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Jaesa question.


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trying to say this with no spoilers, so i hope this makes sense


i'm pure blood DS sith aarrior. and at one point i am asked to give some of my life. so i offered jaesa instead. and yes she liked it. but i cant say there is much options to punish her like there was vette. in general she like you to be nasty to every one all the time

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Another Jaesa question: How does she become LS or DS? Does she just follow your alignment? Or are there specific decision points that change it?
This is depend from the class quest, from how you do well your sith homework and make her suffer.


If you make her to kill her master she will become DS, If not she will stay LS.



Edited by Urukkhan
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I think he was asking about the social ability from picking sith as a race.


ah yeah. personally i never slap my companion around (maybe i would if i used quinn:P)


to the person that said OP should go find a real life woman. i would re read what you wrote if i was you. i think its better OP is getting his jollys off a computer game, rather than slapping around a real life woman

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Thanks and thanks also Dilune.


However, that dialog option does not show up for LS players. You have to be Neutral or Dark to get that specific DS option.


Even then Im not 100% convinced that previous story options dont have an impact on it, but some people say they were DS but chose the LS options on previous planets so.

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