by TheLonelyTusken
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Vanilla wow vs Swtor = Swtor Winning.


WoW may of had all these little fluffy things working but the game itself was terrible when it launched. Stuck Animations, Incomplete if not completely unfair rewards system for quests (which it still has, nothing like slaving ona quest only to be offered only items for other classes).


WoW during its first few months was terrible, granted compared to OTHER games that came out at the time it was the best option but in comparison it was terrible. People have rose colored classes about WoW in a proper comparison setting.


Honestly the fluffy stuff like day night, weather (i have seen it rain and snow in SWTOR btw), I really could care less about. Its nice to have but its not necessary to my over all opinion of if I like the game.


As for the crafting nodes there are plenty and the crafting is actually useful right off the bat (wow's was not and in still is not to a point), there's way more and better dungeons in this game. OP please take off the rose colored glasses.

Edited by Kindara
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WoW had night and day.


Music all the time.


Mobs patrolling.

Lots of crafting materials to farm... consumables. Made you walk in the world. Since herbs for many kind of potions, Felwood consumables in an awsome ambient music etc. You even had fish to get in the RL winter and summer etc

Dungeons... you had to move in the world, travel.. find enemies.

No silly loads.


Well wow didnt had much. But it had immersion with bad graphics but with good colour, music and ambients.


SWTOR got nothing of this in 2012 and it still fails at other "simple" important stuff.... like good coding.


I bet Bioware started to dev this game by making story and maps. Then added the rest.

A sloppy combat system, sloppy world, sloppy weather... sloppy wild life. Sloppy NPC's.

Crap travel system.


This game is inferior to vanilla wow... just got better graphics.


No.. I don't play wow for many years. I'm just comparing 2 diferent vanilla flavours and I think I prefer the original version.

Actually, WOW didn't have weather until patch 1.8 I think. It definitely did not have it at release.


**Edit Googled it, and it was actually 1.10 for the weather. 10 patches AFTER the release.

Edited by acegundam
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You seem to have forgotten that vanilla had....

- Absolutly no PVP system other than ganking on PvP servers

- Several broken classes

- Amazingly huge downtime server issues and overpopulated servers

- Almost no end game content at release (UBRS was it)

- etc




I find it funny that the Wow fanboys forget the cluster **** that game was when it released.

Edited by -Siafu-
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A month after release in vanilla WoW, there was also absolutely nothing to do.


UBRS maybe and farming people near Southshore, which I know a million people will claim was the greatest event ever, but it just wasn't.


Actually, people weren't max level a month after release.


And, a month after SWTOR there is absolutely nothing to do, considering PvP is terrible and forming groups for flashpoints and operations is sketchy at best (depending on your server or time of day you can play).

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Pacman started with:


Brightly colored ghosts

Eatable dots

The end of the map got you on the other side

A way to eat mobs


BW is obviously being lazy for not implementing eatable dots. I mean how hard can it be to just add some dots??? And have you ever seen a player eat a mob!? didnt think so. In two weeks when SWTOR will be F2P and subs have gone down be over 9000% BW will wish they were more like Pacman.


Im unsubbing till I get my eatable dots.

Edited by Gokkus
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>YFW WoW didnt have pvp in vanilla or weather...

0/10 op...


Oh and yes we do have critters...seeing those big creatures with green names walking around? Bingo.


Ofc not... idnt had pvp.


people just raided towns by the dozens and hundreds of people fighting with no honor system even. Was fun and people did it.


There was a world, towns and people moved around and organized world pvp.


Much better than this **** 3 warzones with worse coded combat system ever.


And felt like a game.. with IMMERSION. Swtor got ZERO immersion

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WoW was a huge fail at release. Constant server crashes, queues of over a DAY, getting stuck looting and needing to relog every 10th time you looted something.


