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Jedi Sage Story, dose it pick up?


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Hey just played my Sage to 32 and now the story is about being some kind of a helper in a republic relationships, dose the story pick up or is it a constant snozze fest? i have put the char on ice for now and started playing a SW.
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You know I thought at that point Id get the master rank and an apprentice? Nope, what a let down, what I did get was Basenthor and go to Balmora for the bug bash fest. Sure had me drummed up for no good immediate reason. Im finding a lot of little things like that with all my characters that are just not so great but the sage in particular...


The lack of the sages saber useage, the repeated use of three attack spells, one of which is the dumbest animation in the history of gaming, (pebble throw). companion heals and a hold. The long tedious journey to pants ffs, (I thought having a pair of pants was almost as unattainable as this coveted white saber crystal people fuss about). The lack of customization in character creation and progression. The lack of saber choice. Pft the list goes on and on.


Sorry, ranting now, Ill stop. dont want to derail or troll. Good luck op, I havent enjoyed this class myself, probably time for me to delete and move on.

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  • 3 weeks later...
You know I thought at that point Id get the master rank and an apprentice? Nope, what a let down, what I did get was Basenthor and go to Balmora for the bug bash fest. Sure had me drummed up for no good immediate reason. Im finding a lot of little things like that with all my characters that are just not so great but the sage in particular...


The lack of the sages saber useage, the repeated use of three attack spells, one of which is the dumbest animation in the history of gaming, (pebble throw). companion heals and a hold. The long tedious journey to pants ffs, (I thought having a pair of pants was almost as unattainable as this coveted white saber crystal people fuss about). The lack of customization in character creation and progression. The lack of saber choice. Pft the list goes on and on.


Sorry, ranting now, Ill stop. dont want to derail or troll. Good luck op, I havent enjoyed this class myself, probably time for me to delete and move on.


I suggest you spec balance. I found my sage was far more interresting when I was lifting 3 people up in the air at a time, and my DOTS became infinitely more relevant to my gameplay.

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