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Cybertech: Vehicles Un-tradeable ***


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So today I finally reached my goal of level 300 Cybertech so I could build [Custom-Built Speederbike]


Item tool tip info

[Custom-Built Speederbike]

Binds on Pickup

Requires Level 40

<insert irrelevant item description here>


Take a closer look... BIND ON PICKUP


You have got to be crapping me. What's the purpose in being able to build one of the most sought after items in the game (mount variety is generally desired in MMO's) if you CAN'T SELL THEM?!


Why give us a rare schematic that's only going to be used ONE time from our skill list? There is no reason to make more than one of these speeders other than to skill and then what? Reverse-engineer a bunch of speeders that takes 20 minutes EACH to build?


Let us sell speeders or Cybertech is lame. If I wanted the BEST mods I could get ones better than I can make from commendation vendors and I don't waste my combat time on grenades and I NEVER use my droid companion. The ship parts and ear pieces are cool, I'll give you that, but really, come on.

Edited by Jodinar
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The you can only use & BoP items in MMOs is a joke, & a bad joke at that... maybe we glue the items to us?

And before the crys of "It would wreak the economy" ..No, it wouldn't, there would be more things to sell!



The point of BoP items is to make every profession interesting in its own way - remove BoP all together and you end up with every character having the "interesting" items from all professions.


Has nothing to do with market economy - that is a different topic entirely, and one involving a lack of things to sell to others.

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I wouldn't mind being able to sent my alts speeders so I could actually save credits with Cybertech. So far I've put in over 100k just to cybertech and it's helper skills training.


Save credits? I don't know about the rest, but the level 50 CT speeder is way, WAY more expensive than many of the other speeders in the game. After pricing the mats to be 140k, I skipped it. A recolored version of a speeder that anyone can get doesn't add much variety to the game, to be honest. I can't even imagine that anyone would buy the thing, given the cost.

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They may be overpriced to make, but I haven't seen anyone else on my server riding one yet (probably because they are so over priced - 10 mandalorian irons by themselves have a markey value of 120k on my server). I made mine, however, after getting 4 of the 340 UT missions on the GTN for under 30k ... so overall mine was actually cheaper than the light V one.


I ride mine with pride, but it'll probably get replaced by one of the larger 1.5 mil credit ones eventually.

Edited by tandcemerson
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I was also very disappointed when I found out after having crafted it.


At the very very least, they should be Legacy Bound. I think that they shouldn't be bound at all, but, come one, if you really don't want to make them tradeable for some obscure reason (why the hell is there a "Mount" tab in the GTN?) at least let Cybertechs outfit their alts with those.


Also, why do Cybertechs craft mediocre looking vehicles out of a lot of expensive mats, but then everyone can buy the huge vehicles? Wouldn't it make more sense the other way around, to, you know, make Cybertechs more valuable? You know, promote crafting and all that. Just sayin'

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They may be overpriced to make, but I haven't seen anyone else on my server riding one yet (probably because they are so over priced - 10 mandalorian irons by themselves have a markey value of 120k on my server). I made mine, however, after getting 4 of the 340 UT missions on the GTN for under 30k ... so overall mine was actually cheaper than the light V one.


I ride mine with pride, but it'll probably get replaced by one of the larger 1.5 mil credit ones eventually.


Are you on a low population server, or is your faction low population? The level 50 CT speeder is very common on my server, probably just as common as any other speeder. I see them all over the place.


Also, you price something by the value of its materials, even if you got those materials for free or at low cost. That's because you're basically giving up that amount of credits by not selling those materials. The loss is still the same as if you bought them off the GTN.


Honestly, had it not been a recolor, I would have been fine with the cost. As it is, I paid 55k for my level 50 speeder from a vendor on Voss, and it's actuall LESS common on my server than the Cybertech model. The level 50 CT speeder should have been a different model from the level 40 CT speeder, or even better, there should be more schematics and options available for the level 50 CT speeder.

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Yeah, rarity-wise, the ones I see the least of are the ones with extreme social/PvP level requirements and the daily comms ones. The social one will become a lot more common once Bioware gets enough complaints about the stupidity of HMs not awarding LS/DS and social points. And the PvP one as more people get up in levels.


I expect the daily comm ones will stay the least common, simply because there really isn't that much reason to do dailies beyond a certain point, especially given the current poor LFG system, meaning you cannot really use them as a time killer while you look for HM groups.

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All but like five servers are low population according to the server list.


But yeah, good point about the mounts tab on GTN... Nothing to put there. Vendor ones are BOP, Crafted ones are BOP, Not sure if there's dropped ones or not.

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Honestly, had it not been a recolor, I would have been fine with the cost. As it is, I paid 55k for my level 50 speeder from a vendor on Voss, and it's actuall LESS common on my server than the Cybertech model. The level 50 CT speeder should have been a different model from the level 40 CT speeder, or even better, there should be more schematics and options available for the level 50 CT speeder.


Do you think they'd have us create a new model if we reverse eng'd them for the "chance at upgrading" ?

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Makes no sense to me either and caught me off guard when I made one for my brother.


At least let us RE items that we have no chance of a new schematic for just to get the mats back.


They should at the least look obviously unique and sought after since they are one of a kind and not just bought by credits at a vendor.


