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just got a jedi consular to level 50 so decided to play a dps class.


on my consular i had around 10 abilities keybound however with the gunslinger im adding more and more all the time and can't seem to keep track of what to use next.i just hit level 20 and im still gaining new abilities.


any idea on abilities that can be ignored or what are your bindings like?

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You dont use 1/2 of them. Some are PVE only (head shot) but you dont find that out until you spam it in pvp and realize nothing is happening. Some abilities are redundant.


It takes a while to figure it out. Just rotate Charge Burst, speed shot, quick draw and Aimed shot. Have Dirsty kick, leg shot and flash nade as your CC. Also use Dodge, screen defense and cool head for defense and energy.


good luck

Edited by Hemlawk
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Yep, what he said. You won't use half of them. As a scoundrel, I'm only level 34 and I have 3 full bars filled out. I know there are still more skills to get...


I have about 4-5 main dps skills that I use and 4-5 utility and/or healing.

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I dunno, I've used them all throughout my career as a smuggler, and they all retain their uses. Thermal detonator and sweeping blasters were both awesome when I got them (right away for thermal detonator), but declined in usefulness as I raised in levels. They still find use, even now, at 50, for wiping out groups of weaker mooks who need to just go away soon. XS Freighter is a wonderful opener. Scrambling Field, Dodge, and... defense screen? The absorbing damage one? They're all great defensive cool downs for when **** hits the fan. Hunker down makes any fight with someone who has knockbacks infinitely easier. Distraction and Flash Grenade are basically necessary to deal with anyone with highly damaging cast abilities, as they both make great interrupts (like those annoying sith the level 34 above me should be dealing with on alderaan, or have just finished dealing with), dirty kick, pulse detonator, and leg shot (as well as aimed shot when talented) are all basically necessary for dealing with melee elites. Etc. etc.


Basically every skill is useful. It's true you'll fall into a rotation of like 5-6 abilities for most fights, but you still want more or less everything you have access to available. Just read the descriptions for what they do and you'll figure it out.


Except quick shot. **** quick shot.

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Hmmm 25 I have and they are all usefull in one form or another wether thats PvP or HM FP, granted solo play to lvl 50 you will tend to use the same few over and over but each skill has a situational use.


Yea I cant even see how a person could use less then 20 something keybindings for the smuggler, unless they are clicking things like relics. However somethings like headshot and cheap shot are almost entirely unnecessary to keybind.

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12 attacks, 3 stealth buttons, 7 defensive/resource management options, 2 heals.... thats 23 abilities excluding the PVE only ones (Cheap Shot, Slice Droid), Adrenals and Medpacs (3 slots) and then a few other things that you actually need to activate every time you die in PVP ...


Yes, Scoundrels have a tonne of buttons that they need to use most of due to energy management, targeting restrictions, CDs, etc.

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Have not played other classes yet, but playing Gunslinger in PvP requires you to be a pianist, for sure. I have 3 bars of keybound abilities and I have to use all of them to maximise the potential of the class. Only couple of abilities are left behind as completely pointless.


Anyway, I love it. If you make even small mistakes (accinedtial movement when in Huker Down, omg that's a horrible feeling :eek:) you're punished. But if you play it right, you can do wonders.

Edited by Lightning_
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Yea I have some on the side bars and have to clik ><, frighter flyby and the other aoe thing forget what it's called as well as the two buffs vehicles etc. You can eliminate a couple of skills using the bar that pops when you take cover, for example I do not use quickshot in cover I have sab charge over that when in cover. It uses too much energy for what it does imo but it's useful if you are in a moment while not in cover during pvp chasing someone. Edited by nubzz
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Keep playing the class and you will figure out when to use what skills eventually. It's also why we have 50 levels to the end game - you will learn to play the class as you level.


Just keep an open mind and don't dismiss any skill as 'useless' when you don't see its immediate use.

Edited by MilkPudding
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