Not to mention there was no PvP system. Then once honor was added there were dishonorable kills for killing guards. PvE had 5-man dungeons that had to be done by 10-15 players, and the loot was so poorly itemized, as a caster all you could stack was int which just increased your mana pool and gave you a slight boost to crit. No spell power boosts at all.


You want day/night instead of all that listed above? You might want to just go outside and look at the sky all day instead

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Actually, people weren't max level a month after release.


And, a month after SWTOR there is absolutely nothing to do, considering PvP is terrible and forming groups for flashpoints and operations is sketchy at best (depending on your server or time of day you can play).


At least you have operations to do. Vanilla wow didn't ship with raids.


Not to mention you had to grind out a lot of levels in-between zones because there just weren't enough quests (lol, how pathetic.)

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I am.


Travel sucks. Combat sucks. PvP sucks. PvP reward system sucks. Crafting sucks. Linear sucks. Single player game sucks. UI sucks.


Story is the only thing that's cool. Once you hit 50 the game is boredom. Been there. Done that. No, thanks. If i wanted to play WoW at 50, i'd still be playing WoW considering it's way more polished than this game.

Edited by UA_Wookie
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WoW had night and day. (Not important to me, but to each their own.)


Weather. (As above)


Music all the time. (I had mine turned off in WoW, since I started in Vanilla.....)


Critters. (Again, opinion: I only looked at a critter once, about 4 years after I started playing, to see Lil' Ragnaros toast him. Amusing, but not something I care much about)


Mobs patrolling. (There are pats in SWTOR, you want more of them patrolling I assume?)


Lots of crafting materials to farm... consumables. Made you walk in the world. Since herbs for many kind of potions, Felwood consumables in an awsome ambient music etc. You even had fish to get in the RL winter and summer etc

Dungeons... you had to move in the world, travel.. find enemies.

No silly loads. (Some people didn't enjoy farming mats for endless hours, I grind away at tedious reptitive activities IRL, I don't want to do it with my recreational time)


Well wow didnt had much. But it had immersion with bad graphics but with good colour, music and ambients.


SWTOR got nothing of this in 2012 and it still fails at other "simple" important stuff.... like good coding. (I agree the coding needs work, but the "simple" stuff is just a time waster imho, if you like to log in to stare at things you should visit a museum more often and see what some of the world's artists have to offer you as well.....)

I bet Bioware started to dev this game by making story and maps. Then added the rest.

A sloppy combat system, sloppy world, sloppy weather... sloppy wild life. Sloppy NPC's.

Crap travel system. (You always start a game with a story and background, how would you even start a game and get the graphics/engine going with nothing to go on?? Travel system mimics SW, just like hopping on a Gryphon in WoW, yes there were airlocks and orbital stations in most Sci-Fi space travel movies and games)


This game is inferior to vanilla wow... just got better graphics. (Opinion, noted.)


No.. I don't play wow for many years. I'm just comparing 2 diferent vanilla flavours and I think I prefer the original version.


I responded to each point as I could, I understand and appreciate your opinion, but on most points I don't really agree. As I stated, I don't really log into an MMO to walk around and stare at the environment and it's inhabitants very much. I do enjoy good scenery and such, but I just don't think it's all that necessary.

Edited by Ebbikenezer
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me too.. i have a lot of immersion in this game.


No music no weather and night and day. Cloned NPC's that dont move. No wild life and no reason to come back to the world once you hit lvl 50.


I got so much immersion that my fingers freeze cause the Fleet is so cold... dammit.