I feel like the lvl 25 one is a box racer cart compared to some of the others.

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Such items would be entirely pointless as a BoE item.


It's an enticement to actually pick up and level the crafting skill in question, not a money-maker.


Indeed, if it were a BoE items it wouldn't even be making money - as the materials are by far too expensive for players to bother paying competitive prices for them when the vendor speeders are much cheaper.


I'd argue that the only real issue with the BoP speeders are that they don't look unique enough, if they had pimp looks to go with the time and effort to make them they'd make Cybertech that much more interesting.


Oh, and other crafting skills should have their own BoP vanity items as well of course.

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While the BoP mechanic can be annoying for certain crafts, the diversity is what should be expanded upon. As noted, a recolored speeder. Does it have better stats? Faster speed? Weapon systems?


Furthermore, I would like to be able to purchase or craft other vehicles that allow others to ride with you, like the more recent mounts available in WoW. I would also like the ability to craft weapon emplacements. These would make BoP crafted items a lot more useful.


Keep in mind that SWTOR is in its infancy, even if MMOs and mechanics such as these are not. More will be forthcoming. What we should be doing as a community would be to provide suggestions, starting with feasible ones.


On a related note, I think it would be nice if there were a kind of toolset for creating content to submit to Bioware as options to be implemented into the game, approval pending, of course.

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Funny - I remember how in WoW, there was an interesting split in the Engineering community about making their crafted ground mounts (the Mekgineer's Chopper and the Mechano-Hog) BoE:


  • On the one hand, you had the crowd that, just like folks in this forum post, wished to be able to sell the mounts to others for profit.

  • On the other hand, these mounts were viewed as a status symbol for Engineers, one they did not want to give up so easily. In other words, it was considered a crafting perk.


As an WoW Engineer myself, I honestly didn't care either way - I believed that the cost of the materials (at the time, of course) would limit just how many folks would seek to purchase these epic mounts. That proved to have some truth to it - you could argue that the only ones who ended up with these mounts were the Engineers (who stubbornly wished to make it for themselves to begin with) and those with very deep pockets.


Consider the Vial of the Sands that WoW alchemists could make - how many people passed on that mount because it cost 29,000 gold for vendor mats PLUS a crazy amount of materials (particularly the transmuted Truegold, which had a cooldown and, unless you had guildmates' help, you'd also need to provide a tip). Sure, if you were an alchemist yourself, you could only make those Vials if you happened to get the recipe after breaking completed Canopic Jar projects (400+ archaeology secondary profession required for this), if you were THAT lucky to get enough Uldum digsites - assuming you even got the jar projects to complete at all! (Yes, Archaeology really, really irritated me with how poor RNG was).


In SW:TOR, I believe that if the high-end speeders became BoE, you'd need to make the schematic more difficult to obtain (but not quite as horrid as trying to get the Vial of the Sands recipe from WoW). That way, you'll likely make people happy in numerous ways:


  • You'll satisfy the Cybertechs who wish to sell these bikes to make up costs to level the crew skill.

  • This will help stimulate use of the GTN and give folks something else to spend money on end-game, if they so wish.

  • If folks wish to pursue another crafting profession, they may do so and, if they choose, still have access to this mount. They won't be forced into Cybertech just for mounts.

  • You'll finally have a use for the Mount tab on the GTN.

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I had a good idea for speeders. Make their recipe a rare or ultra rare drop and make them a single use schematic. That way there wont be an explosion of speeders everywhere, cybertech would actually be worth while taking and it would be fun. Either decide to use your rare recipe for yourself or sell it. Either way, you keep it rare and keep ppl going to EV or KP in search of rare recipes.
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The point of BoP items is to make every profession interesting in its own way - remove BoP all together and you end up with every character having the "interesting" items from all professions.


Has nothing to do with market economy - that is a different topic entirely, and one involving a lack of things to sell to others.


The problem is that some crafting professions have good BoP items while others have none to speak of.

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You have got to be crapping me. What's the purpose in being able to build one of the most sought after items in the game (mount variety is generally desired in MMO's) if you CAN'T SELL THEM?!


It's not just cybertech, every profession seems to have sought-after items that cant be traded. In my case its lightsabers and relics, only that it took less than a week to get better gear so I dont want those even for personal use. Yet I should be able to make decent money selling them on GTM.


I wonder if the idea is to prevent too fast over-gearization of the general populationor or what. In any case, I think the professions need some more crafted elite stuff that could be traded, even if the absolute best crafted stuff would still be BoP.

Edited by Karkais
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  • 2 weeks later...

I leveled my 1st toon to 40. I had alt craft a speeder, only to learn that "Bind On Pickup" means it cannot be mailed or sold. VERY disappointing and a waste of materials.


My personal opinion is the "BoP" for some stuff, like speeders, is a bug, since they have a category for them in GTN. Maybe someday Bioware will get around to fixing / improving some issues rather than just focusing on lvl 50 Illum stuff.


I am likely in a minority group by running solo on a low pop server, but I prefer to play alone.


Upside of low pop is I am not competing with lots of other people when scavenging.


Downside is not many peeps buying / selling in GTN. There are items I would buy, but stuff is never available.



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