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swtor forgot that ppl get used to somethings as standards


ppl are not going out and buying a car that doesnt have power steering / power brakes / am radio. so why does swtor expect us to enjoy a game with a poor chat system / auction house to name a few....


everquest has the best chat system. u can default a chat that only gets trumped by group chat - i defaulted guild - and when u hit r to reply to a tell. u could hit tab to scroll to anyone that sent u a tell since u logged on


it has zone wide chat - general was serverwide and u could even send cross server tells

also they added voice chat for raids and groups


they should look into it


auction house should have its own interface to u can custom it to your needs - u can in wow


a good chat system and good auction house are considered standards for any online game so why did swtor not use them?


i would like to see a post on other standards that swtor should add

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I responded to each point as I could, I understand and appreciate your opinion, but on most points I don't really agree. As I stated, I don't really log into an MMO to walk around and stare at the environment and it's inhabitants very much. I do enjoy good scenery and such, but I just don't think it's all that necessary.


hmm... I go to a lot of museums actually.. like once every 15 days. at sunday morning. :)


Anyway... No, swtor world feels dead and we have no reason to go back anywhere unless we need make some dailys or whatever useless thing you want.


And yes, farming consumables is boring if you feel you have to do it for hours and hours to raid. And never was important in vanilla wow.


But at least the "world" offered something.


We got the FLEET..... and dungeons in other side of green gates!

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I am.


Travel sucks. Combat sucks. PvP sucks. PvP reward system sucks. Crafting sucks. Linear sucks. Single player game sucks. UI sucks.


Story is the only thing that's cool. Once you hit 50 the game is boredom. Been there. Done that. No, thanks. If i wanted to play WoW at 50, i'd still be playing WoW considering it's way more polished than this game.


Way more polished? the fark are you talking about vanilla WoW had.


- Broken Classes (i mean totally broken way OP or simply just plain suck-a-donkey)

- 1 End game instance (UBRS)

- 9Hour queue timers

- Servers down for DAYS AT THE TIME

- No PvP system to speak off

- Quests could end up giving you **** for a warrior while you were a priest (this still affects the game to some degree)

- Looting that would get you stuck and could only be resloved by reloggin

- Animations would stick and **** up all the time


I could keep going but you didnt play WoW during it's vanilla hell.


Oh and to the OP: Weather wasn't added til patch 1.10 -> _10_ patches AFTER release.

Edited by Sireene
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Actually, people weren't max level a month after release.


And, a month after SWTOR there is absolutely nothing to do, considering PvP is terrible and forming groups for flashpoints and operations is sketchy at best (depending on your server or time of day you can play).


No, people were max level at one month...playing on a pvp server I remember them very well. At release it took about 8 to 10 days played to hit max level if you tried to hurry. Most people took a lot longer because they were new to mmo's and there was no endgame to speed level to. People still had the EQ attitude that the journey mattered onlike the wow mindset of "game starts at level cap".


Also keep in mind that a significant amount of game time in vanilla wow was just spent traveling from place to place. I get such a kick out of people complaining about swtor travel...they never played vanilla wow.

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WoW had night and day.


Music all the time.


Mobs patrolling.

Lots of crafting materials to farm... consumables. Made you walk in the world. Since herbs for many kind of potions, Felwood consumables in an awsome ambient music etc. You even had fish to get in the RL winter and summer etc

Dungeons... you had to move in the world, travel.. find enemies.

No silly loads.


Well wow didnt had much. But it had immersion with bad graphics but with good colour, music and ambients.


SWTOR got nothing of this in 2012 and it still fails at other "simple" important stuff.... like good coding.



I bet Bioware started to dev this game by making story and maps. Then added the rest.

A sloppy combat system, sloppy world, sloppy weather... sloppy wild life. Sloppy NPC's.

Crap travel system.


This game is inferior to vanilla wow... just got better graphics.


No.. I don't play wow for many years. I'm just comparing 2 diferent vanilla flavours and I think I prefer the original version.



Wow Didn't have weather until later... it wasn't released with it. As far as I can remember when WoW was this age, it was full of bugs just as SWTOR is... Horde side felt rather incomplete and almost as if it were an afterthought. You couldn't even hardly do anything in some zones because they were so bugged (Desolace). I guess what I'm saying is that WoW didn't have a lot of things, hopefully with time they (Bioware) will figure it out...

Edited by InnateOne
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